Monday, June 30, 2008

The Sad Sad State of American Science Fiction

It is sad to say that American Science Fiction has been in a percipitous Decline in the past fifteen years. The United States used to have great writers like Phillip K Dick, Isaac Asimov, Bob Heinlein and Frank Herbert. These writers were genuine visionaries. The same can not be said of the weak imitators who only write third party universe stories. The British are consistently coming out with better SF that what we yanks seem to be creating of late.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

AIDS is a Catastrophe

According the UN health fund aids is the greatest natural calamity to strike the world in the past thirty years. It is estimated that 25 million people have died of AIDS. That is more total deaths than all of the fatalities in World War I. It is also estimated that 33 million people are currently living with the disease. Lastly it is estimated that there are seven thousand new infections of HIV every day. The response to treat aids has largely been a political debacle by most standards.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


The next historical novel that I will write will be called Butcher. It is the story of Ulysses S. Grant told through the eyes of a fictional infantry captain during the last two years of the Civil War. I hope you will enjoy it.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Liberals and Force

It is foolish to even consider that if Barack Obama is elected president that military conflict will dissappear. The liberal left in this country has its own ideas as to how to use American hard power. For one thing they favor an intervention in Darfur. It is both nieve and foolish to think that military conflict will evaporate if Barack Obama and the Democrats win in the fall.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Please Save Free Speech

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is a supporter and sponsor of the Fairness doctrine. In truth there is nothing fair about it. What this doctrine would do if enacted would muzzle some of her strongest critics. It is clear to me at least that Pelosi stands for free speech for liberals and no one else. The freedom of speech is not privilidge it is an entitlement that is protected in the US Constitution for a specific reseaon. Please help me stop this sham and Farce

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

the problems with Senator Obama

There are several things wrong with Obama for President. For one thing he has no core beliefs, no fixed ideology and no over all plan for the nation should he get elected in the fall. In short his a substanceless candidate.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

the untold story

There is a lot more that we cannot see that is important. Major issues are not being addressed. Currently we are in a vacuum. This is my wish list.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Historical Fiction

In the past year and a half I have been finding an unusual facility for create historical fiction. History has always been my passion. Now I am attempting to be bring it to life.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Climate Change Chronicles

In the next few weeks you will see posted on this blog a report about the global health of the planet. It is clearly a call to reduce the over all carbon emissions. We must take steps to address this pressing issue.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

what we are not taking about

Clearly we need to secure our borders. We cannot fight terrorism over seas and leave our own borders completely undefended. That is absolutely Ludicrious.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Red, White and Misnomer

The fight over the air force contract between Boeing and EADS highlights just what a misnomer made in America really is. After all Boeing's planes are made with 45 percent foreign parts. What business do they have claiming there all American. It is a farce as far as I am concerned. Here is another misnomer. Toyota supposedly an foreign company makes 80 percent of its cars with American parts and labor. Versus Chevorelet supposedly an American brand makes its cars in Mexico with 70 percent foreign parts and labor. People please stop waving the red white and blue around. Senator Patty Murray of Washington State is nothing more than a week protectionist.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Thoughts on the Nobel Prize for Literarture

of late the nobel prize in literature has been more about politics than literature. It has recently become a prize for hack activism. I contend that the award now is an oil and water combination of art and politics that really serves the interests of neither. I also contended that the Nobel Prize winners are activists with writing careers on the side. Please end this bad idea.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thank You Celtics for beating the Lakers

Yesterday Boston won its first NBA title in 22 years. The story of the NBA finals will be what happened to the much vaunted LA Lakers bench? Radmonivic and Odom were noticably silent in the NBA finals. The Celts did a smart thing by harassing Kobe Bryant and forcing the other Lakers stiffs to beat them. LA this is the biggest tank job in history. Kobe this is as close as you will ever come to winning a championship without Shaq. Kudos to the Celtics and the real MVP Kevin Garnett.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

the media in the modern age

It is safe to say the modern media has become nothing more than a narrow avenue of celebrity promotion. The media has long since abdicated its position as the watchdog of the democracy and has since only been promoting the activities of America's elite. This fact is evidenced by the number of foreign bureaus. In the eighties it was estimated that domestic newspapers had and other news agencies had over 250 foreign bureaus. Now events of other countries are important but the number of foreign bureaus has been cut to a third. News also has been watered down in favor of entertainment. This is a great disservice to us all.

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Popular Vote does not Count

Due to the electoral college system that we have in this country the popular vote really does not matter in determining who wins the presidency of the United States. One university professor estimated that you only need to 19 percent of the popular vote and take the electoral college votes and you can become president of the United States. This is a ludicrious system that should be dropped and changed. We should have the popular election format that the Europeans have. It is really much better than the electoral college.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

the stink over Country Wide

It was divulged in news reports yesterday that certain members of the Senate Banking Committee had taken campaign contributions from Country Wide Mortage. The latter was one of the greatest malefactors in the whole mortage crisis. What ever happened to ethics?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bold New Voice in fiction

In a short while I will become a bold new voice in fiction. My aim is to challenge belief systems and ideologies. And much like Aldous Huxley I aim to open the doors of perception.

Friday, June 13, 2008

high five for the planet

This blog will be a enlightened engine of advocacy for sensible enviornmental policys concerning climate change.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Conflict of Interest to say the least

The Ira Isaacs obscenity trial is about to be litigated soon. However there is a conflict of interest concerning the case. Judge Jerry Guzinsky of the 9th circuit court of appeals in California who is judging the case had obscene materials on his personal website. Needless to say this the most liberal of judges should be forced recuse himself after this most dispicable of incidents.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The work on Little Magician has begun

Right now I am on the third chapter of Little Magician, it is the engrossing story of the romantic era of American politics. I hope you will enjoy it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pervez Musharraf should resign

In Pakistan today tens of thousands and lawyers, activists and politicians are marching towards Islamabad demanding the resignation of President Musharraff. It is a long time coming after the Pakistan People's Party and the Muslim League of Narwaz all Sharif one the parliamentary elections nearly four years ago today. What makes the uprising in Pakistan unique is that it is being led by the educated elite. Normally rebellions and revolutions are led by the poor and the working class. Such was the case in Indonesia in 2003-2004 with the ousting of Suharto. The time has long since come that corrupt and autocratic president of Pakistan should be forced to resign and tried for treason.

Monday, June 9, 2008

About Face for Hugo Chavez

Finally Hugo Chavez got some sense and stopped backing the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia. I wonder what took you so long Mr. President. We have to remember that the FARC are nothing more than a two bit terrorist group. They are no different from Hammas, Al Queada or the Badder Mienhoff Gang. They preach political violence and are involved in extensive kidnapping and drug smuggling operations. The time for them to lay down their arms in this illigititamate struggle has long since come to pass. I am patting you on the proverbial back Mr. Chavez for finally realizing how evil these people really are.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bad Company

The Candicacy of Sentar Barack Obama raises so many red flags it is isn't even funny. First there is the incidiary comments of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright who I am still not convinced Obama has fully divorced politically. The Wright comments are only the tip of the bad taste iceberg. There is also Businessman Tony Resgco of Chicago an early political ally of Obama who has 16 counts of bribary, perjury and corruption laid out against him. Illinios Politics is a mess over the Resgco fallout. After it was divulged that Resgco had shaked down contractors for kick backs when he sat on two state government commissions. Why isn't Democratic Governor George Bugoyavich under more suspicion from the Resgco fallout if he appointed Resgco to those said boards? Needless to say it is pretty ugly out there.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Crossing the Hudson

The historical novel that I will write some time in the near future is called "Crossing the Hudson". It is the story of General George Washington's rebel army as it retreats from New York City after beign defeated by General Clinton and the British royal Army. The story is told through the eyes of a twenty year old second luietenant named Josiah Tynes from Framingham Massachusetts. This was a hugely symbolic moment in American history. It is a kin to when Julius Ceasar crossed the Rubicon in Italy back in the times of Ancient rome. The Colonial rebels set fire to the city of New York in one of the most dramatic moments of the revoulationary war.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Please Hilary Just Quit

Dear Senator Clinton

You are hurting your party by your stubborn refusal to acknowledge the victory of Barack Obama. Please do not force your way onto the ticket by armtwisting. That would be counter productive. It would have the results of making Senator Obama look weak and indecisive which are two traits not becoming of a chief executive. It is my personal opinion that Governor Janet Napoletano of Arizona is a much better fit as a running mate than Senator HR Clinton.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

In Defense of Capitalism

Within the next ten years we will see the largest mass exodus from poverty in recorded history. Approximately 400 million people in India and China will become middle class. what makes this remarkable is the fact it is not being done through top down government initiatives ala the soviet union styled planned economies. To the contrary it is being done under the free market system. People who believe that top down big government iniatives are the future are in fact living in the past. Capitalism is the way forward for the worlds poor to get out of poverty and not communism or socialism. That is why I am pleading with the American Left not dismantle capitalism in the country in the next four years.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Necessary Reforms in the Electoral Process

Now that at long last the national campaigns of both respective parties are being launched here are some of my thoughts on the electoral process. First of all there are way to many primaries and caucauses. We need to cut the number of them in half or to a third. The British really have a good system that we can model our presidential elections on. The campaignin for the prime minister spot in Britain is only six weeks until the election is held. A rule of thumb with elections is less is more.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Marred by Missteps

Senator Hilary Clinton's presidential campaign is in trouble. The slide she has taken since the first of the year 2008 and the Iowa Caucauses has been steep. To tell you just how steep her fall from grace has been in November of 2007 she led Senator Barack Obama by as much as 25% points in the polls. When Hilary has been gettign all the major election themes wrong, Barack Obama's campaign has been getting them right. Senator Obama has huge youth support the 18-25 age group favors him 5 to 1 to Hilary Clinton. Clearly if Mrs. Clinton is going to win this nomination fight she needs a major shake up of both her image and her message. Both of which are hurting her right now.

Monday, June 2, 2008

News and Views from a Citizen Journalist

Hi everyone

For those of you who read my blog I thank you, here are my opinions raw and unfiltered. This is how I see the world. I am not attached to fixed view points or prefiltered or formulated opinions or positions. You can however count on one thing I will tell it to you strait. That you can be assured of

Sunday, June 1, 2008

the work as yet to be done

In the near future I will be completing a number of creative projects. I have high hopes for them. This includes the near future novel "Mists of Eden". This is going to be the seminal works of a future genuis.