My Radigan's Run sequel novel is scheduled to be completed in late September. It is called Sep Cell and it focuses on the story of a covert operative Clarissa Radigan. She is the niece of Dr Clifford J Radigan the hero of my 2006 novel. The sequel takes place thirty years after the events of Radigan's Run. I hope you will enjoy it.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
San Francisco California suffers from an epidemic of crime. Due to 1960's immigrant sanctuary laws known felons are allowed to roam free. This defies all common sense and decency. Take for example what happened to the Bologna family last month. An illegal immigrant gangbanger shot dead a husband and two sons in cold blood. Yet due to the immigrant sanctuary laws he wasn't even arrested and prosecuted. We have to note that this said felon is implicated in at least two other murders in the past two years. Mayor Gavin Newsom and District Attorney Kamala Harris are unfit to hold their posts. They are more interested in protecting illegal immigrant felons and drugdealers at the expense of ordinary citizens. They should absolutely be run out of office. Remember the dead and demand Justice be served.
Friday, August 29, 2008
New Days for New Fiction
Currently I am working on a new novel. It is called Sep-Cell. The story centers on a covert operation in enemy terrority. I hope you will enjoy it.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Man made global warming is real
The decaying of the polar ice caps should be a warning to us over just what is happening to the planet. Man made global warming is real.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Government is not great
Barack Obama thinks that America is great because of government. That is an incorrect view. America is not great because of its government. It is a great nation by the strength and character of its people.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Go Go USA Hoops
The US Mens basketball team won Gold in Beijing. This is a huge step to redeeming the Americans after the dismal third place finish in Athens. By beating the defending world Champions Spain America has reasserted its dominance atop the basketball world.
Monday, August 25, 2008
the road less traveled
In his poem the road less traveled Robert Frost propsed a life that had certain expectations. These expectations were critical to his understanding of how to live one's life.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Goodbye Musharaff
Thank you Pervez Musharraf for resigning. You spared your country a protracted legal battle. Still it looks like there is rocky times ahead for the fledgling Pakistani democracy.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Russia Desires Regime Change in Georgia
It should be clear by now that the Russians are not going to leave Georgia alone. Vladimir Putin desires regime change in that country. He clearly does not like the fact that his non democracy is being challenged by a real democracy. Those are the facts as I see them. Putin wants only regime change.
Friday, August 22, 2008
the future of Fiction
The future of fiction is science fiction. It is easily the most credible and the most appealing of all fiction genres.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Science Fiction then and Now
The great thing about science fiction is its ability to fortell the future. Manyauthors have predicted great trends and new technologies. HG Wells was the greatest creative genius of the twentieth century. His work stands as a testement to the Genius of Seience fiction.
Science Fiction then and Now
The great thing about science fiction is its ability to fortell the future. Manyauthors have predicted great trends and new technologies. HG Wells was the greatest creative genius of the twentieth century. His work stands as a testement to the Genius of Seience fiction.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Advances in Alternative Energy
Our dependency on Oil could be reduced if we made a series push for renewable energy sources. Recent science indicates that fuel can be derived from Algae. Which occurs naturall in the ocean. This is one of many alternative energy sources being touted at the recent summit on Alternative energy.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Exporting Conflict
China is exporting conflict by arming and financing Sudanese Government backed militias in Darfur. The Sudanese Government is nothing more than a group of war criminals at this present time. If China actually and a conscience it would stop the sale of weapons to President Bashar's government.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Cheating at the Olympics
China is cheating at the Olympics. Three of its Gymnists are clearly not sixteen which is the Olympic qualifying age. Why is the international olympic committee playing along with this sharade. If it were any other country those athletes would be disqualified.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
When Will Europe Show Spine
The Major European Countries like France, England and Germany need to show some spine and help protect the Georgian Democracy. What we really need their is an international peacekeeping force made up of friendly nations. Will the governments of Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy permit Russia to wage a Genocide right on their doorstep. The Russians could easily do to the Ukraine what they did to Georgia. The Ukraine has a breakaway region in the east that is Moscow loyal. What is to prevent that governments malcontents from doing the same thing that Megdiev and Putin have done to South Ousetia and Apasya? Europe needs a military deterrent to Russian aggression now.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Taking Aim at Spitz
Mark Spitz in the 1976 Munich Olympics set a record for number of consecutive gold medals one in a single Olympics. His total was seven. This olympics in Beijing China we will see that record fall at the hands of the human boat none other than Michael Phelps. Who would have thought this was possible?
Friday, August 15, 2008
why can't we be critical of Barack Obama.
The media has done us a huge disservice by not being critical enough of Barack Obama. It seems as he has been diefied and that no major outlet is willing to criticize him or the people connected to him. There are a lot of ethical redflags concerning Obama that we should be aware of. Everyone who is critical of Obama is automatically labeled a racist or a bigot. This is a huge disservice to all of us.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Plenty of Blame to Go Around
The recent events in the former Soviet republic of Georgia have plenty of blame to go around. The first to be blamed is the over reaching of Georgia's president. The second major factor is the Russians overblown response to this whole situation. You hardly look like peacekeepers when you are looting, pillaging and killing ethnic Georgians. I do not believe that all sides are entirely innocent of all that they claim to be. Just remember this Russia the world has changed and this is no longer Prague of 1968 where you can just demolish a government. That being said the Western Europeans have to show some spine and help to protect Georgia from being whiped off the map. It should be a moral imperative for them to do so.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Boycott the Olympics
The International Olympic Committee made a bad choice by awarding Beijing the summer games in 2008. In the past year and half the chinese government has not opened up in fact its become more of an autocracy than ever. We need to boycott the games and stage a protest that works. We should not be apartying ourselves to evil.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Completing Butcher
My historical novel of the 1860's entitled "Butcher" is scheduled to be completed this month. It is the story of General Ulysses S. Grant. He was without a doubt the Greatest General of the Civil war as well as a monumental figure of the Gilded Age. This novel is dedicated to his achievements as a major military commander.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Tim Duncan is a hall of famer
Tim Duncan should be seen as a unanimous first ballot hall of famer. After all he has won more championships than Larry Bird and Bird is considered to be a hall of fame player. To tell you have the NBA's hall of fame selection is not that great four players who never won a title Reggie Miller, Charles Barkley, John Stockton and Karl Malone are all considered to be hall of fame eligible none of them have a ring. Duncan's got more championships under his belt than the lot of them combined. Who's better the one with four or the one with none. You Decide.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Goodbye Solsynitsan
Late yesterday Famed Russian Novelist Alexander Solsynitsan died at the age of 89. He was born 1919 in the town of Rostov on the Don. Solsynitsan was best known for the trilogy of 1960's novels called the Gulag Archipelago. Basically it was the Prison Island. They were notorious Soviet labor camps. Gulag is Russian for prison. Solsynitsan won the nobel prize in literature for standing up to the Soviet union's belittling of the individual. He was a man of great moral conviction and will be sorely missed.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
the democrats have failed
In 2007 the democratic party came back into power in Washington after a decade in the wilderness. The democrats made several promises to restore honesty and integrety to Washington. They have failed on both counts. A lot of back room deal making, pandering to special interest groups and in some cases out right impropriety has marked the democratic tenure in the senate and house. By no measure of the term accountability have they succeed. The democrats as far as I am concerned have no business claiming the moral high ground. After all what drove them from power in the early nineties was a major corruption scandal. Democrats don't make false claims that you are more moral than us republicans. We also have to remember that satisfaction in congress's job ranks at all time.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Sweet Deals
What is up with politicians and sweet deals? Senator Barack Obama got a good deal on his house that was purchased through Tony Rescgo. Chris Dodd the junior Senator from Conneticut got a lone deal from Country Wide Financial Corporation at a better rate than was available to the General Public. Another politician who benefited from a sweet deal was Kent Conrad senator from South Dakota and head of the senate budget committee. Really it seems as if politicians like to have perks that are unavailable to the rest of us.
Friday, August 1, 2008
What is Up With Philandering Politicians?
This year has seen a rash of cheating politicians. From New York Governor Eliot Spitzer to Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, cheating is rampant. It seems like there is no end to philandering politicians. Is it to hard to ask that politicians to stay loyal to their spouses. Or are we in for more?
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