Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Taking Flight
Later today at specifically 10:15 PM I will be leaving Mumbai and headed back to California. This day has been long anticipated to say the least. I will be spending a total of five weeks state side. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The Year of Work Part II
This has been the year of work. More correctly it is the year of half work. The situation is changing and I AM getting used to a new routine. The ongoing effor is crucial. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
the second Iranian revolution
Right now I have three Iranian friends. The political situation in their home country is as such that they really need a second revolution. In 1979 the Shah was deposed. Now they need to do the same thing to Ayatollah Khameini the current head of government. The truth is that the ayotallahs and the Supreme Council For Islamic Revolution in Iran or SCIRI are running the country into the ground. Chuck those nutcases out. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
the best winter
19th Century American Novelist Mark Twain said that "The Best Winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." That is quite literally true as I am goingto spend the summer in San Francisco. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, June 26, 2009
finishing poetry
Eventually I will finish my next new book of poetry. Things look good to say the least. Completing this project has been rather unique. In the end I have to finish what I have started. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
the impending return
Right now I am looking forward to my eventual return home. After all India is not my country, America is to say the least. My situation is still rather sticky to say the least. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
the final touch
Slowly but surely everything is falling into place. My life is starting to resemble some normacly after I have left college. However a lot of things remain unresolved at the current time. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Next week I am returning to my real home. That is I am going back to California. It looks like good times are ahead as my sister is getting married. We look forward to these events to say the least. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, June 22, 2009
new year and new years poetry
Right now I am working on the collection shadow street and other poems. It is looking like good times so far and I know it. In the end I have to finish what I have started. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
the eventual return
Late next week it is back to sunny California. This is a good time because my elder sister is getting married. The family will be all together now. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
the next generation begins
Late this summer the next generation of the Khilnanis will begin. My elder sister is wedding her fiance. This is a monumental occassion to say the least. At least 200 people are going to show up for the event. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, June 19, 2009
the problems posed by North Korea
It is safe to say that North Korea is an intransigent rogoue state. Right now it is accelerating its nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities with the specific purpose of hurting the United States and its allies in the East Asia region. Once more North Korea is also exporting dangerous material to other nations with hostile intentions such as Iran and Syria. This poses a rather unique challenge to the United States in the Pacfic Rim. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Freedom's winter
Freedom's winter is here and we know it. The situation is changing at the present time. The time of trial is here and now. Dealing with it is proving to be rather more difficult than I have previously imagined. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
putting it all together
Over the course of the next few days and months, I will be putting out some rather good work to say the least. The run has been fun but it is drawing to a close. Needless to say I know what has to be done. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
One more run in us yet
Personally I think that my San Antonio Spurs have one more championship run left in us yet. Duncan, Parker and Ginobilli play to well as a unit for there not to be one more title. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Prisoner of State, remembering Tiannemen
Former Secretary General of the Communist Party Zhao Ziyang died in house arrest in 2005. He was one of the few high ranking communist party officials who wanted a peaceful resolution to the Tiannemen Square uprising in the early 1990's. Unfortunately for him Deng Xoaping the Leader of the Government sided with the hardliners against Ziyang and the moderates. We have to be thankful that we live in a democracy and not in an evil dictatorship such as China. Its government is entirely arbitrary. Think about what happens to officials when they fall out of favor.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
the road ahead
My journey has been rather more complex than I have previously imagined it to be. None the less I have to make the most out of my given situation. Getting to that moment is another matter entirely. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Knockout blow
The evil LA Lakers can land the knockout blow today on the Orlando Magic. If Kobe and company win he will have won a championship without Shaq. It took him six years to get it done. Remember this Laker fans, Kobe Bryant is not Michael Jordan. Most likely he will never be Michael Jordan. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Racism is natural but it is still wrong
Racism or a preference for certain races of people but a disdain for others is natural. However it is also incorrect. Truly good and smart people find a way to overcome the racism that they innately have. We have to remember that societies that were consumed by racism were inevitably destroyed. That was particularly true of the Antibellum South in the United States and Nazi Germany. Both societies were consumed with petty hatred and they were both destroyed. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Redoubler will be here soon
Over the course of the next month I will write the short story collection titled Redoubler and other stories. These are eight short realist crime stories. They are my original works. It is my hope that you should enjoy them. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
source of the story
My powerful imagination has always been the source of my stories. It is the crucible for which these elaborate tales were born. Still a lot remains undone at the present time. I was aware of that as well.
The story so far
My story so far has been a little more than discontiguous and I know it. None the less I left with the unfriendly task of making good out a bad situation. Personally I wish things weren't this way. But I cannot change the past. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Star Trek is visionary
The Television show Star Trek and later the movies are the visionary work of Gene Roddenberry. The idea of the United Federation of Planets and starships are crucial in the way we perceive space and society. The series was inspired by Horatio Hornblower. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
We Boldly Went
Yesterday my dad and I watched Star Trek the Future Begins. Generally I thought rather well of the movie. First of all it was proper movie length at least two hours. From a cinematographic stand point it was pretty good and it did not feel as if it were a TV episode blown up to movie size. Basically this was an adaption of the original Star Trek. It is ostensibly the story of two people Captain James Kirk and Ambassador Spock. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
An Injustice State
The violent beatings of ten south asians in Melbourne Australia marks a state of injustice for all colored people. In Australia if you kill a person of color you only get two years in prison. This double standard of justice cannot be allowed to go unchecked. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Alpha will be here soon
Right now I am about to commence work on my new science fiction themed novel Alpha. It is a combination of two stories principally Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Slan by AE Van Voght. It is my wish that you will enjoy it. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The world is a fast changing place. Slowly but surely new powers are emerging that will determine the fate of humanity. In our life time India and China will make great advances. They are the next globalscapes. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
the finishing touches
This week marks the end of one project and the beginning of another. It looks like good times so far. Things are changing rather rapidly at the current time. Still I am determined to see things through none the less. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
finishing Hudson
Later this week I will finish the writing of my historical novel Crossing the Hudson. It was fun working on this project to say the least. My next novel will be the science fiction story Alpha. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, June 1, 2009
ansillary benefits
Working has many ansillary benefits. Chief amongst them is that you sleep really well. The situation for me is still changing and evolving. Everything is falling into place. I was aware of that as well.
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