Sunday, December 26, 2010
A Capacity for Self Deception
It seems that everyone in my family has a profound capacity for self deception. They also have dangerous and excessive amounts of ego and false pride in their own abilities. They then proceed to channel their hostile emotions, inadequacies and short comes on. It is always a bid to pump themselves up and to tear you down. Which at times can be ridiculous to the point of stupidy. Where it will end I do not know. But I know I cannot live with it any longer
Saturday, December 25, 2010
You can't make mistakes anymore
People are stupid and they have no fear of inflicting stupidity on others. Its a sad truth. Needless to say finding ways of elevating yourself above it is becoming increasingly diffficult. None the less we have to become better people and learn to stop making mistakes.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Enjoying Christmas in the Bay Area
Unfortunately for visa reasons I was not able to leave and go on formal vacation for Christmas this year as I had originally planned. Well there are certain perks of staying right where you are some times. This is exactly what I am doing right now. I have been to places and done things some of them not so interesting and others quite pleasant. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Our Collective Challenge Revisited
I can say this from personal experience that myself and all of my family have to become better people than we are now. It is an obligation and a requirement that we cannot afford to miss. Simply put doing the right thing and saying the right thing is important for all of us. None the less I am intend to make this our collective challenge.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Book day Wednesday
Later this morning I will pick up some brand new books from book sellers here in Mountain View Ca. It has been good times here int he Bay Area thus far. To bad it is quickly coming to an end. None the less I am enjoying all aspects of life here. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Fishing times
As of now I am in a story drought. There is no fiction in me right now and it really kind of sucks. But I have to live with it until the fiction comes back. None the less it has been a good time in the bay area
Monday, December 20, 2010
Planning to leave on Christmas vacation at long last
At long last I am leaving on my christmas vacation. It took some doing but I managed to do it. This has been a good time here in the Bay Area. None the less it is time to go elsewhere for now. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Alamo City continues to win
San Antonio won its eigth game in a row defeating the Memphis Grizzlies 113-106 in overtime on Saturday night 12/18/10. With that win we have a firm choke hold on the best record in the regular season. Our record is 23 wins and only 3 lossess. To tell you how good that record really is that it is better than the LA Lakers who are 20 and seven. Keep on chugging Alamo city you are the best.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
I am not travelling this Christmas
It kind of sucks that I can't travel this Christmas. None the less I am determined to enjoy my time here in the Bay Area. This has been a good and productive time none the less.
Friday, December 17, 2010
After six months of waiting my new India visa has finally arrived. It is to bad that I only got a one year visa. This is the sad reality of acquiring a visa in todays's world. None the less I am happy that I got it.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Moving forward now
Right now I am moving forward at a given pace. My life has some unusual bumbs but I am putting myself back together slowly. None the less I am taking advantage of the format here and now. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Stuck in the Bay Area
Right now I cannot leave or do anything for the Christmas holidays. It really kind of sucks but due to my visa situation this is in fact the case. None the less I am going to try to enjoy my time here. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The truth can heal us all
Speaking the truth especially to the right parties can have a therapeutic power for all involved. Sometimes we don't like the truth especially when we come off in a negative light. None the less it has to be said even if it causes us pain. Through the truth we can all heal.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Getting my new visa today hopefully
Hopefully after a five and half month wait I get my new India visa today. It has been a long hard slog but we are finally seeing light at the end of a dark tunnel. None the less a lot has to transpire between now and then. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The worst mistakes are avoidable ones
I am of the distinct opinion that the worse mistakes in the world are the ones that you could have avoided and done without. It is one thing if the mistake is inevitable. It is quite another if it could have been avoided all together. The people around me constantly make mistakes they could otherwise do without. It is quite tragic to say the least. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Having a cold sucks
Right now I have a rather vicious cold and it really sucks. None the less reI am trying to enjoy my remaining three days here in the Bay Area. Still it has gone by all to fast. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Faults are not fine
Everyone in my family has the nerve to act is if they are perfect. The truth is that none of them is perfect far from it. That being said however it is intensely aggrevating to me when they put on heirs that they have no entitlement to do. Its really quite pointless and meanspirited and will not serve you well in the long run.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
One last trip to the city
Today I go to sort out the mess involving my visa. It has been a hard and long road to say the least. However we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. My visa should be granted soon and when it is I will be happy. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Closing days of Cali
Time slowly winds down on the Bay Area. It has been a good five months however there are some more things that I will need to get done before I leave. At the correct moment I will have to act. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A trip to the city
In a short while I will be heading to San Francsico California for amongst other things getting my new India visa. It has been a long hard road but there is starting to be light at the end of the tunnel. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Best in the West
The Alamo City is best in the west right now. At the current moment we are rolling teams left and right and we are number one. It is a collective team effort from start to finish. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Working to create a better tomorrow
Right now I am working to create a better tomorrow. The nature of the situation is improving from most points of view. As they say in English it feels good to do good. None the less I am still in a difficult spot to be sure. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Off to Mountain View today
In a crack couple of hours I will be going to Mountain View California via the bus. It has been a pretty hectic and crazy couple of days for me however I intend to use the weekend to its fullest. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, December 3, 2010
My next move is
In between Christmas and going back to San Francisco I have a host of other things I would like to get done when I am here. None the less it has been a good and productive time for most points of view. I am making the most of the given situation to say the least.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Enjoying life in Southern Nevada
Right now I am on Maryland parkway in Las Vegas Nevada where I will be all of today and most of tomorrow. There are a lot of things that I want to do while I am here. Amongst other things see some people, most of them old friends from my univesity days here in the city. Things are slowly getting better for me. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
On the Road to Vegas
Later today I will be heading out to Las Vegas Nevada for an end of the year road trip. It looks like good times and I hope that things will be productive for me when I get there. None the less I know what I have to do. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Only Drug I like is Coffee
In general It do not do drugs. The one exception to this however is coffee. I seem to have developed quite a penchant for coffee of late. I am enjoying it thoroughly here in the Bay Area. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, November 29, 2010
The Importance of Good Coaching
San Antonio has a really good in the form of Gregg Poppovich. He really knows how to motivate and get the best of his players. It is true he has a future hall of fame big man namely Tim Duncan. However he also has break out stars like Tony Parker and Manu Ginobilli. Its one thing to have talent, it is another to get the best out of that said talent. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
New fiction is in the works now
Right now I am writing new fiction. I have high hopes and good feels about the majority of the output I am producing. Things could be better but they could also be worse. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Caffeine Cutoff Time
For me there is no caffeine beyond 4:00 PM local time. So that is officially the caffeine cutoff time. None the less I am having great fun here in the Bay area and I intend to enjoy drinking caffeine here. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Putting your life back together again
Right now I am in the process of reassembling my life. It is a difficult process but I feel that it has to be done. None the less their are some rewards in this process right now to be had. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Turkey Day to Everyone
Today is Thanksgiving in the USA. So I am taking this time out here on this blog to extend a happy and productive thanksgiving to everyone. I am going to join family friends for thanksgiving later today.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Life at the Margins
Right now I am enjoying life at the margins here in California. The Golden State has been good time thus far and I am making the most of my time here. As it stands now I have more stuff that I wish to do.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Clean and Sober
Right now I am the kind of person who has enough health problems without drugs or alchohol messing things up for me. Those kinds of activities make absolutely zero sense to me on any level. That is the exact nature of things for a person like me. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, November 22, 2010
San Antonio Continues to Win
It seems that the ALamo city is rolling of late. We are arguably the best team in the Southwest division and arguably the best team in the western conference. Our record speaks for itself.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Its a pretty stupid place
Unfortunately the world is a pretty stupid please. None the less we have to be best we can be in the given situation. Right now I am trying to do the right thing at the right time. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, November 19, 2010
People Are Stupid
People the average person posseses a burning desire to inflict their stupidity on you. I do not understand this bizarre compunction to declare myself the world's biggest moron. its like life is short enough why do you feel it is necessary to delcare yourself a jackass? I don't get it.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Taking on the next big thing
In a short while I will be taking on the next big thing. When it comes around I will relate it to you here. My situation on the ground continues to improve from the ground up. Making the best of everything is difficult but doable. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Check your ego at the door please
People having the world's most massive ego is a disservice to you me and everyone else. This false belief that I am the best thing on two feet is incorrect and should be stopped. Catastrophic things tend to happen when ego's get out of control. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Glee continues to impress
The TV show Glee is a musical and television phenomenon that continues to impress. Its cast is believable but it also makes me glad that I am no longer in High School. Those were painful years for me and I have no desire to revisit them anytime soon.
Friday, November 12, 2010
San Antonio is rolling
My beloved San Antonio Spurs are balling in first place in the south west division. We would be perfect except for the one loss to New Orleans early in the season. That being said we have some deficiencies and we should address them. I was aware of that as well.
My beloved San Antonio Spurs are balling in first place in the south west division. We would be perfect except for the one loss to New Orleans early in the season. That being said we have some deficiencies and we should address them. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The way things should be
The way things should be is not always the way things are. This discrepency is rather pronounced at the given time. I am continually frustrated with other people's pointless anger, arrogance and bad attitudes. I am really kind of sick of it.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Waiting for my new visa
Right now I am in the process of attaining my new India visa. This is only an issue because earlier this year my decenial visa expired. Now I am waiting for the Indian consulate here in San Francisco to issue me a new one. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Indo-American age has begun
India and the United States of America have deep seated political, military and economic ties. President Obama's visit to Mumbai significated India's emergence and world economic and military power. This is done all in the shadow of China's increasingly hegemonic interested in East and South East Asia. If America is deter the chinese tide it will need India's help to do so. But India also needs America both economically and politically as well. The two democracies will march towards a better future.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Good start for the Alamo City
San Antonio is in second place in the southwest division at 4-1. We would have been perfect if not for the loss to New Orleans. That being said we are doing well and will continue to improve. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Finding my peace of mind
Sometimes life can be stupid, cruel and down right degrading. Finding peace of mind is always difficult but necessary. This being said it is a difficult task under normal circumstances. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Never getting any credit
It is sad to say this of the world in which I live in but I will never get an ounce of positive recognition for anything that I do right in my own lifetime. This being said I have to do the best I can in this woefully inadequate situation. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Learning our lessons well
The Republicans' electoral victory in the mid term elections marks a second chance. It is also a repudiation of Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. If you do not deliver on the promise of good government then you will be held to account. We should not repeat history of the recent past. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Republicans win big last night
In the midterm congressional elections the Republicans won big. More than twenty house seats fell to Republican challengers. The democrats also lost four senate seats. And seven governorships also fell last night to the republicans. The critical piece of the puzzle was the way that healthcare was passed. The strong arm democrats forced it down our throats and we didn't like it. That won't happen again in the future.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The drought is over and the reign has begun
San Francisco ended a 53 year drought yesterday and won the world series. We beat the Texas Rangers of the American League by a score of 3-1. Tim Linnecum was excellent. Brian Wilson was money and Edgar Renteria the eventual series MVP was huge. Although I personally thought that the series MVP award should have gone to Cody Ross. None the less good job guys.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Sometimes the truth hurts
Personally I am known to tell the truth even when the truth is brutal. One thing we human beings don't like is when the truth paints us in a negative light. None the less speaking it has a healing property that cannot be ignored. I was aware of that as well.
Personally I am known to tell the truth even when the truth is brutal. One thing we human beings don't like is when the truth paints us in a negative light. None the less speaking it has a healing property that cannot be ignored. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Making good and being good
Making good is intensely difficult but necessary in our times. At the current moment I am working on it. Being good is also easily beneficial to say the least. Putting up with the current work is difficult. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The Movement for change is dead
RIP for Barack Obama's movement for change. It seems that at the end of the day Barack Obama is just another tired hack politician. He has no solutions and he is both corrupt and incompetent. It seems that he has not a clue of what he is doing in the oval office. I also content that this current government of ours is not an improvement over Bush. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, October 29, 2010
The recovery is slow
I have just noticed that the recovery is slow these days. Incrementally I am getting back to better. The situation is gradually improving and I am looking forward to being good again. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Hoops is back in the house
My beloved San Antonio Spurs had their first home game of the 2011 regular season. We beat the Indiana Pacers 122-109 in regulation. It was an all hands on deck effort from the boys from the Alamo city. Tim Duncan had 24 points, Manu Ginobili had 22 points and Tony Parker had 18 points in the win. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Studying for the class
Right now I am studying for my class here in the bay area. It looks like good times and clean living. I am thoroughly enjoying this time to say the least. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Being stoked for the tipoff of basketball
I am happy that basketball season is nearly upon us now. San Antonio's first home game versus the Indiana Pacers is tomorrow in the evening. The long off season is over and hoops begins again. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Becoming better now
At this moment I am working on becoming better now. It has been a hard road but things are starting to shape up nicely. Life is moving forward slowly but surely. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Working on New Poetry
Right now I am working on new poetry. I am developing four new poetry manuscripts that I will be bringing together in the next few days and weeks. It looks like good times will be had by all.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Life in Society
Right now I am enjoying life in society. It does have its perks to say the least. It also at times a lot of work. None the less I am going to make the most of my given situation at this time. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Grocery shopping friday
Its friday here in the beautiful bay area and later this morning I am going grocery shopping. The situation is pretty good and things will get better as I go along. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Getting up and getting out
Right now I am in the process of getting up and getting out. The latter is formally easier than the latter. However I am enjoying life in the golden state thoroughly. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Living and enjoying life in California
I love California. The golden state is easily the best state in the union in spite of all of its problems. This is the best address one can have. In spite of what the people who live on the east coast think of us Californians. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Its almost tipoff time!
On October 27 2010 is the tipoff of the NBA's 2011 regular season. I am so stoked as the first game of the San Antonio Spurs is versus the Indiana Pacers. It looks like good times are ahead for us.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Scanning Monday
Today I will be scanning documents for the house. The situation on the ground here in California continues to evolve. None the less I am enjoying this situation to say the least. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The slow return to normalcy
Right now I am returning to normalcy slowly but surely. The situation is continuing to evolve from the ground up. None the less I know what I have to do. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Buying more groceries
Yesterday I did a major grocery run and picked up thirteen items from the store. It was good times and it meant that I would have dinner and lunch for the next couple of days. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Experience is the best teacher
Actually going out and attempting to do things is the best way to learn. Experience is the best teacher out there and the education for the most part is free. Still I would like to do it more often. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Feeling good again
Now that I am over my flew I feel good again. It is a great feeling to be truly healthy. Having the flu really kind of sucks to say the least. At last I can get back to enjoying my days.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Getting the day off right
Right now I am trying to say and do the right thing. This is intensely difficult but not impossible to do. At this given moment I have to take advantage of the format here and now. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Back to School Blues
Right now I am preparing to go to school. De Anza is good fun to say the least and I am enjoying the experience. None the less I am having a good time and doing a lot of useful things. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Being smart in a stupid world
Lets face it the world is a pretty stupid place. That being said however one can be smart in a stupid world that is also true. Right now I am trying to find the given balance at the correct time. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Hoops is Back in the House
Today is officially the start of the 2011 NBA regular season. Two games are scheduled for later today and I looks like fun times are ahead. Basketball is my favorite sport to be sure. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Getting out and doing stuff
Right now I am in the process of getting out and doing stuff. Hard action is the name of the game and I am trying to make the most of the given situation. Things are better but they could be worse. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Have a Laptop will travel
This is a personal story of the humorous kind. I have a laptop and I like to travel so I call this Have a laptop will travel. I like doing things that are good and useful and this is no exception. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Stoked for the tipoff of Basketball
On this sunday is the first two games of the NBA's 2011 regular season. New York takes on Minnesota and there is one other game. The long summer is almost over and hoops begin anew. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Glee is spiritually uplifting
The fox teen drama Glee is spiritually uplifting. It follows the fortunes and fates of a group of some twelve high school vocal phenoms called New Directions. The TV show is based of a movie of the same title. It is definitely worth watching.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Getting life back in order now
It may have taken me a long time but I am getting my life back in order and were it needs to be. Things are a bit difficult but getting better slowly which is a good thing in general. I will make the effort to make positive improvement a way of life.
Monday, September 27, 2010
A Major Sense of Accomplishment
Today I finished registering and paying for De Anza Fall quarter. The class I will be taking is Intercultural Arts 45 Survey of Native American art and I will also be adding PE later this week. Good times and back to school for me.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The day after the party is always fun
Yesterday I went to my cousin's 17th birthday party and I had a really good time all around. It was a lot of fun and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves in the process. Once again kid happy birthday.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
No busses on the weekend that sucks
Someone at VTA (Valley Transit Authority) the people who run the bus should have to loose their job on account of the fact that their was no bus service from Downtwon Mountain View to Cuppertino today. It kind of put a crimp in my plans for the day but it is just as well. Now I will have to go and pay for classes on monday 09/27/10. As I have no choice.
No busses on the weekend that sucks
Someone at VTA (Valley Transit Authority) the people who run the bus should have to loose their job on account of the fact that their was no bus service from Downtwon Mountain View to Cuppertino today. It kind of put a crimp in my plans for the day but it is just as well. Now I will have to go and pay for classes on monday 09/27/10. As I have no choice.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Going back to school of sorts
Right now I am going back to community college. At this current moment I have to figure out how to finish registering for classes. None the less it looks like good times are ahead for me.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Difficult Personalities
As I have a difficult personality I am well aware of the challenges that I have in life. None the less I am attempting to make the best of an uneasy situation. Doing the right thing is tough but it is the only thing to do. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Next Book Will be here soon
Right now I am working on my collection of short stories Perpetual Daylight and other stories. It will be completed in early 2011. None the less I am trying to take full advantage of the given situation. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Making Coffee at Home
Right now our concise schedule consists of early morning coffee making. We are all caffeine honks around here so this works for us. None the less I am taking full advantage of the situation.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Going downtown today and getting a new cell phone
Later today I am going to downtown Palo Alto and I am getting me a new cell phone. I am also going to stop by borders books and getting me some more books for trade purposes. It looks like fun times.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Happy birthday me
Today is my twenty seventh birthday. It feels good to be this old in a world that only seems to want to get younger. People can be mean and stupid a lot and dealing with it came be difficult. None the less you have to soldier on.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Costco has bit the dust
Costco a potent symbol of the Sigma era in the Khilnani house hold has now bit the dust completely. We no longer shop their. Now it all is all Safeway and Trader Joe's. The situation could not be better for us. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Counting down the days until basketball
Right now fifteen days remain until the start of the 2011 NBA regular season. My Spurs tipoff on 10/20/10 for their first game versus the Indiana Pacers. It looks like good times are yet ahead.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Never getting any respect anywhere
I don't get respect. In fact when I do a correct job nobody ever thanks me for it. None the less I try to do the best that I can. Knowing that the people around me will never recognize any of it.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Being at loose ends
Right now I am enjoying life at loose ends. I will be getting back to bigger and better stuff slowly. Piecing your life together after a disaster that has be fallen you is doable but not fun.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I am not a human automaton
People get stupid ideas in their heads and it is hard to get them out. For one thing I do not exist soley for the purpose of running around and doing what others want me to do. Life consists more of just doing what others tell you to do. Freedom is elusive and important I am person not a toy and treat me as such.
Monday, September 13, 2010
It is almost basketball time
Quietly team USA without their superstar players is unbeaten at the FIBA world championships of basketball. We advanced to the final title game with a win over team Lithuania. It is good times for us as we do not have Kobe Bryant, Duane Wade, Chris Bosh or Dwight Howard as our starters. Go us.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Just doing it for fun
Right now I am trying to have as much fun as I can in California. The weather is awesome as usual and suprisingly early fall is quite warm. None the less I know what I have to do now. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Editing Poetry
Right now I am working on editing my poety manuscripts the Storm Front and other poems as well as working on the Out-riggers and other poems. I am trying to have as much fun as I can while working on them. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, September 10, 2010
The next big idea is forthcoming
Right now I am working on the next big idea. Pieces of the puzzle are falling into place right now. None the less I am trying to enjoy the given situation. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The Visa situation continues to evolve
It looks like Mansingh road is taking a long time to review my visa application. So it looks like I will be here for a while longer. None the less I am determined to take full advantage of the format. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Waiting for my new visa
It looks like the Indian home ministry is taking until November to rule. So it looks like I will be in the USA for another two and half months at the very least. The situation is not without its upside however. I am having a lot of fun while I am here.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Shipping days
Today I go to ship out my poetry manuscripts. It looks like good times are ahead for me. Things are slowly getting back to normal. I am going to enjoy it while it lasts. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Short fiction days
Right now this is a time for short fiction, as I am working on my book of short fiction called Perpetual Daylight and other stories. It is a thoroughly engrossing process to say the least. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Only got one book that I truly wanted
Yesterday when I went to book buyers in downtown Mountain View I only managed to get one book that I truly wanted. It was Casino Royale by Ian Fleming. People keep on beating me to the good books such as Count Zero by William Gibson and Puppet Masters by Bob Heinlein. None the less I had a good time.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Going to Mountain View Today
Today I go to downtown Mountain View to have some fun. I trust all of you are enjoying your friday. I know that I will be enjoying mine. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
An Unmitigated Disaster
In a new memoir former British Prime Minister Tony Blair labeled Gordon Brown as an en quote "Unmitigated Disaster". Really Mr. Blair you are late to the party. For much of the past two years I have been saying that Brown is incompetent. He should have never gotten into politics to begin with. I was aware of that as well.
In a new memoir former British Prime Minister Tony Blair labeled Gordon Brown as an en quote "Unmitigated Disaster". Really Mr. Blair you are late to the party. For much of the past two years I have been saying that Brown is incompetent. He should have never gotten into politics to begin with. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Good times in California
Right now I am trying to enjoy just where I am. It is good to be back although I do miss numerous things about life in Mumbai. Still my situation continues to evolve. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Science fiction is the coolest
Personally I like science fiction it always has an element of the fantastic but yet remains strikingly plausible. The best science fiction is always a commentary on the present as much as it is on the future. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Five weeks until basketball
currently there are thirty four days until the tipoff of the 2011 NBA season. I will have the fortunes of my team to follow for an entire season yet again. I am thoroughly looking forward to it.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
New poetry will be here soon
Right now I am working on new volumes of poetry. It has been a good time writing and I am thoroughly enjoying myself. The process has been thoroughly illuminating from start to finish. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Getting excited for the start of Basketball
The tipoff of the NBA season is a mere thirty nine days away. It happens on Sunday October 3rd 2010. I am stoked for more San Antonio Spurs Basketball for the 2011 NBA season. It looks like good times and fun watching. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, August 27, 2010
More fiction will be here shortly
Right now I am working on more fiction. It is good times to be a writer right now. I am taking advantage of the format fully. The time is here and now and I am going to uses it to the upmost. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Waiting for my visa
Shouldn't old Mansingh road have ruled by now. I guess I will have to wait a while longer for my India visa to arrive. None the less I am trying to enjoy my time here as best I can. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Gearing up for the the fall
The beginning of fall is around the corner and I am getting ready for it. This looks like good times are ahead for me as things get back to normalcy slowly. I am just trying to enjoy my time here as much as I can. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Happy Rakhi Everyone
Today is the Indian holiday Rakhi. Which incidentally celebrates brotherly love for sisters. So I wish a happy Rakhi to all my female relatives including both cousins and aunts. Kudos to all of you.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Normalcy returns
Slowly but surely normalcy is returning to my existence. This has been somewhat of a difficult time. None the less I am trying to make the most of the given situation. There is still more things for me to do. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
More praise for the Quiet War
The novel the Quiet War by Paul McCauley is a decently well written space opera. It has an engaging plot and it has believable characters. The reviewers on Amazon thoroughly trashed the book. However I reserved judgment for myself.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Road back to Southern Nevada
I am working on getting back to school. It will require time fueffort and money but it the right thing to do. Education is clearly the future and the way forward. However it should not come at the cost to your sanity. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, August 20, 2010
A Special thanks to Pops
Hey pops thank you for the time and money to make this two and half day road trip to Vegas. It was a real blast. I am going to see if I can see some of my university contacts today. I hope you are having a great time in Manila. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Finding a better place to be
Right now I am trying to find a better place to be. This is an intense yet doable challenge. My situation continues to evolve on ground level. Right now I am just trying to make the most of the given situation. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
On the Road to Vegas
Today I leave for Las Vegas Nevada and greater Clark county. This trip is special in many regards. None the less I am trying to do the right thing and have as much fun as I can. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Facing your fears
Later this week I will be in Las Vegas Nevada for a meeting with my shrink. Talk about an excercise in uncomfortability. None the less I am going to make this next session as productive as possible. The work that I have to do there is useful. Also I will have to deal with the uncertainty.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Fun in San Francisco
today I had a fun day in San Francisco with my cousin. It always good to be with family and today we had a lot of fun. I had lunch out which I paid for. I also had coffee out today as well. All in all we both had a great time.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
No Mosque at ground zero for me
The proposed mosque at ground zero strikes me as extraordinarily insensitive. It would be like building a synagogue in Aushewitz. Remember that it was islamic terrorists from Egypt and Saudi Arabia that crashed planes into the twin towers nearly a decade ago. How soon we forget. It is a bad idea to build this mosque there.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
You said it man
Bad dentistry not withstanding I hope that I will be able to return to India in the near future. However I do not know in what shape my visa will come in although we have applied. It looks like good times are ahead for me now.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Some hippy pot smokers in Illinios still bizarrely think that Rod Blugoyavitch is innocent. Please people what type of crack are you smoking and why ain't you sharing? the man is a felon and a crook. And he has attempting to extort money. That is not including his relationship with disgraced Chicago Businessman Tony Rezko. The judge requesting a mistrial hammers one point home. There really is two standards of justice in this country. One tougher and sterner for conservatives and a second more lax and lenient for liberals. It also highlights why our justice system can be a joke at times.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Back to School in the Spring
Right now I am gearing up for the return to the world of higher education. My last outing there was not so brilliant none the less I am trying to make the most of the given situation. I will not make the mistake of living with teenage children anymore. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Milk Guzzelling household part II
More of our milk adventures we enjoy milk thoroughly and I bought some yesterday. The silly people at our local super market did not give me the usual discount. They are usually betterthan this. Anyway. We have our milk and all is good for now
Monday, August 9, 2010
The Milk Guzzeling Household
In my house we like our milk. It would be a sad world if cows did not exist. Milk is easily the elixir of life slash go fuel that we require. Without it we would be nothing. I am personally thankful that I am not lactose intolerant. Man I am glad I don't have those Chinese genes. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Off for fishing will be back soon
Today seems like a big time fishing day so I will enjoy it as best I can. I slept in on this particular sunday. I also have not gone to the outside three of the past four days. I will be back in action next week though. So see you then.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
A time to heal
Right now I am engaging in the healing process. Everything is changing around me and I have to get use to the given situation. None the less I am trying to do everything right and by the book. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Another trip to book buyers is done
Recently concluded was my trip to Down town Mountain View and to book buyers. It is probably the last time for a while that I will get to go there. None the less I am trying to enjoy it as best I can. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
A trip to the city is in the books
Yesterday was my uber fun trip to San Francisco California. It was cold but I had a good time and got to do some fun stuff when I was there. I am still waiting for word on my India visa. I do not know when that will come through. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
A Day in the City
Right now I am in the uber cold yet utterly beautiful city of San Francisco. I am principally here to drop off my passport back to the visa office. Still it is a good time to be had by all at the current moment. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
More fun is yet to be had now
Right now I am pure enjoyment mode. This mode might not last long however I am attempting to enjoy it while it last. My situation continues to evolve and change. I am dealing with it accordingly. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Poetry is fun to write
I enjoy the process of writing poetry. It is a craft as well as an art form and it is intensly rewarding. My personal situation continues to evolve and change. None the less I am trying to enjoy the current situation. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
In defense of autism
Autism spectrum disorder a mental disorder effecting some fifteen million persons in the United States remains very poorly understood. We tend to think of mental disorders only in the pujorative. Basically it is a superficial and unidimensial view that is not totally correct. Firstly not all autistic people are socially retarded. That is a pernicious myth constructed by people who seek to degrade us. Also autism has a wide variety of forms. Autistic people have often shaped the era we live in today. Most truly great minds in history had some for a mental disorder. We should not be prejudiced by it. What we need is better understanding. Of course that is not always in the offing. People innately fear what they do not understand. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
A new short story collection will be here soon
Right now I am working on a new volume of short stories. I still have one more short story yet to write. It has been good for me thus far even if this writing week has been a little slow. I am just trying to enjoy myself as best I can. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, July 30, 2010
looking ahead to the 2011 NBA season
San Antonio is retooling itself in the off season. What we need are quality back up at both the point guard, sh ooting guard and power forward positions. We also have to look at the poist Tim Duncan era in San Antonio. I know it is almost unfathmable to think that there is a basketball world in which Timmy isn't playing. However it is a reality that we will have to deal with sooner than you think. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sorting out the mess
My new bank card has not yet arrived and I have to go to the bank and sort out the mess today. This is really unfortunate but it is the situation that I now have to deal with. So I am going there in a short while. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, July 26, 2010
getting back to normal slowly
Right now I am getting back to normal slowly. The journey's of the past month have made things a little bit crazy. None the less I am enjoying the home life. Things are coming together slowly but surely. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Coffee in the South Bay
I am generally not into drugs but my one vice is caffeine. right now I am making myself coffee in the southbay. It looks like good times are yet ahead for me as I move forward. things could be better but they could also be worse. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The New Days reading is in
Right now I have picked up Paul McCauley's the Quiet War and Ernest Hemingway's the Nick Adams stories. It looks like good fun and great reading is ahead for me. The situation on the ground continues to change and evolve. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Geeked for my trip to Mountain View
Right now I am geeked for my trip to Mountain View at the end of the week. It is Friday and I am going to have some fun. It may be low key fumyn but it is fun none the less. I am trying to enjoy myself as best I can. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
New fiction is in the works today
Currently I am working on a collection of short stories. It looks like good times will be had by all in the next few days. The situation continues to change and evolve. Tomorrow I am going out again. None the less I am enjoying myself thoroughly. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Europe Was a Blast
Although it was freakishly expensive Europe was a blast to be in. Spain and France were a lot of fun and I got to hang out and watch an uber boring soccer game. When the Spainards won the world cup it was like Christmas and the Fourth of July put together in terms of the party atmosphere in Madrid. None the less the trip is over and real life begins anew here. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Return to Normal Hours is good for me
In my almost two week long Spanish vacation I have spent some pretty crazy days and nights. The long and the short of it is it is immensely both exhausting and frustrating. Biologically we need sleep and we need to rejuvenate bodily functions. Here those rules don't seem to apply in the party hard atmosphere. I was aware of that as well
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sleep Casaulty of My Vacation
Sleep has been the casaulty of my European vacation. I did get to go to Brezier in the South of France which has a much more agreable climate than Spain. Although I did enjoy the medieval village of Toledo. Spain is a second world country no doubt. France is the first world and I am enjoying a welcomed respite from the constant travelling. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Enjoying my European Vacation
Right now I am enjoying my European vacation. So far I have had a good if crazy time here in Madrid. Soccer fever has run through the Spanish Capitalin advance of the big game tonight. Spain Versus Holland. The Dutch are tough and scrappy and cannot be fully discounted even if Spain is the favorite to win. None the less I am going to continue to enjoy my time here. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Dispatches from Spain
My week has been a bit chaotic of late as I have traversed two continents. I was supposed to leave on Wednesday 07/07/10 but I instead arrive on 07/09/10 due to a snafu with my passport at the Indian Consulate in San Francisco California. What a debacle. However I am happy to be here and it is good to see the family and witness the chaos. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Trip To Europe is back on Now
My long awaited European Sojourn is back on and I am glad for it. Madrid Spain and Southern France will be a real blast. Everything is shaping up nicely and it looks like we will have a good time all around. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The next big story will be here soon
Right now I am working on developing the next big story. It has been in the works for some time and my situation continues to change and evolve. At the current moment I am trying to make the most of the given situation. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Upcoming trip to Spain
The upcoming trip to Spain seems like a real blast. I will also be traveling for a week and half to the south of France. It looks like good times will be had by all. I hope all of you are enjoying your summer as much as I am now. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Having fun at the Wedding
Yesterday I went to the wedding of my friend Benny Pakzad. It was a good time and I really enjoyed the party. This was easily the high light of the entire week. Now it is off to Spain for my vacation. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
New Short fiction is in the works
Right now I am working on my second short fiction collection. It looks like good times are ahead for me now. I am trying to make the most of the given situation. Everything is improving slowly but surely. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Next s Great Fiction happens now
Right now I am writing the next great fiction. It is an ongoing process to say the least and I am enjoying every minute of it. The situation changes and evolves and I am trying to make the most of it. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Spurs Got Better
The Spurs drafted Oaklahoma Shooting Guard James Anderson and international player Ryan Richards from England. The latter Richards spent the past two seasons playing in Spain in the Espana League. Richards who stands at six eleven and will most likely play back up ball to Tim Duncan. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Having a fun Day
Right now I am trying to enjoy my day as best I can. This has proven to be rather good for me to say the least. My situation continues to change and evolve. Where it will go I do not know. None the less I am trying to enjoy it. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A Major Feeling of Accomplishment
Today I managed to get the ball rolling of one of my two major new ID'S for the summer. It took some doing and two and half hours at the DMV today but I got it done. When I got back I was both tired and happy. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Good News on the Pass Port Front
It is good news that I am due to get my new passport by 07/02/10. I do not want to jinx anything however. My situation regarding my visa continues to evolve. There is one plus however I am most likely going to make the family reunion in Spain on time. Go me.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
To bad the Lakers won
I must give Kobe Bryant grudging credit and respect. The guy is a piece of crap as a person. However as a basketball player he is the best of the best in that regard. Boston you crapped out on me at the last minute. That is unacceptable. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, June 21, 2010
end of the day blues
The day is nearly over and I am looking forward to the new one beginning. It has been somewhat of unique and changing experience for me in the past few days. I am trying to make the most of the given situation. I was aware of that as well
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Incovenience is Stupid
In the wake of trying to find an open library I find myself thinking the following thoughts. Incovenience is stupid. You should not close all of the libraries all of the time. Once more you should only shut done a small number for renovation. These said renovations are largely unnecessary and they just act to incovenience persons such as myself. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Gone from India today
Right now I am in the process of leaving India. It is a bit sad I will definitely miss Colaba when I am gone. I do not know when I will next return. So I am going to make the most of my given situation. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The last days in India are now
It is a bit sad that I only have thirty six hours left in India. In a short while I will be going home and it will be good to go back there as it has been some time. None the less I enjoyed my stay here thoroughly. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Lakers need role guys big
The support and role guys of the LA Lakers will need to step it up big if LA is to win the NBA championship. Kobe Bryant cannot carry you to a championship single handedly. Players namely Lamar Odom, Sasha Vujacic, Pau Gasol and others will need to wake up and play big if the Lakers will win the championship this year. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Getting it done now
Right now I am in the mood of getting things done now. It is a good feeling of genuine accomplishment. I am enjoying the process thoroughly right now. Things are slowly improving for me day by day. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The last days in India
It is sad to say that there is only a handful of days left in India. The time spent here was great and I am attempting to ejo it to the max. None the less I am looking forward to going back to my real home. I was aware of that as well.
The long way home at last
In a short while I will be going home. It will be good to be back as it has been so long since I have been there. None the less I am trying to enjoy my time while I am here. Until then keep well all of you in cyber space. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, June 7, 2010
The closing days in India
There are sadly only six days left in India now. The overall time I have spent here is good and I am trying to enjoy my remaining time here. The situation with my visa continues to change and evolve. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I will be home soon
Soon enough I will be home and it will be good. My situation continues to change and evolve right now. I am getting used to life here and will miss certain aspects of it when I am gone. None the less I have to go back. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, June 4, 2010
A Trip to Crosswords today
Later this morning I am going on a trip to Crossword's bookstore here in Mumbai. This will be great fun and I will have a good time. My time in India is finite and limited and I have to have has much fun as I can. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Leaving India Now
Right now I am leaving India and I do not know when I will return. It has been good being here and I would like to come back. But I do not know when that next is. The situation continues to change and evolve. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Back to California now
Right now I am trying to leave and go back home. There is less than two weeks left in India now. Although I am trying to enjoy the best of my time while I am here now. THe time has been good and fun. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Getting back to Better
Slowly I am getting back to better. My personal situation is improving over time and I have to make the most of a difficult situation. None the less I am doing good and productive things right now. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Getting back to education the slow way
Right now I am working on getting back to education the slow way. This has proven to be a rather difficult process right now. None the less I am trying to make the most of my given situation. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The way forward now
The way forward now is better than the way behind. However the situation changes and evolves on a near constant basis. This has proven to be a difficult time for all of right now however things are getting better. I was aware of that as well
Friday, May 28, 2010
The closing days of India
My time here in India grows short and I do not when I will be back. However I did for the large part enjoy my time here. The situation continues to change and evolve. Things will get better in the short term. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Making it happen now
Making it happen now and today is my new slogan. I am making things happen thoroughly and well. My situation continues to evolve for the better. None the less I have to continue to do positive things. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Relishing the moment purely
Right now I am relishing the moment purely. This is a good situation that changes and evolves as we go around. The world may not be a pretty place but it is the only one we got so we have to make the best. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
India should not ban facebook
I hope that the Indian Prime Minister Doctor Manmohan Singh, does not ban facebook in India. This is an absurd idea cooked up by a handful of religious fanatics who want to cram their world view down our throats. You cannot legislate morality and government should not be reduced to the role of playing morality police enforcers. This is a bad idea that should be quashed. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Rooting for Phoenix
As I am the Anti-Laker I quite naturally root for Phoenix to win the west. Oddly enough the emergence of Amare Stoudemire this post season has been something to watch. He is a budding power forward, underrated big man and key piece for Phoenix. I am rooting for him and Nash to take the west. I was aware of that as well.
the future is coming now
Right now the future is coming and shaping it is being created by us for a better tomorrow. These thoughts and sentiments come through to you unabated. None the less I hope to convey some optimism to you. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Creating the future as a writer
Today tomorrow and the following day I am working to create the future as a writer. It is a good thing that I am doing this because my personal situation although not stellar continues to evolve. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Finishing Poetry
Soon I will be completing work on my new poetry. This has been a thoroughly rewarding experience from start to finish. None the less I am trying to make the most of my given situation. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Low Down Way Will be Here Soon
Right now I am working on my science fiction story the Low Down Way. It is a near future story of a mercenary who is fighting an evil corporation. The story and the title are copyrighted by me. I hope you will in enjoy it.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The Long Way Home
My Journey back to Palo Alto this summer will be an eventful one. It looks like a busy travel summer is ahead for me. My situation continues to change and evolve. Slowly but surely things are beginning to shape up. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
My New Visa Situation Continues to Evolve
The recent trip by P. Chidambaram the Indian Home Minister, and SM Krishna India's foreign minister visit to Pakistan lately has to help my visa situation rather than hurt it. The only reason this Visa situation is such a big deal is that my Deceneal Visa expires this year in June. Just as I started to apply for a new one the situation with Headley blew up greatly complicating things. This bit of raprochment has got to help my cause rather than hurt it. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, May 14, 2010
I hope Phoenix Wins
The NBA's western conference finals are under way. I am rooting for Steve Nash and the Phoenix Suns to win the west. I do not want to see Kobe Bryant in the NBA finals again. Come on Phoenix nut it up and win. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Enjoying my day off
Today I do not have work so I am enjoying the day off. My visa situation is still in limbo however and it is not likely to change soon. However good situations are comign up for me now. My life is getting in order slowly. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Taking a look at the fall
Most likely I will spend some time in the United States this fall. It looks like good times are yet ahead for me. Things are slowly but surely shaping up. I have to make the most of the time that I am given. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The next big thing
The next big thing for me is my visa. I am applying for a work visa. There is no garruntee that I will get it. None the less what I am doing is valuable and worthwhile. The situation is changing and evolving. I was aware of that as well
Monday, May 10, 2010
Time winds down on India
As the summer draws near time winds down on India. I am looking forward to my trip back to America. It looks like good times are yet ahead for me right now. The situation is still changing and evolving. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The Beginning of a New Day
Right now a new day is beginning. At this current time I am trying to make the most out of my given situation. The nature of my situation is changing all around. Still finding the given solution is rather tough. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Tough times and the Alamo City
The Alamo city is going through tough times right now. We are still learning how to function as a group. The experience at times this season can be painful. None the less we will right this ship. I think that Tim Duncan has one last championship season left in him. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Becoming a better you now
Right now I am working on becoming a better you. This situation has proven to be rather good however things seem a bit more difficult than before. None the less I am trying to make the most of the given situation. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The Trouble with Pakistan
My father's old nation of Pakistan is descending into destruction as we speak. The rise of fanatical islamists and even the unravelling of the military is in the works. This is a dangerous situation as Pakistan is clearly becoming a failed state. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
New Science Fiction is in the works
Right now I am working on my historical novel Raid and the Rebellion. The next novel project after that is the science fiction novel Sources of the Wind (copyrighted title). It is a far future story about the evolution of crime and computing set in a grim twenty second century universe. It takes place fifteen years after the events of the novel Zero's Day(copyrighted title). I hope you will enjoy it.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Education on the small
Right now I am trying to advance my education without sacrificing my sanity. This has proven to be a most difficult task. Still I am trying to make the most of the given situation. Finding the appropriate solution is still rather tough. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Delhi is not my city
I do not mind visiting Delhi every once in a while but I do not fancy spending any serious time here. Personally I have never been so fond of India's national capital. Right now the only real reason that I was here was the fact that I was here on official business. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Embracing the future as a writer
At the current time I am working to become a writer. It is a gradual process that takes a long time but it is worth it in the end. At certain points it can be painful. However I am trying to make the most of the situation. I was aware of that as well
Gone Fishing
Right now I am fishing according to Hemingway. No new fiction is being worked on right now. This is what you call a working vacation. Still it looks like good times and smooth sailing are ahead for me none the less. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, April 30, 2010
San Antonio wins big in the first round
San Antonio won big last night and clinched to the second round. Dallas is finished and Dirk Nowitzki was roundly defeated. The bench played well it was an all hands on deck effort as the Alamo city now gears up for the second round. This is the playoffs and we are winners. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
On the road to Delhi
Today I leave to Delhi via the train. I have more business to sort out regarding my visa in the city. And I am there to visit my relatives. It looks like good times as we are going to have some fun on Saturday night. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
True Beauty
I like the way that some of the women at my office look. They come of as having beauty but class. Contrast that with all the young women in Colaba who all look like skanks basically speaking. I was wondering out loud if more women couldn't look like them. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Our neighbor is useless
Our neighbor TC is largely useless. She is a rich person with far to much time on her hands and not enough to do. Mumbai is full of these kinds of people to rich and too useless. This people need to find better things to do. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Getting my Ticket Issued Today
Later today I am going to Lower Parel to get my ticket issued. Things are looking up for me slowly but surely. Everything is getting better as my trip back to America nears. So far things have been going decently well. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Lifts Don't Need Operators
Here in India someone has cooked up the bizarre idea that lifts need operators. They really don't. I can operate a lift just fine by myself I do not need anyones help in doing it. It is after all a non-job. Take for example the absolute loser who works the lift in Kalpana. I don't even like him and yet he greets me every morning. He is a stupid looser. I genuinely happen to like the lift operator here at Usha Kiron. Ram is a friend of mine and a genuinely good guy at the core. However he does a non job. Lifts don't need operators they just don't. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Looking Good in the Playoffs
The San Antonio Spurs won big yesterday 94-90 in the Texas Grudge Match in the NBA. The Spurs took a 2-1 Series lead and looked stellar doing it. Tim Duncan scored 25 points and all star Caliber Guard Tony Parker socred 20 and dazzled. The Spurs spoiled Dirk Nowitzki's 35 point night. It was an all hands on deck effort in a big playoff win. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Our neighbors in Kalpana are essentially morons
Our neighbors in Kalpana are really loud and stupid. They have electronic devices going on all hours of the night and morning. Also they fight constantly. The loudness is not such a good then when peace and quiet is deserved. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
More Stories are in the works
Right now I am working on more stories fiction wise. This has proven to be a unique and interesting experience from start to finish. Work on it has proven to be rather difficult right now. Still I know what I have to do. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The way forward for me personally
Right now I am trying to move my life forward slowly but surely. Putting everything together is tough work. None the less I feel good about doing it. The process is healing and rewarding at the current time. Still I know what I have to do. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Getting Better Slowly
Right now I am on the path to recovery, The process is moving slowly but it is moving forward none the less. At the current time I am trying to make the most of a difficult situation. Finding the given solution is still tough. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Having fun with the Hurt Locker
The Hurt Locker was a great movie. It was a highly visceral story of four marines in Iraq. It is the story of the USMC's bomb disposal squad. Additionally it won five Oscars including an Oscar for its director Kathyrn Bigelow. The Hurt Lock is a gem that will last forever. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Beginning of the Playoffs
The NBA's post season begins today. Game one of the first round of the best of seven between my team the San Antonio Spurs and our Texas rivals the Dallas Mavericks. The game will be played in Reunion Arena in Dallas later today. It looks like a lot of fun with hoops action. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Finishing Zero's Day
Right now I am working on finishing Zero's Day. It has been a four year long odyssey to complete the rewrite of this book. However the process has been illuminating and rewarding from start to finish. Putting the work together at times has been tough. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The Word of the Day is Decorum
The word of today is decorum. Which simply means, saying the correct things, acting the correct way and looking the correct way. In short doing things with a high standard and asking others to do the same. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I am not a terrorist really
I am not a terrorist or a jihadist. But since this thing with Headley has blown up it complicates my visa situation a great deal. The main evil aside from whatever heinous acts these people perpetrate is that they give all of us good people a bad name. I was aware of that as well
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Resolve and the here and now
Right now I am living in the here now and am practicing resolve. Moving forward is still proving to be rather tough. None the less I have a sense of value in what I do. Putting the work together takes resolve. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Beyond Peace and Freedom
Right now we are working to create a newer and better world. One where there is no conflict and one where peace and freedom exist beyond the nearest hope. The world is a changing place and new powers are emerging slowly. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Playoffs Time in the Alamo City
San Antonio clinched there playoff spot this past week. We seem to be coming together as a group at just the right time. Our collective game play seems to have improved. I wonder will draw Oaklahoma City in the first round. I do not know. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
New Fiction in the Works Today
Right now I am in the process of writing new fiction. It is an interesting challenge that is proving to be rather useful. My situation is getting better and better each day rather slowly. It looks like good times are ahead for me. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Low Key Fun Activities
Right now I am enjoying low key fun. It is good times for me as I want to have fun but be responsible this weekend. Things are starting to look up again slowly but surely as new routines are formed. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Mean People Suck
Never be mean its really quite stupid. One day you will get on the wrong person's bad side and then you will be in real trouble. Life is to short to allow constant both stupidity and negativity to be allowed. Please have some sense for once in your lives. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Quality of Industry
Right now I am focused on the quality of industry. How to become the best worker that I can be. The situation has changed all around. Right now I am living for the here and now and for nothing else. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Life of a Rookie Worker
Being a rookie workers means many things including a learning experience. It also means that there should not be ludicrously high expectations of you. Expecting perfect merely sets one up for failure when that level of perfection is not achieved. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, April 5, 2010
One win away from the playoffs
After San Antonio's big win on the road on Sunday against the LA Lakers we took one huge step closer to the NBA post season. Provided we can win our game with Sacramento we can clinch and advance to the playoffs. We seem to be coming together as a group at just the right time. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Calcutta The Revolution that Failed
A friend of mine said that Calcutta has gone to the dogs. It is more appropriately the revolution that failed. The Central Marxist Party is ruining the state thoroughly. It has long since forgotten its roots in the people. This is the central Marxist Party of the late Jyoti Basu. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Getting Better Soon
Right now it is rest and recovery time. At the current moment I am writing this blog with the following thoughts. Life at certain times can be brutal. However once the dust has settled you have to pick up where you left off. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Good Work and Kind Days
Right now I am attempting to do good work and to enjoy kind days. I also enjoy having fun every once in a while. Like yesterday when I wen to Crosswords books. That was a great deal of fun. That day is over and I am living just for today. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
On the matter of my visa
Right now I am trying to obtain an OCI status for my Visa. Although I will remain a US Citizen. In light of this Headley matter blowing up over the past three weeks it greatly complicates my situation. As they all think we are potential terrorists. Even though the thought is ridiculous. Still I have to make the most of a difficult situation. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Finding Ways to Promote Integrity
The concept of integrity is important for all of us to understand. We must all act properly and encourage others to do the same. Failure to do this is really unnacceptable. Finding ways to promote integrity is valuable for all us as we move forward. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
What My Next Move will be
Right now I am at the crossroads. Where I will go from here will determine my future in the immediate short term. The name of the game this time is committment and what level I will need to make. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Improvements in Game Play are long over due
Right now San Antonio my team is playing well. However there have been times this season when we have appeared flat footed. Our recent imrpovement in game play is a welcomed change of pace. I hope we can maintain it as we make a push for the playoffs. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The BFS just plain Sucks
The BFS (Barber Free Society) has got to be one of the most ridiculous concepts ever cooked up. Never cut your own hair it makes you look like a dork. Always go to a barber once a month and get it cut professionally. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Meaning of Lahore
The meaning of the Indian movie Lahore is that decency defies geography. It is a feel good story of the Good Will Kick Boxing Championship held in Lahore Pakistan and the quest for justice for one of the players. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Lahore is Tonight
Tonight I am seeing the Indian Movie Lahore at Regal Cinema here in Mumbai town. It looks like good times and smooth sailing all around. Lahore is the story of a boxer and his fight to end the battle. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hindi is not my Language
I do not speak Hindi and I have no intention on learning it any time soon. My language has always been English. It will always be English. I do not consider Hindi to be of any value to me. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
New Poetry
Right now I am developing a new round of poetry. Writing it is a spiritually expansive process to say the least. The whole deal is rather good right now and I know it. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Assessing RC Buford's Legacy in Hoops
In time to come I think that San Antonio Spurs GM RC Buford will be seen as one of the best GMS in the game today. The man is a wizard at what he does and he does not get enough credit for his skills. He after all drafted two hall of fame caliber players in Tim Duncan and David Robinson. The man obviously knows what it takes to win. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Literature as a tool of Struggle
Literature has often been a political and intellectual weapon throughout history. One remembers Alexander Solsynitsyn's Gulag Archipelago as his fight against the Soviet Union's belittling of the individual. One also remembers that literature is visionary by its nature. Literature has often been a force for prophecy and change. I was aware of that as well
Dispatches From Detail
Right now I am on the road to Delhi, I have to straighten up some issues with my Indian Visa. Due to Headley being nabbed I have problems as they suspect me of being a terrorist which is more than a little ridiculous as I am as far removed from being a terrorist as one could imagine. Still that is the real legacy outside of the heinous brutality that it gives us good people a bad name. None the less it is my situation to deal with it. I was aware of that as well
Friday, March 19, 2010
Headley is a Double Agent
LET operative Headley got arrested in Chicago USA and was planning terrorist activities in South Asia. This fool got arrested by the FBI. Now they suspsect that I am a terrorist because of this. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Day of the Cold Part II
Today I still have this uber annoying cold. It just seems to hang around and it doesn't go away any time soon. Still I have to make the most of a bad situation. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Day of the Cold
Right now I have a bit of a soar throat. It was induced from moving between rapidly hot to rapidly cool climates within rooms. Still the process has been somewhat unique right now. I am trying to make the most of the given situation. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Connections worth Keeping
My friends Benny and Arras are definitely connections worth keeping. I am going to Benny's wedding in the summer and it looks like I will have a busy summer at that. There will be two trips within a trip. Additionally I have to do other things like get a new passport. It looks like good times for all. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Enjoying My Day Off
Today I am enjoying my day off. It is Gudi Padwa universe creation day here in India. I am enjoying not working today and I intend to have some fun. It looks like smooth sailing and good times all around. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Living for just this Day
Right now I am practicing the power of now. I am living for this day and for no other. The situation around me is changing and evolving. I am trying to make the best of a difficult situation. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Fishing Days
This week I have been ice cold in terms of my writing. The stories just aren't there and it is no use forcing them out when you can't focus. Writing is an art form but you can only do it with a presence of mind. American Author Ernest Hemingway said that when he couldn't write he went fishing. So I guess this has been a fishing week for me. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Bobby Sands all over Again
The current terror trials of Mohammad Ajmal Emir "Kasab" is exactly like the Bobby Sands terror trials in Britain in the 1960's. The similitarities are quite stunning as civilized countries attempt to administer justice to evil people. Kasab maintains this false front of innonence. He claims that he was picked up by Indian Police before 26/11 when that is not true. Personally I hope the Indian Courts here in Mumbai nail him to a wall. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Mumbai is Better than Delhi
I must take umbridge with the The Hindustan Times livability index which found that Delhi was a better city than Mumbai. I see Mumbai as the a vastly superior city to Delhi. The latter comes off as pointless hostile, cramped, smoky and cruddy. Also the Indian Elite tend to agree with me that Mumbai is a better city. The Tatas live here, as do the Ambanis, Amitahb Bacchan the actor has his residence in the city. It is a huge vote of confidence for my adopted home. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Passport
The next nut I will have to crack is my passport. When I go back to California this summer I will go back to the Depart of State and the Bureau of Immigration and get it. It will take some time but it will be worth it. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
A Trip to the Dentist
Today I am going to Grant Road via that train and I am going to see my dentist Dr. Suresh M. Shah DDS. It looks like good times and after that I am going to have lunch and go strait home. There will be no office today so I will get home slightly earlier than yesterday. I was aware of that as well.
Tonedeafness Just plain Sucks
My coworkers at my job are utterly and completely tone-deaf. None of them has a stitch of vocal abilities and yet they keep on trying to. There should be a rule somewhere that states that Those who Cannot Sing Shouldn't attempt to. Please spare our air space. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Working on New Poetry Now
Right now I am working on new verses. It looks like good times and smooth sailing are yet ahead. Yesterday was a bit of a wash and I hope that today will be better. The process of elimination moves forward. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
A Trip To Juhu
Yesterday we made a trip to Juhu via the train. It was pretty fun and we hung out at Crosswords Book Store at the Shoppers Stop there. We also had a good dinner of chicken and noodles. It was good times all around.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Pepsi is Liquid Garbage
Pepsi tastes like crap, it is intensely to sweet. The flavoring that they use is terrible. I don't know how anyone stands to drink that stuff. The drink is a terrible product from start to finish. Give me a coke any day. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Getting Back to Winning
Slowly but surely I am getting back to winning. It is important to win and it is important to move forward. Sometimes life can be a real bitch but one should always recover. Tomorrow is a new day but I am going to make the most of today. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
John Brown was a Hero
American Abolitionist John Brown was a hero and a freedom fighter who struggled and died to give others a better shake in life. He was hung for treason and he led a life of struggle and pain. His legacy endures far beyond Harper's Ferry and extends to the civil war. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Life of a Working Stiff
Right now I am a working stiff, newest member of the proliteriat. It is an interesting and unique experience to say the least. However things are changing for me righ now. The way forward is more complex than the road behind. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Invictus is a great movie
Last night I saw the movie Invictus about the rugby match between team South Africa and Team New Zealand in the 1995 Rugby World Cup played in Durban South Africa. It was a great movie and Morgan Freeman was believable as Nelson Mandela. I will not ruin it for you here. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Service with a smile
Our current laundry lady embodies the spirit of a person who not only is good at what she does but she is cheery about it. Many people approach work with the idea that it is both a drudgery and a chore. This should not always be the case. Work after all is a privaledge to say the least. One should always work and work with a smile. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
For the insanity of it all
When will the insanity of our lunatic planet end. The government has gone nuts, society has gone nuts, people are going nuts. Its really quite crazy out there. Still an abiding sense of loyalty to humanity does apply right now. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Toshiba is Toast
Late yesterday my five year old Toshiba laptop officially bit the dust. Its hard drive had been apparently completely fried. The whole situation is not good to say the least. However I am in the process of acquiring a replacement computer. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Experiencing Technical Difficulties
Right now my laptop is not working. At the current time this blog comes courtesy of the house emachine. The overall situation is moving forward slowly but surely. Pieces of a puzzle are falling into place right now. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Of Wit and Rhyme
Right now I am becoming a burgeoning poet. It is an interesting process of personal carthsis and transformation to say the least. My poetic oddyssey has proven to be unusual in several ways. More germinal books are in the works right now. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Practicing the Power of Now
We should all practice the power of now. We should live for this day and for this day only. Do not live for the past or live for the future. It is good to practice the power of now and it has many rewards. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Growing Pains and the Alamo City
the new look San Antonio Spurs are still havin growing pains as a group right now. We suffered to dismal losses to Philadelphia and Detroit. The pain of it all was evident as we fought hard but came up short in both cases. It always seems to be two steps forward and one step back with the Alamo City this year. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
My Name is Khan is a great movie
Shah Rukh Khan's new film My Name is Khan is a great movie. It is the story of an Indian Muslim named Rizwan Khan and his quest to meet the President of the United States in order to deliver a message of peace. It is at times painful but is a deeply personal oddysey. Rizwan Khan has aspergers disorder. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
A Trip to the Book Store
Yesterday we went to the Crosswords Book Shop at Shivajji Park. It was a good time all around as mom got some non fiction books. I acquired two new books Travels With Charley By John Steinbeck and Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe. It looks like good times and smooth sailing all around. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, February 19, 2010
After the Empire blues
We are headed for a post imperial world now. The situation is changing and he isolationists are on the rise. The isolationists of this era will fail for the same reasons that Isolationists of previous eras failed. We cannot ignore the worlds problems. Nine Eleven should have told us that. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
A Secular Revolution
what we need in this polarized over religionized world is a secular revolution. Church and state should be seperate at all levels. Universally very terrible things happen when religion acquires the power of the state. Secular values are a must in todays world. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
new years poetry
Right now I am in the process of drafting new poetry. It is not as simple as it would sound. Still the process is good none the less. Putting everything together takes more work than previously anticipated. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Coming together now
Finally my San Antonio Spurs are coming together. It looks like good times and smooth sailing as our collective improvement in game play moves forward. Still a lot remains to be done as thirty games are left of the schedule. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Solving Technical Problems
Right now at home (usha Kiron) we are having technical difficulties. These problems will be solved eventually. However it will take skill. I was aware of that as well.
Corruption and the Democrats
Today's Democratic party in United States is just as corrupt and duplicitous as the Republicans. the only difference is that the media is completely in bed with the democrats and will never call they out even when they engage in activity that is both damnable and corrupt. In fact reality and perception are often times to opposing and fundamentally different entities. As is the case in American politics today. the democrats short sighted ness will be their inevitable down fall as we take one step closer to being what we said we most despised. Namely being a dictatorship. democrats don't like democracy at all. In fact they hate it so much that in stealth they are working to tear down and scale back institutions and curtail liberty. basically engaging in myopic behaviour that is both self destructive and wrong. When will the insanity end?
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Never make politics personal
politics should be political and not personal. never make up spurious stories about politicians that you dislike even if what you say has an element of truth too it. If you dislike someone for their politics you should not engage in Reducto Ad Homini and attack their person. It is wrong and can be constrewn as slander. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Tough, stacked and deep
The NBA's Western Conference is tough, stacked and deep. In fact the East is the weaker of the two conferences by far. Being that the east has only won th NBA title three of the past eleven years. The San Antonio Spurs and the LA Lakers combine for eight of the past eleven NBA titles between the two of them. However the west is much more than LA and San Antonio. Dallas, Denver, Houston, Oaklahoma City and Portland are all balling really well right now. Every regular season game comes with the atmosphere of a playoff game seven. It will be a bruising playoff come May. I was aware of that as well
spare your saturday
spare your saturday and have some low key fun activities. I am looking forward to the fact that I have no work tomorrow. It looks like good times and more writing as I have two new fiction chapbooks that are in the works right now. I am looking forward to the beginning of the end of my job. All is going well. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Earning my Paycheck
Right now at my job I am doing a work quality assessment. This is to make sure that I am not stealing my paycheck. The latter would be a very bad thing. One should earn their money and spend it wisely. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Useless Politician comments just plain suck
From Ball Thakeray and AR Antulay to Al Gore and Ronny White. Politicians make some pretty stupid comments all around. The head of Shiv Sena ran his mouth and sounded like a moron in the process. Similarly so AR Antulay falsely claimed that Hemant Karkare was killed fighting Hindu Fanatics. Its like someone in the current US Government saying that Latin American Communists masterminded 9/11 instead of Middle East Terrorists as was actually the case. America has its own brand of idiotic commentators. Al Gore most infamously saying that "I invented the Internet". When in fact he had nothing to do with the creation of cyberspace. Ronny White the Deputy Secretary of State in the first Reagan Administration most infamously said that Asians can turn televisions into watches. Both are accerbically dumb comments that tend to insult our collective intelligences. Just because there is the freedom of speech does not entitle you to be a moron. I was aware of that as well.l
Monday, February 8, 2010
New Fiction is in the works
Right now I am doing the writing for one new short story collection and two new volumes of poetry. Both of which will be completed in early to mid March. It looks like smooth sailing and good times are ahead. I was aware of that as well
microsoft vista is useless
Microsoft's new operative system Vista is completely useless. So much so that my father had Vista removed from his personal computer and replaced with Windows System seven. If Microsoft puts out these kinds of products they might as well get out of the software business all togethe. I was aware of that as well
Saturday, February 6, 2010
horn honking just plain sucks
honking your horn is rude and obnoxious but it does not make traffic human or vehicle move an inch faster. please spair the air and refrain from honking. thanks
Friday, February 5, 2010
Surviving the decade from hell
Right now we are in the midst of the decade from hell. The situation is not as bad as it seems but it could also be worse. The sitation is also changing and evolving. Surviving is tough work right now. I was aware of that as well
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Hilary Clinton is Inept
I am glad that the Democratic Party had enough sense not to nominate Hilary Clinton for President. Whe is completely and totally inept. You see what a bad job she is doing as secretary of state. She would would have been a terrible president. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Misinformation about Global warming is not good
Man made climate change is real. However there is no scientific consensus on the matter. One would have to assume that suh sources as The Inconvenient Truth are not totally correct in their initial assesments. I was aware of that as well.
Never be mean and Never Be Stupid
Meanness and stupidity are not virtues they are faults. One should not exude these qualities in day to day interactions. We must work to find ways of elevating ourselves above the lowest common demonitor. Achieving this may take time but it is the right thing to do. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Good times and clean living
Right now we are engaging in good times and clean living. The situation is changing and evolving right now. Still I was wondering if the sitaution was going to be this way forever. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, February 1, 2010
New Days of Fiction
Right now I am in the process of creating new fiction. This is an interesting process from start to finish. It is also intensely challenging. The situation is changing and evovlving. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
rhyme and reason
Right now I am working to become an accomplished poet. One day they will think of me as Walt Whitman or Langston Hughes. It looks like good times are to be had by all. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Never Cry Fire
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Oliver Wendell Holmes said at the Eugene V. Debs Sedition Trial in 1919 that the freedom of speech is not crying fire in a crowded movie hall. The same is true today. We should not cry fire because it is both pointless and stupid to do so. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, January 29, 2010
they never see the good
the story of my life is that they never see the good. they always focus on the negative. This is an intense problem. One day the good has to be taken into account to. I was aware of that as well
Never be a drone
It sucks to be a drone. Someone who has a mind only for one thing. My nominal superior is exactly this way. It seems that he has a mind for work and nothing else. It seems that even when I come to the office for none work purposes he attempts to engage me about work. This is pointless and it accomplishes nothing. But he doesn't see it that way. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Having a sense of integrity
Integrity is important in several regards. It means that you are clean morally and spiritually. Many people lack this fundamental concept. The loss of which can be totally detrimental. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Good Crazy versus Bad Crazy
There are definitely two types of crazy people in this world. There are the benign crazy people and then there are the evil crazy people. A la Ted Gyzinski. Our family friend CS is a perfect example of a good crazy person. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Dejuan Blair is a Steal
San Antonio Spurs back up small rookie small forward Dejuan Blair is a steal. He is a really good player that went undrafted. The Spurs took him with the thirty seventh pick in the expansion round of the draft. Blair is a work horse of a player and he is also tough mentally and physically. Dejuan Blair has nearly a football body in his ability to take damage. Mr. Blair it is safe to say that you will have the last laugh.
Monday, January 25, 2010
The coming Republican Shake up
The surprise electoral victory of Scot Brown (rebpublican Massachusetts) should signal to the democrats that the Republican party is far from dead. The republicans will make gains in both houses of congress in the coming mid term elections. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
American Ingenuity Refuses to die
Americans are by their very nature, tough, resilient and resourceful. Just when we are on the ropes we find a way to come back from the brink of disaster. I have full faith that we will get through the problems we now have. American ingenuity is alive and well. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
New Fiction Books in the Works shortly
There are more fiction books that I am currently developing they include, Slider and Other Stories, The Fallout and Other Stories and the Infinite Gateway. All of which will be developed in short order. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Always be proud of what you are
Self hatred it never a good thing. Take for example the puppet president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmedinajad who is half Jewis. AHmedinajad hates Jews and essentially he hates himself. Ahmedinajad's mother is full Jewish making him half Jewish. One should always be proud of their identitiy. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Dirk Nowitzki is MVP
In my opinion the 2010 NBA regular season MVP should go to Dirk Nowitzki of the Dallas Mavericks. With all due respect to the season that Kobe Bryant is having for LA if the award is merit based it should go to Dirk because he deserves it. With the exception of the game against Golden State where he scored forty one points and the Mavs lost by in large when he does well they win. Dirk Nowitzki is MVP. I was aware of that as well
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Always do your best and make it work
Whenever you tackle a problem you should do your best to solve the problem. Do not solve one problem and cause two or three totally new problems. If your quality of work is low it will reflect on you inevitably. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
the new years poetry
Right now I am working on two poetry books the first is called The Poetics of Place and Other Poems. The second is called Whimsy and the Muse and other poems. I have high hopes that both will be good. I was aware of that as well.
the name of the game is quality
As far as my job goes the name of the game is quality. I will be working towards delivering a sense of quality of value in addition to any labor related services that I provide. This is my overall goal. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The work to be done
Once I get to work this morning I have to check the back ups versus the original copies. It sounds laborious but everything will be worth it in the end. So far things are changing all around right now. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Crash Sunday
Today I am thinking of going to Crosswords book store in Kemp's Corner on this crash sunday. It is the last official day of the vacation. So far everything seems to be going decently well right. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, January 15, 2010
source of the stories
The source of my stories are in my own head. This has been the situation for some time to come. Life can be unpredictable at times. The situation is continuosly evolving and changing at the current moment. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
after the check up
A short while ago I received a basic medical checkup at Saifee hospital. Everything looks good so far as I await the results of the said check up. I had been wanting to do this for some time and now it is done. All I await is the results tomorrow. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Gettting back to work
Tomorrow it is back to the job hafter a nearly two month hiatus. Things have been fun so far but the grind resumes tomorrow. All good things have their place and I know that much is also true. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, January 11, 2010
back to work
The vacation is nearly over and it is time to get back to work. Everything that we did was fun and I expect to spend more time in the Philippines in the near future. I hope that all of my relatives are well and they now have a book dedication. This was a good time to say the least. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
all good things
There is a saying that all good things must come to an end. this is quite literally true of my Philippine vacation which seems to have gone by in a flash. It feels like I just got here last week although I know in my real mind that I have been here for over a month. This has been a great experience none the less. Also I hope to spend more time in the Philippines in the near future
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The Corregidor trip
Today we are going on the trip to Corregidor Island. It was the place were the Americans and their Filipino Allies fought to the last man against the Invading Japanese Army shortly after the events of Pearl Harbor in 1941. It is a historic sight and visiting it looks like good times. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Putting it all together
Finally my San Antonio Spurs are putting it all together. This will help Tim Duncan out in the all star balloting which is ongoing. We have won six of the past seven games and out of the next five games we should go three and two. We will make the playoffs and win at least another twenty eight games to do so. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
In Defense of Chuck Norris
In a bizarre twist the Liberal Lemmings of Hollywood are protecting known pedophile Roman Polanski because he is a liberal like them. At the same time they trash and denigrate Chuck Norris simply because he is a republican. This myopic view is stupid and should be seen as such. Chuck you are still a winner in my book.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The two best living writers are
My two favorite living authors are Chinua Achebe of Nigeria and Orson Scott Card of the United States. Both I think are highly skilled in what they do. Achebe at long last is finally getting the kudos he deserves as being an excellent novelist. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Problems of a Post Imperial World
Most of the modern day Peace Movement in the United States are isolationists at the core. These short sighted individuals have the urge to isolate America as best they can. But just like the isolationists of previous eras they too will fail. I do agree with them with them on one point. Too much intervention is clearly a bad thing. This being said to little intervention is equally bad in its own right. We have to strike a balance were foreign policy is concerned. We Americans should take a look at the concept of Enlightened Self Interest. The operative word being enlightened. We should work with other nations to achieve common goals that are in the best interest of all involved. These are just some of the problems faced by a Post Imperial world
Monday, January 4, 2010
In Defense of Michael Vyck
Former NFL footballer and convicted dog-fighter Michael Vyck has been recently released from prison for serving a forty two month sentence. I must preface this next statement by saying I am a dog lover personally. I had a dog growing up all my years of childhood. That being said the punishment did fit the crime. Remember other NFL footballers did far worse things than Michael Vyck did and didn't get the draconian punishment that he got. Take for example Ray Carruth, Leonard Little, and lastly Adam "Pac-man" Jones. Ray Carruth shot his pregnant girlfriend in the arm with a handgun and wasn't punished as swiftly as Micheal Vyck. Leonard Little drove drunk and killed somebody and didn't even get jail time for it. Lastly Adam "Pac-Man" Jones is wanted for a double shooting in a Las Vegas Nevada night club. All three did worse things than what Michael Vyck did and didn't get Vyck's punishment. Eight or nine months would have done just fine to teach Vyck that lesson. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
the Obama Mirage
Barack Obama is easily a political mirage. At first he looked, brilliant and inspired. But as time went on he just becomes another hack politician. He promised change but has not delivered. Once more in startling ways he is actually much closer to George W Bush in such areas as his Afghanistan Policy and his Fiscal policy as well. Just like a mirage he too will evaporate. I was aware of that as well
Saturday, January 2, 2010
the necessary future
Why I love science fiction is that it is just far off enough to seem fantastical yet at the same time good science fiction is incredibly believable. It is both the awe and wonder factor and the credibility factor that make it for the most compelling genre of fiction ever devised. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Court Marshal
In the aftermath of the Maguindanao Massacre in the southern Philippines the government should court marshal the General and Military officers who gave government issue weapons to the Ampatuans and other local war lords. It would be a simple matter for them to do so.
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