Sunday, January 31, 2010

rhyme and reason

Right now I am working to become an accomplished poet. One day they will think of me as Walt Whitman or Langston Hughes. It looks like good times are to be had by all. I was aware of that as well.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Never Cry Fire

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Oliver Wendell Holmes said at the Eugene V. Debs Sedition Trial in 1919 that the freedom of speech is not crying fire in a crowded movie hall. The same is true today. We should not cry fire because it is both pointless and stupid to do so. I was aware of that as well.

Friday, January 29, 2010

they never see the good

the story of my life is that they never see the good. they always focus on the negative. This is an intense problem. One day the good has to be taken into account to. I was aware of that as well

Never be a drone

It sucks to be a drone. Someone who has a mind only for one thing. My nominal superior is exactly this way. It seems that he has a mind for work and nothing else. It seems that even when I come to the office for none work purposes he attempts to engage me about work. This is pointless and it accomplishes nothing. But he doesn't see it that way. I was aware of that as well.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Having a sense of integrity

Integrity is important in several regards. It means that you are clean morally and spiritually. Many people lack this fundamental concept. The loss of which can be totally detrimental. I was aware of that as well.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Good Crazy versus Bad Crazy

There are definitely two types of crazy people in this world. There are the benign crazy people and then there are the evil crazy people. A la Ted Gyzinski. Our family friend CS is a perfect example of a good crazy person. I was aware of that as well.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dejuan Blair is a Steal

San Antonio Spurs back up small rookie small forward Dejuan Blair is a steal. He is a really good player that went undrafted. The Spurs took him with the thirty seventh pick in the expansion round of the draft. Blair is a work horse of a player and he is also tough mentally and physically. Dejuan Blair has nearly a football body in his ability to take damage. Mr. Blair it is safe to say that you will have the last laugh.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The coming Republican Shake up

The surprise electoral victory of Scot Brown (rebpublican Massachusetts) should signal to the democrats that the Republican party is far from dead. The republicans will make gains in both houses of congress in the coming mid term elections. I was aware of that as well.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

American Ingenuity Refuses to die

Americans are by their very nature, tough, resilient and resourceful. Just when we are on the ropes we find a way to come back from the brink of disaster. I have full faith that we will get through the problems we now have. American ingenuity is alive and well. I was aware of that as well.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Fiction Books in the Works shortly

There are more fiction books that I am currently developing they include, Slider and Other Stories, The Fallout and Other Stories and the Infinite Gateway. All of which will be developed in short order. I was aware of that as well.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Always be proud of what you are

Self hatred it never a good thing. Take for example the puppet president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmedinajad who is half Jewis. AHmedinajad hates Jews and essentially he hates himself. Ahmedinajad's mother is full Jewish making him half Jewish. One should always be proud of their identitiy. I was aware of that as well.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dirk Nowitzki is MVP

In my opinion the 2010 NBA regular season MVP should go to Dirk Nowitzki of the Dallas Mavericks. With all due respect to the season that Kobe Bryant is having for LA if the award is merit based it should go to Dirk because he deserves it. With the exception of the game against Golden State where he scored forty one points and the Mavs lost by in large when he does well they win. Dirk Nowitzki is MVP. I was aware of that as well

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Always do your best and make it work

Whenever you tackle a problem you should do your best to solve the problem. Do not solve one problem and cause two or three totally new problems. If your quality of work is low it will reflect on you inevitably. I was aware of that as well.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

the new years poetry

Right now I am working on two poetry books the first is called The Poetics of Place and Other Poems. The second is called Whimsy and the Muse and other poems. I have high hopes that both will be good. I was aware of that as well.

the name of the game is quality

As far as my job goes the name of the game is quality. I will be working towards delivering a sense of quality of value in addition to any labor related services that I provide. This is my overall goal. I was aware of that as well.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The work to be done

Once I get to work this morning I have to check the back ups versus the original copies. It sounds laborious but everything will be worth it in the end. So far things are changing all around right now. I was aware of that as well.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Crash Sunday

Today I am thinking of going to Crosswords book store in Kemp's Corner on this crash sunday. It is the last official day of the vacation. So far everything seems to be going decently well right. I was aware of that as well.

Friday, January 15, 2010

source of the stories

The source of my stories are in my own head. This has been the situation for some time to come. Life can be unpredictable at times. The situation is continuosly evolving and changing at the current moment. I was aware of that as well.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

after the check up

A short while ago I received a basic medical checkup at Saifee hospital. Everything looks good so far as I await the results of the said check up. I had been wanting to do this for some time and now it is done. All I await is the results tomorrow. I was aware of that as well.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gettting back to work

Tomorrow it is back to the job hafter a nearly two month hiatus. Things have been fun so far but the grind resumes tomorrow. All good things have their place and I know that much is also true. I was aware of that as well.

Monday, January 11, 2010

back to work

The vacation is nearly over and it is time to get back to work. Everything that we did was fun and I expect to spend more time in the Philippines in the near future. I hope that all of my relatives are well and they now have a book dedication. This was a good time to say the least. I was aware of that as well.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

all good things

There is a saying that all good things must come to an end. this is quite literally true of my Philippine vacation which seems to have gone by in a flash. It feels like I just got here last week although I know in my real mind that I have been here for over a month. This has been a great experience none the less. Also I hope to spend more time in the Philippines in the near future

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Corregidor trip

Today we are going on the trip to Corregidor Island. It was the place were the Americans and their Filipino Allies fought to the last man against the Invading Japanese Army shortly after the events of Pearl Harbor in 1941. It is a historic sight and visiting it looks like good times. I was aware of that as well.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Putting it all together

Finally my San Antonio Spurs are putting it all together. This will help Tim Duncan out in the all star balloting which is ongoing. We have won six of the past seven games and out of the next five games we should go three and two. We will make the playoffs and win at least another twenty eight games to do so. I was aware of that as well.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

In Defense of Chuck Norris

In a bizarre twist the Liberal Lemmings of Hollywood are protecting known pedophile Roman Polanski because he is a liberal like them. At the same time they trash and denigrate Chuck Norris simply because he is a republican. This myopic view is stupid and should be seen as such. Chuck you are still a winner in my book.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The two best living writers are

My two favorite living authors are Chinua Achebe of Nigeria and Orson Scott Card of the United States. Both I think are highly skilled in what they do. Achebe at long last is finally getting the kudos he deserves as being an excellent novelist. I was aware of that as well.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Problems of a Post Imperial World

Most of the modern day Peace Movement in the United States are isolationists at the core. These short sighted individuals have the urge to isolate America as best they can. But just like the isolationists of previous eras they too will fail. I do agree with them with them on one point. Too much intervention is clearly a bad thing. This being said to little intervention is equally bad in its own right. We have to strike a balance were foreign policy is concerned. We Americans should take a look at the concept of Enlightened Self Interest. The operative word being enlightened. We should work with other nations to achieve common goals that are in the best interest of all involved. These are just some of the problems faced by a Post Imperial world

Monday, January 4, 2010

In Defense of Michael Vyck

Former NFL footballer and convicted dog-fighter Michael Vyck has been recently released from prison for serving a forty two month sentence. I must preface this next statement by saying I am a dog lover personally. I had a dog growing up all my years of childhood. That being said the punishment did fit the crime. Remember other NFL footballers did far worse things than Michael Vyck did and didn't get the draconian punishment that he got. Take for example Ray Carruth, Leonard Little, and lastly Adam "Pac-man" Jones. Ray Carruth shot his pregnant girlfriend in the arm with a handgun and wasn't punished as swiftly as Micheal Vyck. Leonard Little drove drunk and killed somebody and didn't even get jail time for it. Lastly Adam "Pac-Man" Jones is wanted for a double shooting in a Las Vegas Nevada night club. All three did worse things than what Michael Vyck did and didn't get Vyck's punishment. Eight or nine months would have done just fine to teach Vyck that lesson. I was aware of that as well.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

the Obama Mirage

Barack Obama is easily a political mirage. At first he looked, brilliant and inspired. But as time went on he just becomes another hack politician. He promised change but has not delivered. Once more in startling ways he is actually much closer to George W Bush in such areas as his Afghanistan Policy and his Fiscal policy as well. Just like a mirage he too will evaporate. I was aware of that as well

Saturday, January 2, 2010

the necessary future

Why I love science fiction is that it is just far off enough to seem fantastical yet at the same time good science fiction is incredibly believable. It is both the awe and wonder factor and the credibility factor that make it for the most compelling genre of fiction ever devised. I was aware of that as well.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Court Marshal

In the aftermath of the Maguindanao Massacre in the southern Philippines the government should court marshal the General and Military officers who gave government issue weapons to the Ampatuans and other local war lords. It would be a simple matter for them to do so.