Sunday, February 28, 2010
Service with a smile
Our current laundry lady embodies the spirit of a person who not only is good at what she does but she is cheery about it. Many people approach work with the idea that it is both a drudgery and a chore. This should not always be the case. Work after all is a privaledge to say the least. One should always work and work with a smile. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
For the insanity of it all
When will the insanity of our lunatic planet end. The government has gone nuts, society has gone nuts, people are going nuts. Its really quite crazy out there. Still an abiding sense of loyalty to humanity does apply right now. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Toshiba is Toast
Late yesterday my five year old Toshiba laptop officially bit the dust. Its hard drive had been apparently completely fried. The whole situation is not good to say the least. However I am in the process of acquiring a replacement computer. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Experiencing Technical Difficulties
Right now my laptop is not working. At the current time this blog comes courtesy of the house emachine. The overall situation is moving forward slowly but surely. Pieces of a puzzle are falling into place right now. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Of Wit and Rhyme
Right now I am becoming a burgeoning poet. It is an interesting process of personal carthsis and transformation to say the least. My poetic oddyssey has proven to be unusual in several ways. More germinal books are in the works right now. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Practicing the Power of Now
We should all practice the power of now. We should live for this day and for this day only. Do not live for the past or live for the future. It is good to practice the power of now and it has many rewards. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Growing Pains and the Alamo City
the new look San Antonio Spurs are still havin growing pains as a group right now. We suffered to dismal losses to Philadelphia and Detroit. The pain of it all was evident as we fought hard but came up short in both cases. It always seems to be two steps forward and one step back with the Alamo City this year. I was aware of that as well.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
My Name is Khan is a great movie
Shah Rukh Khan's new film My Name is Khan is a great movie. It is the story of an Indian Muslim named Rizwan Khan and his quest to meet the President of the United States in order to deliver a message of peace. It is at times painful but is a deeply personal oddysey. Rizwan Khan has aspergers disorder. I was aware of that as well.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
A Trip to the Book Store
Yesterday we went to the Crosswords Book Shop at Shivajji Park. It was a good time all around as mom got some non fiction books. I acquired two new books Travels With Charley By John Steinbeck and Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe. It looks like good times and smooth sailing all around. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, February 19, 2010
After the Empire blues
We are headed for a post imperial world now. The situation is changing and he isolationists are on the rise. The isolationists of this era will fail for the same reasons that Isolationists of previous eras failed. We cannot ignore the worlds problems. Nine Eleven should have told us that. I was aware of that as well.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
A Secular Revolution
what we need in this polarized over religionized world is a secular revolution. Church and state should be seperate at all levels. Universally very terrible things happen when religion acquires the power of the state. Secular values are a must in todays world. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
new years poetry
Right now I am in the process of drafting new poetry. It is not as simple as it would sound. Still the process is good none the less. Putting everything together takes more work than previously anticipated. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Coming together now
Finally my San Antonio Spurs are coming together. It looks like good times and smooth sailing as our collective improvement in game play moves forward. Still a lot remains to be done as thirty games are left of the schedule. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Solving Technical Problems
Right now at home (usha Kiron) we are having technical difficulties. These problems will be solved eventually. However it will take skill. I was aware of that as well.
Corruption and the Democrats
Today's Democratic party in United States is just as corrupt and duplicitous as the Republicans. the only difference is that the media is completely in bed with the democrats and will never call they out even when they engage in activity that is both damnable and corrupt. In fact reality and perception are often times to opposing and fundamentally different entities. As is the case in American politics today. the democrats short sighted ness will be their inevitable down fall as we take one step closer to being what we said we most despised. Namely being a dictatorship. democrats don't like democracy at all. In fact they hate it so much that in stealth they are working to tear down and scale back institutions and curtail liberty. basically engaging in myopic behaviour that is both self destructive and wrong. When will the insanity end?
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Never make politics personal
politics should be political and not personal. never make up spurious stories about politicians that you dislike even if what you say has an element of truth too it. If you dislike someone for their politics you should not engage in Reducto Ad Homini and attack their person. It is wrong and can be constrewn as slander. I was aware of that as well.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Tough, stacked and deep
The NBA's Western Conference is tough, stacked and deep. In fact the East is the weaker of the two conferences by far. Being that the east has only won th NBA title three of the past eleven years. The San Antonio Spurs and the LA Lakers combine for eight of the past eleven NBA titles between the two of them. However the west is much more than LA and San Antonio. Dallas, Denver, Houston, Oaklahoma City and Portland are all balling really well right now. Every regular season game comes with the atmosphere of a playoff game seven. It will be a bruising playoff come May. I was aware of that as well
spare your saturday
spare your saturday and have some low key fun activities. I am looking forward to the fact that I have no work tomorrow. It looks like good times and more writing as I have two new fiction chapbooks that are in the works right now. I am looking forward to the beginning of the end of my job. All is going well. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Earning my Paycheck
Right now at my job I am doing a work quality assessment. This is to make sure that I am not stealing my paycheck. The latter would be a very bad thing. One should earn their money and spend it wisely. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Useless Politician comments just plain suck
From Ball Thakeray and AR Antulay to Al Gore and Ronny White. Politicians make some pretty stupid comments all around. The head of Shiv Sena ran his mouth and sounded like a moron in the process. Similarly so AR Antulay falsely claimed that Hemant Karkare was killed fighting Hindu Fanatics. Its like someone in the current US Government saying that Latin American Communists masterminded 9/11 instead of Middle East Terrorists as was actually the case. America has its own brand of idiotic commentators. Al Gore most infamously saying that "I invented the Internet". When in fact he had nothing to do with the creation of cyberspace. Ronny White the Deputy Secretary of State in the first Reagan Administration most infamously said that Asians can turn televisions into watches. Both are accerbically dumb comments that tend to insult our collective intelligences. Just because there is the freedom of speech does not entitle you to be a moron. I was aware of that as well.l
Monday, February 8, 2010
New Fiction is in the works
Right now I am doing the writing for one new short story collection and two new volumes of poetry. Both of which will be completed in early to mid March. It looks like smooth sailing and good times are ahead. I was aware of that as well
microsoft vista is useless
Microsoft's new operative system Vista is completely useless. So much so that my father had Vista removed from his personal computer and replaced with Windows System seven. If Microsoft puts out these kinds of products they might as well get out of the software business all togethe. I was aware of that as well
Saturday, February 6, 2010
horn honking just plain sucks
honking your horn is rude and obnoxious but it does not make traffic human or vehicle move an inch faster. please spair the air and refrain from honking. thanks
Friday, February 5, 2010
Surviving the decade from hell
Right now we are in the midst of the decade from hell. The situation is not as bad as it seems but it could also be worse. The sitation is also changing and evolving. Surviving is tough work right now. I was aware of that as well
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Hilary Clinton is Inept
I am glad that the Democratic Party had enough sense not to nominate Hilary Clinton for President. Whe is completely and totally inept. You see what a bad job she is doing as secretary of state. She would would have been a terrible president. I was aware of that as well.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Misinformation about Global warming is not good
Man made climate change is real. However there is no scientific consensus on the matter. One would have to assume that suh sources as The Inconvenient Truth are not totally correct in their initial assesments. I was aware of that as well.
Never be mean and Never Be Stupid
Meanness and stupidity are not virtues they are faults. One should not exude these qualities in day to day interactions. We must work to find ways of elevating ourselves above the lowest common demonitor. Achieving this may take time but it is the right thing to do. I was aware of that as well.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Good times and clean living
Right now we are engaging in good times and clean living. The situation is changing and evolving right now. Still I was wondering if the sitaution was going to be this way forever. I was aware of that as well.
Monday, February 1, 2010
New Days of Fiction
Right now I am in the process of creating new fiction. This is an interesting process from start to finish. It is also intensely challenging. The situation is changing and evovlving. I was aware of that as well.
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