Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bailouts are code words for tax hikes

The ideas of constant bailouts is a code word for raising taxes. It is just a fine bit of government sugar coding that makes the idea seem acutely less harmful than it is. Doing this continuously is fiscally detrimental and sort of incredibly stupid. Big money interests are evil.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Back to School blues

This week I go to change winter quarter's schedule to fit the right slate of classes. It is a tedious task but I enjoy doing it none the less. Making education work productively for you is the right thing to do. None the less it can be demanding and down right boring at times. Still you must take advantage of the given format. These are the back to school blues

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Creatures of the daytime

One thing that you find out about yourself is how much you hate nights and evenings. Generally speaking you are a creature of the day time and you enjoy days more than the alternative times. Other family members operate the opposite way however that is not for you. Things work both for you and against you at the same time.

Friday, November 11, 2011

An Ode to the boring

Studying is boring and yet it must be done. Take for example this week where I have put in close to thirty five hours of school related activities. This following is an ode to the boring aspects of life that we can't escape. None the less we have to make do with what we have at the present time. All things considered cheers.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Arrogance basically sucks

Arrogance coupled with stupidity largely accomplishes nothing in the long run. All it succeeds in doing is to make others naturally pissed off at you and deteriorates relationships immensely. This short sighted problem is made more acute by people who take the dim view that they do not make mistakes. Not only is this patently false but it also deleterious to the sense of self. But don't let conscience get in your way by any means Arrogance still sucks.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Back to the land of emotional health

Where as physical health is important. Emotional health can be equally important. Taking care of one but neglecting the other is equally detrimental. Right now I am trying to balance both out as best I can.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Studying is boring but doable

Studying is boring but doable my brain does feel a bit more dead than usual but I will have to live with it for now. Things are a bit sticky but are getting better. None the less I am trying to take advantage to the best of my ability. Dividing your time between house work, school and what you like to do personally is a difficult task but is also doable. None the less I am trying to take advantage of the format. Cheers.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

How to keep your head above water

College is a game of wit, survival and sanity. It is a game about keeping your head above water at all times. This task isn't easy but it is doable. Sometimes you have to see the forest for the trees. I have done a lot of things that are remarkable and others that are not. None the less things are getting better all around cheers.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Existence for a higher purpose

Right now you are at the edge of your own existence. You have stuff that makes you tick. You also have dislikes about other people close to you. Things are tough but getting better and you are finding your feet in this world all around. Independence is a good thing only to a certain degree. None the less you have to make the most of the situation around you. Cheers

Monday, October 17, 2011

Homework day

Homework day is not going to be fun but there is seriously no getting out of it. Oddly enough studying does have ancillary benefits even if they are felt in an odd way. Things are going well and getting somewhat better around here although more remains to be done. Cheers

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Balancing acts

Life is ultimately about balancing acts. Doing what you have to do and doing what you want to do. Also it is about doing what is important just because it is for the sake of it. Things are tough but getting better all around. Right now I am taking advantage of the format. Cheers

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Study saturday

Today I will be doing homework and studying for my class. It is tough and boring but it needs to be done. None the less I am trying to take advantage of the format as best I can. I just got done having breakfast and am ready to take on the days work. Things are a bit rough for me but getting better progressively cheers.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sensible solutions for a smarter world

Trying to be smart in a dumb world is a difficult task. None the less it is not made any easier than your personal situation. At the given moment you are trying to do the best job you can given your personal situation and let the rest sort itself out. Consistently do the right thing and life will eventually rectify itself naturally. It has a funny way of balancing all of its naturally discordant elements. Cheers

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Creating ideas that work is tricky

Creating ideas that work is tricky but doable. None the less I have had to tough things out on a daily basis. Keeping your head above water is a difficult trick. None the less I am trying to take advantage of the format. Things are difficult but getting better slowly. Cheers

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Creating ideas that work for the better

Right now I am into creating ideas that work for the better. This is an intensely difficult but doable process. Everything you do you are combining energy, work, time and money. All of these are incorporated into every level of your existence. None the less you are trying to enjoy yourself at all levels. Doing so is difficult but doable. Cheers.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Going for broke in Palo Alto is not bad

Right now I am a bit broke things are good but they could be better. None the less I am trying to make the most of a difficult situation. This is a problem for me but I looking forward to the challenge. Everything is on the mend on a small scale. Cheers

Friday, October 7, 2011

The OCD Maven

My elder sister is the OCD maven. She has a serious case of the disorder and she pretends like it doesn't exist. Which in many ways makes the problem acutely worse. I must preface the following comments by saying I have two types of mental disorders. I acknowledge that they both exist and I attempt to do something productive about it. She on the other hand does not cheers. She is the OCD maven.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A quick update of after hours action

The past week has been a routine of picking up all of the loose ends of my life and getting my affairs in order. Things are starting to get back to normal or as normal as they tend to be around here. None the less I am trying to make the most of the given format right now. Cheers.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Many Reasons why Indian Pop culture is crap

Indians seem to have a love of sub par cinema. Indian films tend to be low end garbage and they also tend to be fairly stupid as movies go. Indian pop culture is crap and there is no disputing that fact simply put. None the less some of the very few good Indian films are to be enjoyed. Quality is better than quantity as far as cinema is concerned. Cheers

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Closing Days of Ummeed

It marks without fanfare the end of an era of work here in Mumbai. I even got a cake for the people at the office. It is to celebrate an end an a beginning at the same time. None the less you will most of these people when you are gone. You are also trying to make the most of the given situation while you are still here. Cheers.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Money matters plus others

Money matters and how I am going to divy up my paycheck is important to me. Still things are better but they could be worse. Some people will have to be paid and it is unavoidable. Responsibility and dealing with it is important as well. Big things are happening just at the hyper local level. Cheers

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Indians are idiots

Its true Indians are pretty damn stupid as a whole. They accept corruption, incompetence and malfescance by politicians. The average person does not stand up to this state of affairs but accepts it as unchangable. It says that Indians aren't as smart as they think they are. Also that every truly good idea they got they copied from the Americans anyway. We did it better and we did it first. Cheers

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Road back Home

The road back home is going from good to better. Things are improving on an incremental basis and you are looking forward to certain things. Other things about the way we operate have to change for the better. None the less I am going to make the most of the given situation. Cheers.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Closing Days of Work

It is a bit sad that work is coming to an end. There are things you like and don't like about however boring aspects aside it does pay. Your mercenary status is almost over and you are trying to make things work for you. Things are getting better all around. Cheers

Monday, September 5, 2011

Wishing death on politicians is stupid

In general I do not wish death on politicians I dislike. Namely I dislike them for political reasons. The job that they do is intensely difficult. None the less even if you do not approve of their ideas you should still respect the tough work that they have to do. This is generally in fact the case for the most part. Cheers.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Many Reasons why I did not write Ender's Game

Orson Scott Card wrote the book Ender's Game. Which is incidently one of the best science fiction books of all time. I did not write the book but wish that I had. It is pretty damn cool and other nice things about it on this format. It is a story of war and struggle and playground politics. None the less it is spiritually elevating literature and is required reading at the US Marine Corps academy. Cheers.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Almost all the way back home

Soon enough I will be going home and I will like it. Things are getting better from the ground up around here. I have to take care of a number of things before I leave. Still the situation could be better but it could also be worse. Cheers.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Finding and creating peace

The concept of peace is important to all of us. Finding it and creating it is also important. None the less we make the most of the situation we are given. Things are getting better from the ground up. Also there is reason for good cheer.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Living without the mess

Personally one thing you are looking forward to is just how much cleaner the USA is as a whole. India definitely leaves something to be desired in this department. None the less things are getting better slowly. Living without the mess is good.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rain, Rain go away

One thing you are looking forward to when you leave Mumbai is the rain. It seems to never stop and it seems to go on forever. The Monsoons means that things get flooded out. Things are getting better. Cheers.

The Back to school bash of sorts

The back to school bash of sorts is in the works and we are looking forward to it for sure. Things are shaping up and big things are happening. Big events are occurring in your life and you are trying to make the most of a sticky situation. Some things are to be desired and somethings have to change for the better. Cheers.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Reasonable expectations are a good thing

Reasonable expectations are a good thing. One must not be totally unreasonable is not prudent. None the less we have to make the most of the situation we are given. Things are developing quickly and are happening at a reasonable pace. None the less we are having a good time all around. Cheers.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Life develops on the local scale

Life is developing on the local scale and things are happening albeit a bit slowly. Everything is getting into order slowly but surely. None the less things are improving from ground up and you are liking it. There are numerous other situations that are also still evolving as well.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Things that you are just not into

The list of things that you do not like include drinking alchohol, smoking cigerrettes or weed, gambling and illegal drugs. These are just many of the things you are not into on a regular basis. You want to protect an enhance your life and make good life choices. Cheers.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Getting your jaw looked at today

After work I am going to get my job looked at in the Grant Road Doctor's office. Things are getting better all around and the world is not such a bad place after all. None the less I am trying to make the most of the given situation here. Cheers

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Doing it better the right way

Integrity matters to all of us. Doing things the right and proper way is important for all of us at the current time. Things are getting better all around us now. The hollow pursuit of worldly possessions remains to be crap and materialism is not such a good thing. None the less we make do with what we have.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

On the way back to School

After a two and half year hiatus school is back on. In many ways you will be looking forward to it. Academics are a challenge and things are getting better around here in a short while. None the less you are trying to take advantage of the format as best you can. Cheers.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Headed back to the USA

In a short while I will be on home soil more or less permanently. Things are getting better on an incremental basis. A number of things have to change if we are to go forward. None the less I am trying to make the most of things right now.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Last day in India with my cousin

My cousin and I are enjoying our last day in India together things are getting better on an incremental basis. Big things are happening else where and more actions are in the works. None the less I am trying to put the best face forward now.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cutness is elusive

Woman's fashion is notoriously difficult to get right. Personally I have always thought that if you are attractive you should let your natural beauty stand on its own. Don't dress to accentuate beauty or do beauty on overkill. There are maybe a handful of young ladies you have met personally that have an idea as to how to do this whole fashion thing right. Cuteness in the proper sense remains elusive

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Looking forward to the homestand

In a short while I will be going back home. India has been good and fun and I liked being here but all good things must come to an end in short order. The bigger picture is slowly coming into focus and things are shaping up all around. I was aware of that as well.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bigger isn't always better

Sometimes small can be good. One must adapt to change and plan around it. Understanding difficult is a good and useful thing none the less other things have to change. The status quo cannot be tolerated for much longer. Plus there are other things that you do not like

Monday, August 8, 2011

Keeping clean and looking good doing it

Right now I am into keeping clean and looking good doing it. Cleanliness is important for everyone and things are getting better on an incremental basis. None the less somethings about the way we operate have to change. The status quo cannot be maintained all the way around.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Almost back to the USA

I will be headed back to the USA in short order and things are getting better on a slow basis. More pieces of a bigger puzzle are falling into place here and now and big things are starting to happen once again. The future comes further into focus now.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Incredible nosiness of the average Indian

The average Indian is kind of pointlessly nosy. It is one of the cultural attributes you like the least about living here. One thing you are looking forward to is peace and quiet and freedom from annoying children. In many ways things are getting better for you albeit on a slow basis.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Going back to better

Soon things will get better and you are tending to enjoy just where you are. Doing the little things really well is also crucial at this phase. Big things are happening in your life just on a hyper localized level. This is not the best world but it is not a bad one either.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The final days of the job begin now

The final days of the job are at hand and we are looking forward to beginning of the end. Work has been good but you look forward to your impending return to the USA in many regards. Things are starting to look up in a big way.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Beginning of the end of the job days

The beginning of the end of the job days is not at hand and there are only about thirty five job days left not including weekend days. You will miss working here a lot and most of the people are pretty cool. Still things are getting better slowly.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Incredible nosiness of the average Indian

One aspect of Indian Culture that I do not like is how inssnely nosy the average Indian really is. These people are more than a little bit pointless and they also act incredibly stupid. They also are really rather annoying and also under developed in terms of their character. Although they do have other good qualities as well. Cheers

Saturday, July 30, 2011

An Open letter to John Boehner

Dear Mr. Boehner
History informs us that it would be seriously unwise not to work out some sort of compromise with the President on the matter of the budget. Do not do what Newt Gingrich did in the late 1990's and cause the government to shut down. It is also important that solutions where everyone wins is better than than going the way of your predacessors. Do not fall into that trap. This would be seen as a huge irony if it didn't.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Return

A number of things are in the works right now and more events are coming up. Make the right life choices now and life will sort itself out and has a funny habit of making things the way it should be. Life is funny that way and you should trust your judgment and not do anything to reckless.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Soon I will be back in action

After a brief hiatus school will be back on and in session. Things are getting better but they could be getting worse. Your personal situation is almost getting back to normal on a regular basis. Your job is also in the final stages of being wrapped up. The name of the game is incremental improvement.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Things you realize that you are not into

Namely mindless violence, gambing, alchohol, illegal drugs and basically vices. You have made your share of mistakes and you have learned from them but you realize that you are not a scofflaw. People can't seem to make money without graft. It is really quite ridiculuous. There should be a reward for strait behavior.

The Road out of Exile

The road out of exile is a long one in this modern era but everything is going well and getting well and better shortly. In the near future there will be some tough decisions to be made but that is later and not now. Still we have to move on a more prudent time scale. Everything is happening rather slowly.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Things you will miss versus others you won't

Things you will miss include your cousin and friends and certain neighbors. Other things you won't miss include idiot losers who have no lives. People can be pretty darn stupid, lazy and nosy and your not going to miss any of them at all. Cultural traits that you see as detrimental.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Going back to school is a good thing

In a short while school will resume in ernest. Additionally it is a good thing in many respects. This is all for the better and I am working to reposition myself for better things. Everything is seeming to excelerate all around me now. It looks to be some tough but interesting times. Cheers.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mastering the concepts of web design

Right now I am in the process of mastering the art of web design. It is really interesting and pretty damn cool. Learning to build your own websites for fun and profit. Technology is the way of the future as much as some people may think other wise. Cheers.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Just got done watching Harry Potter

Personally I have seen three of the nine Harry Potter movies. The last one of which Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part II was watched this past weekend at PVR cinemas here in Mumbai. It was a fun time had by all and we saw the demise of Lord Voldermort on screen. All in all it was a pretty good book to movie adaptation although they took certain creative liberties with the original story. The acting also was decent. It is a bit sad that there will be no more Harry Potter films after this.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thinking outside the box

A certain degree of out of the box thinking can be good and beneficial. In fact it seems that we tend to put ourselves in intellectual boxes often to the point at which we cannot absorb new ideas. This is really determinental in nature to all of us involved. We have to have a certain degree of open mindedness if we are to survive and advance as a specieces. Cheers.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sad news from Mumbai

The Mumbai Serial bomb blasts of yesterday night were easily the work of the Lashkar E Taiba. The coordinated cold blooded killings in which twenty one persons perished were not in the style of local or homegrown terror groups. Once again the city ignored the signs and paid the price as they did on 26/11. It is sad to say that the central and state governments looked completely impotent. Not because they didn't have the information but because they failed to act appropriately. It is sad to say that history repeats itself especially in this case.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stomach problems are no fun

I really don't enjoy being sick. I would much rather be healthy all things considered. But the past few days I didn't seem to have much of a choice in the matter. Things are getting better around here slowly. I was aware of that as well.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Summer in Mumbai means rain

Mumbai where I am now means rain and lots of it. This time of year the weather can get inclement rather quickly. None the less you are trying to do the best that you can with the situation you are given. Cheers.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Going back to school and looking forward to it

Soon enough I will be back in the ranks of the collegians once more. It was a move that was long over due and it has come at the right place at the right time. At the given moment I am trying to do what is in my inherent best interest. None the less things are getting better around here now.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Reading Robert A. Heinlein

Robert A. Heinlein was a great author period. No matter if you like science fiction or not his abilities to command big ideas were second to none. Also the Grand Master knew how to spin a good yarn from start to finish. His story telling style is impeccable and I loved his fantasy writing. One day I hope to emulate his work.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Planning for error

Certain wise people amongst us say that failure is natural. Also it is one of the best teaching devises that we have. Smart people recover and adapt around their failures while the stupid people are crippled by them forever. Which one will you be.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Brace yourself for default

The Tea Party just might get their wish and the US is going to go into default because of massive unpaid debts. This does have an upside however that cannot be ignored. For one thing it will help to get our economic house in order which will benefit all Americans no matter what. A second good thing it will do is to help reign in our colossal debt situation. None the less both outcomes have a great deal of pain attatched to them right now.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flight line

Later today I will be flying back home to California and all will be well. Things are getting better around here and my personal situation is improving on an incremental basis. Soon I will be back on home soil for the first time in six months for this briefiest of home stands. I am trying to do the best job I can with the situation I am given. I hope all of you are well over there cheers.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Judgment calls and good moves

Of late I have been into judgment calls and good moves. One of the best moves made is a return to education. That has helped out a lot and big things are happening in my life just on a small and almost hyper localized level. Things are getting better around here and the situation doesn't look so bad from the ground up. Cheers.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Things are getting better around here slowly

An update from life in Mumbai. I am almost back to America and things are getting better slowly. For the first time in a long time I able to see the future and it does not look so entirely bad. I know certain things will have to change both myself and others. That being said doing the right thing on a continuous basis is rather important. I am trying to do just that.

Smarter life choices begin today

From this point forward I am into making smarter life choices. None the less things are getting better around here on an incremental basis. Events are happening and life as we know it is changing for the better. The old order has to be done away with and a new order has to rise in its place. That is the nature of the world as I see it now.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A genuine break from the normal is welcomed

Soon enough I will be back in California and I will be happy to be there. Also there are things that I will miss and things I won't. I had a pretty good time here in India but all good things must inevitably come to a close and I am happy to be going home in the truest sense of that term. None the less things are good and getting better slowly. Cheers

Friday, June 10, 2011

Having a good friday so far

Things you did today include a visit to your favorite book store. You also picked up a new umbrella and bought another round of medication. In about ten minutes you will be going to dinner with Pops. Things are looking good around here in your impending return to California. Cheers

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Inclement weather in Mumbai

Well it is official the monsoons arrived six days earlier than scheduled and Mumbai has a sudden drenching on its hands. I have to stock up on appropriate rain gear and things are getting better around here. Although the weather was suitably nasty. I am trying to make the most of the given situation now.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Almost back to California

Soon enough I will be going back to California. Once more my illustrious uncle will be travelling with me. Good times I miss California haven't been back to the Golden State since January of this year. Things are looking pretty good around here and you like your living situation. You just which that others were as cool as you. Cheers.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Paying all the bills in full

Lately I have been working to pay all of the bills in full. Various aspects of life here are being fulfilled now. Things are also looking better from the ground up. My personal image is taking a scrub down and I like that. I also like life at my place here in town. Somethings are better but they could be worse.

Monday, June 6, 2011

May be in California sooner than you think

Singapore may be scrapped in favor of an impromptu trip to California. It won't be so bad I can catch up with the family some more. Things are getting better around here albeit slowly and you are enjoying the rest of your remaining face time in India. We are trying to do the right thing here and now and making all things work well. Cheers.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Just got done watching Hanna this weekend

Cousin Bunny and myself went to Metro Adlabs here in Mumbai on Sunday 06-05-2011 and watched the English language film Hanna. It was a gory espionage cat and mouse adventure reminsicent of the Borne Identity and the Borne Supremacy. Although the movie in and of itself was decently smart and all of the actors were pretty good. All in all we had a fun time on sunday. Cheers.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Week ends in a bang

Today I go clothes shopping and having lunch with pops. This concludes a decently productive week for me in General. I am having a great time here in Mumbai and I look forward to Singapore at the end of the month. Things are shaping up nicely around here and I am attempting to do the right thing here and now. The week will end in a bang

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Picking up all the loose ends

Today and tomorrow will be a day for picking up loose ends. It will be a day for buying clothes new in nature. It will also be a day for doing odds and ends things. My personal situation is getting better around here slowly. I like where I am and I like what I do. None the less certain things have to change for the better. I see this completely as the case. Cheers all.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More days of work and toil

More days of work and toil are ahead for me now. It is a bit sad tomorrow is the last day of graphic arts class. Wow I have been in school for over two months strait now. I still have to take two tests. Things are shaping up pretty well for me around here and I like where I am now. Things could be better but they also could be worse.

Monday, May 30, 2011

A shortish road trip has been recently concluded

In the past four days I took a road trip to Hardiwar and Rishikesh in Uttranachal Pradesh Province India. It was austensibly to attend the double funeral of my two great uncles. It was a somber occasion but we enjoyed all of the experience needless to say. Now it is back to life in General. Cheers

Friday, May 27, 2011

On the road to Delhi and Ardawar

Today and tonight I will be in Delhi. A place that I have never been particularly fond of but am none the less transiting through between rounds. I am en route to a double funeral tomorrow at the Head waters of the Ganges. It looks to be a somber occasion from all reports. Life is getting back to normal or at least as normal as it can be for me personally. Independent living does have its perks.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Planning my next great move

My next great move is in the works at this current moment. None the less things are shaping up pretty well here. I have almost everything that I need for the forseeable near future. I will be taking the Singapore trip after all and I am going to have fun when I am there. Plus I am additionally enjoying graphic arts class which is ongoing until July 8th 2011. I bought toileteries today which were pretty cheap. Things are looking up slowly but surely.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Going off to pay my last respects

In honor of my two late uncles who passed away earlier this year I am going to Ardawar the head waters of the Ganges in North India to attend a Hindu burial ceremony. It looks to be a somber occasion. But in a sense it is a relief from the suffering of this world. I am also paying respects to two of my family members who will be laid to rest in Hindu custom. Cheers and I will catch up with you all later.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Cabbies are morons

It is official my cab driver today was an idiot. I kept on telling him to drive at normal speed. Everyone in India seems to drive like they are the only car on the road. This is not in fact the case. People you don't own the road you share the road. This cutthroat pace of driving is stupid and dangerous. It is any wonder that India has the world's worse vehicular fatality statistics. The way they drive here I can literally see that as quite true.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Having fun with the visual arts

The visual arts are fun and interesting. Designing things or learning to design them is an ongoing process and I am looking forward to be doing more of that in the near future. Building websites and creating 2 dimensional cartoons on your computer is intense and heady stuff. All of which you are enjoying thoroughly. You are thankful for family giving you the full unit hook up in this department. Cheers.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friday with the family

After eating breakfast with them at Usha Kiron I will be joining my extended family at Cafe Universal here in Mumbai later today. It was fun hanging out with my cousin and her immediate family. My aunt and uncle are cool people at the core and we all had a good fun safe and productive time together. I will catch all of you on the flipside later. Cheers.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It looks to be an interesting NBA finals this year

With the usual NBA power house teams all knocked out of contention a series of under dog teams are contending for the right to represent the east and west in the NBA finals. LA, Boston and San Antonio who account for eleven of the past twelve NBA titles between the three of them are all out. Whoever is crowned champ this year will be so for both the first time and in an extraordinary way.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The next round of graphic arts class homework is in

In a crack couple of hours I will be doing the next round of graphic arts class homework. Right now I am designing static two dimensional animated characters. Later I will be learning how to make them move. It is an intense and ongoing process but I am learning at a slower than I have expected. Still what has to be done must be done. Cheers.

Monday, May 16, 2011

On the road to Singapore

Soon I will be on the road to Singapore. It looks like I will have a fun time in the fine city. Things are getting better for me on an incremental basis. I am trying to make the most of a difficult situation. None the less life is all about the little things and balancing acts. Its about trying to do what is right even when that is not easy. Cheers and I will catch you on the flip-side.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New life and forging a new identity

Today is about forging new identities and new lives. It is about building character in the positive and refining one's personal image. Among other things it also a time for self improvement and hard work. In short it a matter of life, skill and survival among other things. Cheers.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Life plus other things

Life exists on the small here in Mumbai. But the place has charm that cannot be matched. We like Mumbai a lot and the place does tend to grow on you in odd ways. We are not having to much fun and some of the time we are not having fun at all. None the less we are trying to make the best of the situation on the ground in the here and now. Cheers and good luck to all of you now.

Monday, May 9, 2011

LA Laker's sticky end to a post season

The Dallas Mavericks have pulled off the upset of the decade and beaten the defending NBA champion LA Lakers in four games in the NBA western conference semi final round. This means that whoever wins the NBA title this year it will not be the traditional contenders. Once more is that Kobe Bryant will likely not exceed the Six Ring holding Michael Jordan as the games winningest player. Also this marked the end of an era in Los Angeles for Lakers head coach Phil Jackson. Needless to say I tip my hat off to Dallas for thoroughly ruining the Laker's post season run. cheers

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Class of sorts is back in session

Class of sorts namely graphic design class is back in session after a week long hiatus. In the future I will be learning how to create 2 dimensional computer animated videos and websites. This is high octane fun India style and it is cheaper than taking a said class in the USA. Good times are ahead for me. Cheers

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Singapore sling

In a short while I will be in the island republic of Singapore for visa reasons. Its not a bad set up as I will be staying with my uncle and his family. We are having a pretty good time in Mumbai but have new problems in the post Headley world of India visas for Pakistani nationals. None the less we are taking advantage of the format in the hear and now and are trying to make the most of a difficult but good situation. Cheers.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Perks of life in a modern place

Today's blog post is dedicated to modern places both new and slightly used. The world is full of these said locals. I am in one of them right now and it is called Mumbai India. I am enjoying my time spent in the Maximum City. Life is good and we are going to be taking advantage of the format here and now. Mumbai for various reasons has always been my favorite city in India and that is not going to change any time soon. Cheers.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Age of Revolution

Revolution in the post modern era has taken many forms. From guerilla warfare to all out fights to the finish it has come to many countries. All over the globe men and women are engaged in combat operations aimed at toppling corrupt and autocratic regimes. Revolutions can be good but they can in the case of Eastern Europe also be a bad thing. This is the nature of the world we live in today. We find that good and evil often cohabit the same individual. We both find that to be true of ourselves and others.

The Age of Revolution

Revolution in the post modern era has taken many forms. From guerilla warfare to all out fights to the finish it has come to many countries. All over the globe men and women are engaged in combat operations aimed at toppling corrupt and autocratic regimes. Revolutions can be good but they can in the case of Eastern Europe also be a bad thing. This is the nature of the world we live in today. We find that good and evil often cohabit the same individual. We both find that to be true of ourselves and others.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Shoe shopping in Mumbai

In east Asia bargain hunting is an art form. Brand products in a place like India are plentiful but expensive. Generic products which incidently have nearly the same shelf life as brand products are significantly cheaper. So yesterday I bought myself a pair of generic brand sneakers for a total of RS 600 or equivalent in USD $11.45. It was a good bargain and these shoes will serve me well now and in the future. I still have to find a cobbler to fix my walking shoes so that I can have the appropriate footwear for the purposes of work. Good times and clean living are ahead for me.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Ballad of Mark and Eduardo

The irony of the founding of Facebook was that it nearly destroyed the friendship of its founders namely that of Eduardo Saverin and Mark Zuckerberg. I really got this fact after reading Ben Mezrich's book the Accidental Billionares and watching the movie the Social Network. I found that Saverin was the one true friend that Zuckerberg had and he treated him extroardinarily poorly. Although the relationship was not totally destroyed. Another irony of the founding of facebook was the fact that Mark Zuckerberg doesn't have any real friends even after starting this great project. This is dedicated to all of you nerds and misfits out there. I call this blog post the Ballad of Mark and Eduardo

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Done for the purposes of work

Many things you do because they are good. Other things you do because they benefit you but exist on an official level. None the less striking the right balance between work and play and knowing that to much of either is a bad thing. At this given moment you have a series of unique tasks ahead of you. All of which in their own right are worth doing. Certain items will have to be taken care of in short order as well.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Arrogance on overkill

People are mean, arrogant and stupid on purpose it seems that these non-virtues are exuded by just about everyone in general. Bad habits must be fought on a near continuous basis if we are to improve as a specieces. Certain defunct ideas will have to be gradually let go of in the long run. None the less I understand the last fact to be true.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Making the best of a bad situation

Your exact current challenge in life is the fact that your family situation isn't what it should be. None the less you are working very hard to set things right even if such activities aren't seen on the surface. The exact nature of things is that you do not get much credit or respect for many of your best efforts. It kind of sucks but all you can do is deal with it and make the best of the life you are given at this point. I was aware of that as well.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Just got done with a trip to Landmark and purchased a new book

Just got done with a trip to Landmark in the Phoenix Mill last night and I purchased a new book. Which was incidently Brasyl by Ian McDonald. The latter is a pretty smart near future SF novel set in Latin America. Slowly but surely we are reading all of the non-Anglo-Centric SF stories. Starting with the books of Paul McCauley and ending with the trilogy of books River of Gods, Cyberabad Days and Brasyl. There is a whole new universe out there and white people aren't at the center of it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The days of the new beginning

It is safe to say that these are the days of the new beginning. It means fun times and hard work. It also means reasonable amounts of responsibility as well. Also it equates doing the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing. The latter is a particularly difficult trick to say the least. However all of these are important for a better life in the here and now. I was aware of that as well.

Crash sunday in Mumbai

Today is crash Sunday. We are also celebrating Easter on 2011. It is good times all around for us. We are trying to make the best of the given situation. Things could be better but they also could be worse. None the less it is a good time to be had by all.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Conquering the world of graphic design here and now

Right now I am in the process of conquering the world of graphic design here and now. It is an interesting process from start to finish. I am also learning a lot about the verious aspects of photo shop. These are good times and a lot of learning and practice are involved here and now. I am trying to do the right thing now and today.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Life and the labors of love

Life and the labors of love are often felt at home the most. None the less you want to do the right thing here and now as best you can. It is an intensely difficult trick but it is something worth doing. Taking advantage of the format is a good place to start in all of this right now. Things are moving albeit at a much slower pace than I would have liked it to be. But none the less you take what you can get. Life and the labor of love are everything now.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Adventures in Mumbai in 2011

This year got off with a bang for me personally and this year both in Mumbai and elsewhere stacks up big. The amount of things that you want to do far outnumbers the things that you can actually get done. None the less you want to take care of the essential details first and foremost. Pulling off that trick is difficult but doable. This year holds many promises and we are working hard to actuallize and make good on those said promises. It is also an equally difficult trick. None the less I am going to enjoy my self immensely while I am still here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Many reasons why I do not support vagrancy

Poverty is inefficiency it is also a choice. That has to be understand. You are poor because you chose to be. Let us understand this fundamental fact. You could also choose to make better and smarter life decisions for yourself just as well. Or perhaps you lack the mental acumin to do so. None the less everything in life involves choices and the ones we make define who we are a a person. For this reason alone I do not support vagrancy in any form.

Monday, April 18, 2011

My computer is down now what

Yesterday my personal computer had hardware problems. It shut off randomly and wouldn't restart again. Which means in basic terms that the computer is Kaputnik. It really sucks and that means that I will have to use the class computer labs to complete my homework assignment later today. Ordinarily I would do things at home however that is not feasible today.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Get in where you fit in

The English slogan Get in where you fit in seems to be the slogan of my life these days. When you have twenty five hours of work and three and half hours of class. It does not give you a lot of free time. In fact when you are not sleeping, eating meals or doing other fun activities you are working on homework or housework or other equally responsible activities associated with life in general. None the less it is a pretty good life schedule thus far.

Having a lot fun in "Fun" Bai

Right now I am having a lot fun here in "Fun" Bai. Mumbai as a city has been good to me I hope I have in tern been good to it. Time well tell and doing the right thing is not always doing the easy thing. However it has to be done none the less just for the sake of it. Things could be better but they also could be worse.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Limitations and strengths

On the matter of limitations and strengths I find that all of the good things I do on a regular basis don't seem to get much publicity. It is actually remarkable what you do well its just you realize that people pretend that these said things never took place. None the less you continue to do the right and sensible thing and eventually you will be rewarded for it. You have to know all of your limitations as well as your strengths. Being that both of course exist

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On the matter of work, class and life in general

My days stack up as follows two usually three hours of work, then graphic arts class in the afternoon at Arena three times a week. Whatever the heck else I want to do gets sandwiched into the remaining hours of my day. So far India has been good to me and I hope that I have been in kind good to it. Will catch you all again here soon.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Doing laundry and other household chores today

Later today I will be doing more house hold chores plus a second round of laundry. It is good to do these little things very well sometimes. None the less chores can be boring as hell and they can also be mind numbingly tedious. I was aware of that as well.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sometimes your best efforts are invisible

One odd fact I have realized about my life of recent note is the fact that most of my best efforts are seemingly invisible. As in it seems like they never took place. You do realize is you do many things well but get little credit or recognition for any of them. Others who do few things truly well seem to get more credit than you do naturally. You continue to do the things you do very well and one day in the future you will be rewarded for it. Not realizing of course that day may take a long time to arrive.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another day of work plus other things

Today is yet another working day for me. I have more additional obligations to take care of as well. Things are shaping up for the better slowly but surely. A sense of normalcy is returning to the ordinary rythm of life. None the less I am also trying to make the best of a difficult personal situation. As well.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Work and life and other things

The working life does have its perks and problems. You find that you are trying to do all of the right things all of the time. That in and of itself is an intensely difficult task but it must be done none the less. You actually handle responsibility better than you get credit for in this lifetime.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Picking up the pieces and life moves on

Right now you are in the slow drive process of putting your life back together again. It is difficult and sometimes painful but it must be done. Setting everything the right way and as it should be is also an intense challenge for you personally. None the less you have to do the best witht he situation that you are given.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Making relationships work the right way

The best relationships in life are symbiotic in nature. Your strengths protect the other person's weaknesses and their strengths protect yours. Getting this balance is difficult but it is worth doing none the less. Simply because it is the right thing to do. Life has its ups and downs and yet we have our challenges as well.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Class and other things

Right now I have class and other things going on in my life at this very moment. It has been a fun couple of days and I am greatly enjoying things right now. Life could be better but it also could be worse. You have to be thankful for all of the small things in it.

Doing homework on the side

Today is a day reserved for homework and other small tasks. None the less I have some more things that I want to get done in my life before to long. The past few weeks have been good to me and I am working to make good in my own lifetime. It is an intense challenge but it something worth doing.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A quiet Sunday in Mumbai

In a short while I will be going to the office and working on a class assignment none the less I am determined to enjoy a quiet Sunday here in Mumbai as best I can. The given moment is not lost and Mumbai still has most of its initial charms. This is easily the best spot in all of India and there is no disputing it.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Friday to one and all

I would like to extend a happy friday greeting to one and all via this blog format. So far we have covered a number of topics and life is getting better on an incremental basis. None the less there is more stuff for us to do. I was aware of that as well.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

There is no money for bums

So far in my time spent here in India I have seen numerous bums. None of which have gotten a single ruppee from me personally. I who work and go to school and am doing good things with my life should not have to support somebody else's slide into self destruction. The poor have many issues many of them mental in nature. Also they have a lot of vices such as drugs, alchohol and prostitution. The money they get does not go to feed them. I do not support any of those said activities at all.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Stupidity and meannes just plain suck

What I find to be incredibily useless in my life is when family members see fit to totally clown on you not realizing of course that they have almost all of the same life issues, and problems that you have in life. In fact we are a lot more inherintly equal than you think and you have no business belittling me at all. In fact I should be accord respect and dignity as should all human beings in this world. The latter is particularly true. Meanness and stupiditiy just plain suck.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Days of the new life and beginning

Right now you are attempting to do the right thing and in the right way here and now. This is an intensely difficult trick but it is something worth doing here and now. None the less I have committed this year to be the year of good deeds done by me. It is also worth doing at this given time.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Making decisions you can live with

Right now I am righting my ship and making decisions that will serve me best later in life. I am also working to enhance my array of skills considerably. None of these things are easy however they are what has to be done. Making decisions that you can live with are important.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Reading books in Mumbai

I am fully literate and I enjoy reading books in Mumbai. It is a great city and we have a lot going on around here in the positive. Albeit our fair city has problems that must be addressed. Literature is a great tool for doing this here and now and it is something that I like doin while I am here.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Making the best of a bad world

Face it the world is a pretty stupid place. That being said you have to make the most of the given situation and do the best that you can in the life span that you are given. It is the least that can be expected of you at this moment in time. Doing the right thing is not always easy but it is the right thing to do.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Job training and career development

Right now I am in the process of training for new jobs and better jobs. Acquiring more skills in diverse areas is important and doable. On a small scale I am doing that right now and I working to make the best out of my life at this time. This is done inspite of known obstacles. None the less I have to do what I have to do to get ahead.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Building your character in the postive this year

At this very moment you are trying to build your character in the postive this year. It is an intense and difficult task but it is easily worth doing none the less. Becoming better people is important for all of us but it is also particularly important to me.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Making plans and taking action here and now

Right now I am in the position to do good things here and now. It is not easy in fact it is intensley difficult. None the less I feel a sense of importance in doing what is good and necessary in the here and now. Life is funny that way if you are good and do good you will be rewarded.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A quiet Holi in Mumbai is observed

Right now we are enjoying a quiet Holi here in Mumbai town. It has been a good Holi thus far and I have had a very productive week in general. I have other things I am looking forward to doing in the near future and the continuation of Photo-shop class as well.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Getting more job skills now

Right now I am in the process of acquiring more job skills in the field of graphic arts. This is intense and heady stuff as I am learning web design and 2 dimensional computer animation. Basically how to make your own cartoons. Having more skills and knowledge does make you more marketable here and now and in the future as well.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Misadventures on the way to work

So I was taking a cab out of Colaba this morning on my way to VT. When an idiot driver in a Tata motors goods carrier swiped our cab as we headed out of the turn signal. Luckily the cops were able to adjucate the dispute much later but not after it cost me 25 minutes of my morning. The driver of the other car's company should have to pay the driver, pay for the damage and pay a fine and have his liscence suspended for at least year. It would be good if that all went down.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Credit and respect

Credit and respect you find are inordinately short supply. You find that you do a good job at something and other people are always quick to say that they did it even if you did 90 percent of the work yourself. This is for the things that you are good at in this lifetime. Now on the other hand if you screw up even in the slightest capacity you find others are quick to come down on you like a ton of bricks. It is a completely inadequate setup from start to finish. Things shouldn't be this way but they somehow are and all you can do is cope with them as best you can. Credit and respect are slim to none and you have to make do with what you have.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Crash sunday in Delhi

Right now I am chilling out with my Aunt Janak and my Uncle Navin both of whom are cool people. Delhi has been a lot of fun so far as I arrived here at Gitanjali Enclave at close to noon on friday 03/11/11. I am here until the end of Wednesday 03/16/11. I would like to take the time to thank once again my illustrious hostes.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Feeling the pain and giving the love to Japan

In the past four days the nation of Japan has suffered two massive earthquakes and a tsunami of gigantic proportions. Seventeen hundred people are confirmed dead and another ten thousand are unaccounted for right now. I am going to donate a $100's American to the red cross to aid in disaster relief funds for those effected by the earthquake and tsunami. Luckily California and Hawaii were spared. Once again we extend our love and companionship to our Japanese friends in this time of trouble.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life moves on

Making good in this lifetime is difficult but worth doing. I am attempting to do just that at this given moment. Becoming a better person is a challenge for all of us. I was aware of that as well.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Life on the small

Right now I am doing the right deeds and taking the right steps and living life on the small. It is difficult but these are things that are worth doing just for the sake of doing them. None the less life has its ups and downs and getting through them can at times be troublesome to you. Still making good in and of itself is something worthy none the less.

Monday, March 7, 2011

A big year is at hand for me personally

2011 is a big year for me across many fronts in my life. I am endeavoring to become a much better, kinder, smarter and more skilled person all around. Additionally I am working to make my good deeds, virtues and positive accomplishments stand on their own. Simply because it is the right thing to do. None the less I have my work cut out for me and I know it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My city is still Mumbai

The reasons as to why I like Mumbai over just about any other Indian city is easily its charm and its people. The Mumbaikars are a good lot and they make this city the great city that is today. Additionally just about anything you want to get you can have in this city if you are willing to look for it. That is also another nice feature of why I call this place home.

The Days of Coke and Coffee

Caffeine is an essential part of my existence here on this mortal plain. If it did not exist I would be a zombie. That would not be a good thing to be but caffeine helps me keep awake and it also stimulates my brain in crucial ways that are conducive for better thinking. None the less it is a good thing all around.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Yet more reasons why we preferr Mumbai to Delhi

Even with all of its known shortcomings Mumbai remains a vastly superior place to live and be than Delhi. Namely the strength and character of its people make it this way. That is why I and close to twenty millions others have made the decision to live our days here. Delhi will never be home to me. I can say that I have always loved Mumbai as the best city in all of India. Apparently others agree with me to.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Knowing what you are and knowing what you are not

It is good sometimes to know what you are. It is also good at other times to know what you are not. Identity is a strange business to say the least but our notion of who and what we are is important from severaol angles. None the less Identity can do one of two things it can either make you or conversely a bad sense of identity can break you. Managing your character is thus by extra important in this day and age.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What I am going to do next

2011 is a big year for my personal and intellectual growth as a person. This year I am going to pick up more computer related job skills and I am also going to develop my abilities as a writer as well. It is time to refine and build my character and become the best me that I can become. It is my challenge and I take it on gratefully. I was aware of that as well.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Life in a modern place

Right now I am on the ground in Mumbai and liking it a lot. The city in many ways is my second home and I want to be good to it in as many ways as I can. That being said it has its share of problems from many angles all of which have to be addressed. None the less it is good times for all of us now.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Finding ways to make good in this lifetime

Without a doubt life is a challenge. One of its major facets is the good that we continuously do on a continuous basis. Not all of which is rewarded in our own lifetime. Platitudes aside doing good and being good is a major part of life these days and it is important for all of us at this current time. We must all find ways to make good in this life time just for the sake of it.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Shaquille Oneal Rule

If you have to get something done in a hurry you say do it the Shaquille Oneal rule. Which is "Do it right now". Also It is said when you have to take appropriate actions in the near short term. None the less it is a good rule of thumb that you should always follow at all times.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why we like Mumbai

Mumbai is easily the best city in India right now hands down. It is a vastly superior place to live and work than either Delhi, Calcutta, Bangalore or Madras. Delhi was rated in a magazine survey as being more liveable than Mumbai. I however think quite the opposite. Delhi may be a great place to live in the future but it is not a great place to live in now. Mumbai on the other hand is quickly developing as a cosmopolitan world class city that is today the best in all of India. What makes Mumbai better than Delhi is the quality of its people. The Mumbaikars are awesome and it is cool to be one of them.

The Upright American

At this current time I am becoming quickly the upright American. Integrity is an important thing for all of us right now. It is however of paramount importance to me. Additionally I have some more challenges than usual in life. None the less I know that I have to be good from now on.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Putting your life back together the slow way

Right now I am putting my life back together the slow way. The name of the game is incremental improvement on a daily basis. Doing so you have to know the forest from the trees. Accomplishing this goal isn't an easy task but it must be done because it is the right thing to do.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life issues and other things

One of the things that sucks for me right now is my visa problems. David Headley has really ruined things for me here in India. Due to the fact that I am half Pakistani I have to prove constantly that I am in fact a good guy. It really kind of sucks for me. None the less I have to do the best with the life that I am given warts and all. Cheers and have a good day now.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Nature of Virtue

Virtue is a funny thing. We are told do good deeds and you will be rewarded. That is true but not always as immediate as you think. None the less we find that you do good now and life has a funny way of sorting itself out much later. This is the nature of the way virtue works in our world today.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Let the truth speak for itself

In life we sometimes find that we have to let the truth speak for itself. None the less things can be difficult and sometimes impossible. However with the situation you are given you have to do the best that you can at all times. Let the truth speak for itself.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Life is full of pleasant contradictions

One finds in life that perception is not always reality. Sometimes reality can say one thing and perception can say something totally different. That being said you find that you actually find others to be attractive as they naturally are. You also find that you are a better you than you get credit for as well which is of itself another contradiction. None the less you live life in between these two states of existence.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Blood and glory and other things

In this lifetime you get credit for nothing. It is unfortunate by true that all of your accomplishments and good deeds will never be recognized or rewarded. That doesn't mean that you stop doing good things it just means that gratitude is in short supply. Life kind of sucks that way but all you can do is deal with it. You get blood and little glory. None the less good things have to be done now.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Life on the strait and narrow

I must preface these comments by saying that I am a flawed person by nature. I have made my share of mistakes in life and I am trying to atone for them. So I have avowed from this point forward to be as correct as I can be. Also I have avowed to make something good and useful of my life here. Both are difficult challenges but are intensely doable on an ongoing basis. I wish the rest of the world would be this honest at the core. I was aware of that as well.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Being a good character is crucial

Being a good character is crucial for life and other things. I find that I have been sniped at and cut down on. People who have all the same flaws, shortcomings and life problems as you see it is totally their place to pick on you for yours. It is really stupid to put it bluntly. None the less I am going to do the best with the life I am given.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Disabilities are no exscuses

Consider this I have two kinds of disabilities a bladder problem and a mental disorder and yet I work five hours of the day. I find absurd to the point of being stupid that people who have other disabilities think that they can not do meaningful things with their lives. I have no sympathy what so ever for one armed or one legged beggars. They are not going to get a single rupee out of me. Do something worth while with your lives other than vagrancy. Thanks.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I will be watching the Social Network tonight

Thanks to my illustrious cousin Bunny, I have the bit torrent copy of David Fincher's the Social Network. It will be good times and fun watching. I will be having a lot of fun with my new media player. Good times.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Life on the side and other adventures

Right now you are living life on the side. It has its advantages and it has its consequences. None the less I am trying to do the most good that I can in this lifetime. It is hard work but it most be done.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Year of Me

Right now I am trying to make 2011 the year of Me. It has been good so far and things are getting back to a sense of normalcy. None the less somethings have to change here and now. I was aware of that as well.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Handicaps are not an excuse

Consider this, I have two types of handicaps I have both a mental disorder and a bladder problem and yet I work five hours of the day. The mere possession of a physical handicap is not an excuse not to work do school or something useful with your life. I have absolutely no pity for all of those handicapped bums on the street. Do something useful with your life people.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Days of the Work

I am grateful that I have a job and I like doing it. However it is just a job at this point in time. Eventually I want to get a job that is also a career. I was aware of that as well.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Getting back to better slowly

Right now I am getting back to better slowly. The process has proven to be better than I have foreseen. It is a time of renewal and personal growth. I was aware of that as well.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I am attracted to beautiful women

It seems that most of the young women in Mumbai go for the all out skank look. Artificial beauty does not appeal to me at all. Natural beauty however does. I find that I am attracted to naturally beautiful women it is a fact. So please ladies be ladies and not skanks

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Number one and tough enough to stay there

My beloved San Antonio Spurs have the western conference's best record of 42 wins and only eight lossess. It is a record impossibly even better than the LA Lakers who are 34-17 at this point in the season. There are many story lines evolving at this current moment including that our bench and our reserves are playing their best ball of the season right now. Additionally to the power presence of Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobilli we are also having big years from other spurs. They include Dejuan Blair, Richard Jefferson and Gary Neal. All of whom are balling well right now. Look out west the Alamo city is the best

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Enjoying life in the Maximum City

Right now I am enjoying life in Mumbai a lot. The city has been good to me and I hope I have been good to it. The people of Mumbai are great and it is easily the best city in India by a long shot. Delhi, Bangalore and Calcutta are all vastly inferior places to live and be. Even with all of its inherent problems Mumbai remains a vastly superior place to be sure.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The truth is sometimes ironic

We find in life that the truth is sometimes ironic. This being aid we can only deal with it when it comes up. The solutions to our problems are as such that nothing can be done about other things at this time.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hitting the ground running

Today on this hump day I am going to hit the ground running. Work and life do matter to me a lot and I demand my right to live mine. Other people have life issues to but they have to recognize there issues. I was aware of that as well.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Facts of Life

Life often comes with good facts and bad facts. One of the bad is that in this lifetime you get credit for nothing. You do something truly well and someone else claims that they did it. Versus you screw up even in the slightest capacity and people are quick to come down on you like a ton of bricks. Mind you the people that are doing this to you are nearly as flawed as you are. Sometimes I don't like it when I am singled out for my shortcomings while others ignore theirs. It is a situation that can and must change this year for the better.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Leading the quiet life

Right now I am leading the quiet life in Mumbai and things suite me a lot. I am enjoying my time here for the most part and I am going to go out and do bigger and better things in short order right now. This shapes up to be a big year for me.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Creating Character

This year is the year to develop skills and character. To foster good habits and better relations. It is a year of renewal for personal growth, moral refinement and the development of true courage. In short it is the year of me. This is the year to do it right from the start and make the best of the world to which we are given.

Flaws and Reflections a personal memorandum

I find in life that those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. This is definitely the case regarding many members of my immediate family. Please people make it a new years resolution to be kinder and more humble than you normally are. Arrogance and meanness may come naturally to you but all those traits do is piss me off even more. Furthermore you are not vastly superior to me as a person so you have no business cutting down on me as such. This should serve as a wake up call for all of you. Please learn what it means to be decent and humble and it will do you a lot of good.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Under Cover All star

It is safe to say that Manu Ginobilli of the San Antonio Spurs is an undercover allstar. As an athlete he is an undeniable force and a phenomenal presence in the Spur's locker room. Ginobilli the former two time MVP of the Italian League is easily a legit MVP candidate this year. Additionally he is a great character guy both on and off the playing floor. What better ambassador for your sport could you ask for.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Purpose is a difficult trick

Purpose is a difficult trick to maintain. None the less we must find ourselves the right thing to do here and now. This new year and new decade brings both problems and promises and you have to deal with both in the course of your life. Soon I will be moving to bigger and better things.

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Fiction is in the works

New fiction is in the works including a new book of short stories that I am currently writing. The new year looks to be better so far than what 2010 was for me. Getting your life back together is difficult but it has to be done.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Right to be a person

Don't let anyone else stop you from being the real you. It is a really stupid things others do when they don't realize their own faults even exist. They constantly pick on you for your shortcomings while having the nerve to never realize their own even exist. News flash I have as much a right to be a human being as you and you have no business attacking my person. This is an abiding truth that we can all live by

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Life issues with the family

Let me preface the following comments by saying everyone has fault and defeciency. That being said members of my immediate family pretend that they don't. Let me assure of this fact if nothing else I see your faults and bad habits just as clearly as you see mine. The online person you are fooling with this ridiculous sherade is yourself. It also makes me just that much more fed up with you. This is my plea to you as a person ditch this act and it will be better for all of us.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Life and opinion are a given right

Of late I have found that everyone around me wants to cut down on my ability to live my life, make my decisions and in general be a person. Lately people see fit to clown you for your deficiencies and short comes all the while simultaneously never acknowledging that their own exist. Everyone in my family has the same problems, short comings, and characters flaws as I possess just in different ways. Far from being perfect they only act as though they are. I on the other hand see the real them on the inside and what I find is not pretty at all. It is a family that is in deep denial about its own innate issues. Rectifying this situation is an immensely difficult task.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Becoming a writer now and today

At the given moment I am taking steps to become a writer now and today. It takes skill, patience and perserverence by I am doing none the less. Through help of sources elsewhere the dream of the craft is being realized now.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Patience and Perserverance

The rule of thumb for this year is patience and perserverance both of which will serve you well in the near future. At the given moment I have several innate challenges within my days that I have to meet. The correct actions are always the hardest for everyone.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Putting forth your best in life and other things

We should all move to improve ourselves from the ground this being said other people have to change as well. Improvement of our personage is an intense challenge for all of us right now. At the given moment I know that much is true.

In Defense of Me

Of late I have put up with a lot shit from family members who really should no better. What I am convinced of as a result is two things. I am a better person than I get credit for and they are all a lot worse people then they get credit for. One thing I have learned is that my family doesn't like the truth about itself very much. Especially when that truth paints them in a bad light

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The path to Rejuvenation

The path to rejuvenation is a slow one right now. None the less I feel a sense of importance in doing what I am doing. A series of difficult actions will have to be taken in the next few days. The overall process will be a fruitful one. None the less I know what I have to do now.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dilligence is the word of the year

I learnt a profound personal lesson today that the concept of dilligence is important for me and for all of us. The lesson came to me when I was cleaning out my apartment this morning and afternoon. None the less it is am important word and thought for this new year

Friday, January 14, 2011

Chronic stupidity is inexscusable

Chronic stupidity is inexcusable in all of us. We should aim to be smarter and better than we are right now. None the less a difficult time is ahead for all in this turbulent new year. Still I feel that somethings in the way we operate have to change for the better.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Right now I am moving towards my independence. The correct move has to be made at the right time none the less. I am trying to make the most of a difficult situation and I am hoping that my new year will be a good and productive one for me

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Visa adventures revisited

My visa story is one of considerable pain and misadventure. It has also taken a number of remarkable turns and twists. None the less as it stands now I am getting back to my life here in Mumbai. I am grateful for small favors.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Restoring the faith if slowly

Right now I am working on restoring the faith consistently and throughout. It is a difficult process but it must be done. At this given moment I am at a crossroads where I will go from here will determine my future. The rubber meets the road so to speak

Getting things right in the new year

New years promises to be many things. Amongst those things are a time of healing and hope. It is a time of rejuvenation of the spirit as well as the body. It is also additionally a time for reflection about what you can do to become a better you. Namely we all need this to happen in our lives. It is a requirement as well as an obligation. I was aware of that as well.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Making relationships work the way the should

Life is about relationships. They should work properly but sometimes the break down. It is remarkable how stubborn, stupid and short sighted people can be. It is also equally ironic that people who aren't better than you cut you down all the time. Everyone should have a look on the inside and find out what kind of people they really are and they may find out is that it is not such a good thing all around.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dealing with arrogant people

Arrogance is a fact of life although a bad one by nature. It is a character fault that I clearly loath and cannot stand in others much less myself. This constant belief that you are right about everything even when you are not. Also additionally is a wrongheaded notion to take bad ideas you have and cram them down other people's throats. It is really an incorrect notion from start to finish. People please get some sense and humility I am begging you.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ringing in the new year on a good note

Things are definitely looking up slowly but surely. Once again I am able to see time in a month long block. However some nagging issues still remain to be resolved. My family situation does leave something to be desired to say the least. I was aware of that as well.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Beginnings

This is a time of new beginnings for all of us and we are trying to make the most of the given situation. None the less it has been an extraordinary time for all of us involved to say the least. Right now I am trying to do the right thing at the right moment. I was aware of that as well.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Back to work blues

In a short while from now I am going back to work. This has been a fun vacation but it is over now. At this given moment I am taking time to write this message for all involved. None the less I hope to do good and productive things in the near future. I was aware of that as well.