In this life time you are about creating ideas that work. None the less things could be better for you in several regards. The inert stickiness of your personal situation is partly your fault. It is also the fault of others around you as well. You realize that your family has unhealthy ways of handling its own emotions. The situation is completely undesirable to say the least. None the less you have to make the best of the situation you are in and have to take in the cold comfort. Cheers.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Focusing on the future
At the current moment I focused on the here and now. However I also occasionally think about the big picture. The future namely is a pretty good one both for me individually and us collectively. None the less a lot of work still remains to be done. Also tough decisions for me will have to be made as well. Cheers.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Crunch time in the quarter
Things are going decently well for you academically this quarter but they could be better. You seem to have hit the cross roads in life and your decisions in the next six and half months will determine your future. None the less things are pretty good for you all around. Still a lot of tough and boring work yet remains.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Progress report grade B-
Right now your decent and not stellar grades puts you in the B- category. You are doing decently well for yourself this quarter with decent prospects for a strong finish. Certain things in your personal life could definitely be better however things are getting better for you and others around you. Cheers.
Friday, February 24, 2012
A tale of decent grades and hard work
College has a lot of blood, sweat and tears involved. None the less things are going decently well for you so you feel you are not currently in the dog house. However things on the personal front could be better. At this moment in time you have arrived at the cross roads of your life and your decisions in the next three years will determine your individual desinty. Still things could be better.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Upgrading the house internet
The house internet needs an upgrade. None the less it is good to have working internet even if it sucks. Still I wish things were better none the less things are getting back to a sense of normalcy cheers.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Angles of responsibility
This year I am focusing on angles of responsibility in the near term. None the less things will be better and are getting better. Some things are still defecient however and will have to be amended. None the less I am working to make the best of the situation I am given. Cheers
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Thinking of the big picture in loose terms
Right now my immediate goal is to earn my AA from De Anza college. Once that is accomplished I can focus on the big picture in general. It is nice to know for a change that you are not entirely in the dog house. Still this world definitely does have its defficiencies I will not pretend that is not the case. However things are alright and getting better provided you continue to do a high level of work for school. Cheers.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
In this lifetime you want to focus more sharply on doing the right things for the right reasons. You also want to unwaste your life even if you have to do it the hard way. Right now things are going alright for you right now. You are doing decently well in school but not spactacularly and your personal situation although sticky is getting better. This succinct conclusion is excellent but difficult none the less. Cheers
Friday, February 17, 2012
Why your opinion matters
You have a given right to like what you like and dislike what you dislike. None the less I hate when other people pretend they are right all the time. They full well know they are not and they also pretend that they do not make mistakes. This is sheer arrogance on their part borderlining on stupidity. Sometime the truth can be kind of brutal and what is says about my other families says is what monumentally bad characters they all are at the core. Seriously people you need to find better ways with dealing with your negative emotions than taking it out on other people. It is both negative and insanely short sighted. Cheers.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Of authority and contrition
Authority figures think they are always right. They full well know they are not. In fact they make just as many mistakes as you or I. They however take the point of view that I am correct and superior in all things. This is generally speaking stupid but it is what it is. Right now I just have to put up with it.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The Quest for Pedagogical excellence
Right now I am focused on graduating. I have goals and I am working towards them. Things are going decently well for me which is good news for a change. But a lot of work remains to say the least. The world can be a hard and cold place at times but things aren't totally bad. None the less I have to do what I have to do.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Assessing the pedogical future
Right now I am at the cross roads of life. My decisions will shape my destiny personally and I have the following question to ask. Which advanced degree is better a degree in graphic arts or an MFA. Both of which have their advantages and draw back and both will require blood, sweat and tears to earn. None the less it is a good question to have to ask one's self none the less. Cheers.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Relationship blues
Right now I am in an emotional tough spot. Some of the many relationships in my life aren't working productively right now. However in certain areas other relationships are working decently well. What sucks for me is I do not seem to be entitled to have my opinions and thought process. I have to like what everyone else likes. It seems stupid to me but it is what it is. For now I will have to put up with it and make the best of it. Cheers.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Unwasting your life the hard way
Everything happens for a reason and everything is hard. None the less certain situations can have upside to say the least. That is the situation I am now in right at this given moment. Putting your life back in order is a tough task but I will relish doing it none the less. Cheers.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Putting your life back together again in pieces
Right now I am in the process of putting my life back together again. It will be difficult to do and will not be pleasant to go through but it will be done. Somethings in life are not fun but have to be done none the less. Still I am looking forward to a brighter future in many ways. Cheers.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Private laments
One of my great private laments in life is that I do not spend nearly enough time doing what I like and am good at and I spend far to much time doing quality work for people who neither like nor care for what you do. Also you do realize that the quality of your contributions will be ripped to shreds later. Do I like that this happens not in the slightest but do I believe it will happen absolutely. None the less I must make the best of an exceedingly stupid world.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The nature of reality
Sometimes reality can be ugly. The nature of which is something that you do not want to think about so much but you have to none the less. We are in tough times and we will have to make the most of our situation. Sometimes doing the right thing is the tough thing but is the right thing to do none the less. Cheers
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Details are things you ordinarily do not enjoy viewing with exceptional clearness. None the less you like to focus on the big picture well. This is the situation as things stack up for you personally. The writing of this post does sound off a few cords about the nature of life itself. None the less you are trying to make the best of your current situation. Cheers.
Monday, February 6, 2012
The Near Future
Right now I am focusing on the near future. Both on what it means to me and what it is in general. Things aren't totally bad but they could be better. None the less I am feeling pretty good. Doing the correct actions is appropriate even if they have tough consequences. Your actions and decisions will shape your destiny for both the good and the bad. Both have to be taken in stride to say the least.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
The Truth sometimes hurts
Lets face it sometimes the truth hurts. I found much to my chagrin that certain family members have an acute disdain for this entity. They ignore it at their own peril. Doing so means you are arrogant borderlining on stupid. The truth is the truth and systematically ignoring it can have deliterious effects. Confronting it however and doing something meaningful about is the better way to go. However don't let the voice of reason get in the way.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Doing the right things for the right reasons
Sometimes in life the correct action can be the right thing to do but it can also land you in trouble. This shouldn't in fact be the case but it some how is. Putting up with the rest of the world and its innate stupidity can sometimes get to you. None the less you have to continue doing the right things for the right reasons. Cheers.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Thoughts on the upcoming election
It will take a major screw up on behalf of our current president to loose the current election. Lets face it the alternatives aren't great. But overzealousness and pure stupidity could rob us of a second term. We wonder how could this situation be? It does smack of severe irony to say the least.
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