Thursday, December 18, 2008

Divorcing W

I am a republican however I hate George W. Bush. This man is an inept bungler who has destroyed everything we once held dear. Frankly I am happy to see him go. I am even in favor of trying him Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney for war crimes relating to the Iraq War after they have left office. After all I have a conscience and heart and I have to answer to both.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

To Lost Love

When I was in middle school someone exceptional loved me. Her name is Nora Martin. She is both kind, sweet and hyper talented. I could not fathom although I adored her, that someone that good at the core loved me. It was not minor affection it was major love. Nora felt it for me from almost our first meeting. I saw the way her face lit up. What broke my heart was that I was sent to high school in the big city. I could not spend time and get to know this exceptional human being. It was an out and out tragedy. Love is the most important and necessary of all human emotions. We are born helpless so without it we cannot literally survive. Where ever you are Ms. Martin I wish you only two things happiness and success.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blugoyavitch is in Prison

Illinios Governor Rod Blogyavitch is in Prison right now. As a state Illinios has a notriously corrupt body politic. In 1960 Richard M. Daly then mayor of Chicago fixed the election so that John Kennedey would become President. Without Cook County Kennedey is not president. In democracy we cannot afford to have the perception that corruption is the norm. Democracy would cease to function under such conditions. I have to ask what took the government so long to nail Blugoyavitch? This blogger was talking about it for six months prior. If President Obama pardons Blugoyavitch I will be deeply dissappointed in him. Personally I hope that Blugoyavitch is sentenced to twenty five years in prison. For once the Republican Party can turn the tables on the Democrats. The democrats even when they screw up badly never get the systematic negative attention that Republicans get naturally. One day I hope that changes. Goodbye Blugoyavitch and good riddens.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Indian Diapers Just Suck

I am incontinent so I have to wear a diaper. Back in America they have most excellent diapers. The best kind is easily Serenity by Tena. It is the most comfortable and it always fits. The problem with Indian Adult diapers is they do not fit well, I am to large for the medium but to small for the large. It is a constant problem considering I am about a size 48 Inches. In addition to that Indian diapers are notoriously poor quality. The construction material is shoddy and they tend to sag and disentigrate. It is a real problem. They should start selling Tena Serenity in this country in a big way.

Monday, December 8, 2008

I Am Bisexual

I've done it, I have come out of the closet. Yes I am attracted to men sexually is a fact of my existence. It is also unfair as to LGBT people are really still persecuted the world over.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Little More Wisdom if you Please

Lately I have joined an organization called New Acropolis. They are a group started in Argentina in the 1950's. There aim is to train people in the philosophies of the east and the west. I dig stuff like this as I have taken philosophy courses at the secondary and post secondary levels. By the end of the process I hope to have a little more wisdom and a little less knowledge. The difference is that knowledge is merely information, wisdom is what to do with knowledge.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Vikram Seth is Darned Good!

Recently I have been reading Vikram Seth's first published novel "The Golden Gate". Seth is a remarkably excellent Raconteour of the first order. I have not seen Epic Poetry in Narrative book form Since I last read the Iliad by Homer in High School. Huge ups to Vikram Seth for reviving an old style of storytelling.

Friday, December 5, 2008

autobiography days

Right now I am working on a compelling autobiography. It is called "Being Me" essays in autobiography. These are twelve interlinked essays on subjects near and dear to my heart. I know that much is also quite true as well.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

notes on a parapetic life

I have always been a bit of philosopher. It is part of what makes me unique. So when I say I am a parapetic. I literally mean it. Things are often not as they seem with me.

notes on my parapetic life

notes on my parapetic life

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Life on the Sidelines

Currently I am living life on the sidelines right about now. This situation does take some getting used to. However it is better things than I was previously doing. I know that much is also quite true now.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

days of the Urban Jihad

The events of the past week have got this blogger thinking about the future of the world's security situation. We are in the midst of a new urban Jihadist movement. The tip of which we saw in Mumbai in late November of this year. This is likely to replicate itself in other locals around the world. It makes for some troubled times yet ahead.

Monday, December 1, 2008


A fundamental shake up is in order where the Mumbai Government is concerned. A Lax attitude towards the nation's security cannot be maintained. A new attitude of grim determination will have to be in order. A shake up is necessary at this point in time in the wake of last weeks events.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Perception is not always reality

This blogger would like to high light the difference between perception and reality. Perception is the physical image everyone else sees. Reality is what you are at the core. The two can be totally different to say the least. So don't be fooled by it.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

the next great fiction

The next great fiction that I will write is called "Crossing the Hudson". It is the definitive story of the American Revolution as told in a historical novel format. I hope you will enjoy it.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Bombay Blowout

Late yesterday the Indian security forces routed the last of the Deccan Mujahideen. These events are what I call the Bombay blowout. I am glad that the siege of 2008 is finally over.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

surviving the siege

After yesterday's terror attacks in downtown Mumbai it got me thinking about what is really important in life. Life is so short and so precious that we should not possess the cavalier attitude we often regard it with. That is all that I have to say for now.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This blog is dedicated to the memory of the seventy eight people that have died in todays early morning terrorist attacks in Mumbai India on the date of 11-26-08. The dead include the chief of the Indian counter terror squad who was leading the effort to the end the stand off. Six men have been taken into custody as a result of the operation. Terrorists will never accomplish anything through the use of political violence.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mists of Eden will be here soon

In the near future I will write a story about climate change. The tentative title is called "Mists of Eden". It is principally the story of Dr James Lightstar a Native American and Scientist who is struggling to save the last rainforest on earth. I hope you will enjoy it.

Monday, November 24, 2008

climate change is real

The earth's climate is changing and there are things we can do that will alter it in the future. For one thing we have to limit the industrial out put of carbon dioxide. If these levels run dangerously high this is bad news for all of us.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

new days of new fiction

Currently I am reading three short story collections. The first is the Rest of the Robots by Isaac Asimov, the second is the Father Thing by Philip K Dick and the third is the Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri. All of which serve as inspiration to the type of fiction that I like to write. That is all for now.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

the future is now

Now we are in the process of creating our future. The fight for it has just begun. The toil is not over. The future will be won.

Far Side of the Ocean

this blog comes to you from Mumbai India. Currently I am at the far side of the ocean and will remain here for some time to come. I look forward to my Indian sojourn and I will continue to keep blogging into the forseeable future. Thanks for everything.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Our recent spate of trouble is not over yet

Things may be rough however I have got a feeling that the situation will improve. We should not bail out the Detroit auto makers because it would send a bad message that mismanagement is to be rewarded. The democrats favor that idea however I do not. Government Subsidies are a European Solution to an economic problem. They should not become an American policy goal. That is all for now.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fighting for the Future

Right now things seem a little uncertain as far as this blogger is concerned. However you can be assured that I am fighting for what I believe is right. The future is worth saving and can be saved. It is up to us to do so. That is all for now.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Think Global Act Local

The new Republican Party mantra should be this slogan "think global and act local". We should reconnect with the parties original roots which is more power in the peoples hands directly. That should be the message that we wish to convey in the future.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Finding a Home in Poetry

Right now as I commence work on my third volume of poetry entitled "Time and Place and other Poems" I find I like poetry. It is an intensely different challenge than writing either novels or short stories. I hope you will enjoy my work.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rough Times in the Alamo City

Right now my San Antonio Spurs are struggling. However I have great confidence in my favorite team's ability to handle adversity. Although it is a bit painful to watch them play of late. Come on guys come together. Or else it will be a rough time in the Alamo City.

Friday, November 14, 2008

political suicide with Pahlin

John Mccain committed political suicide when he got Sarah Pahlin to be his vice president. She was utterly unqualified to be president. He should have gone with Louisiana Governor Bobby Gindall. The latter is very competent and would have made an excellent President if push came to shove. We have to assess what went wrong and how we can fix it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Even Idiots are dangerous

Unfortunately for this blogger even idiots are dangerous. Basically there are a lot of knuckleheads out there who live to cause problems for petty feelings of superiority. These people will gain nothing and they also have major inadequacies that they are not dealing with at the present time. This is unfortunately the state to which I find myself in today.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

there basically idiots

Unfortunately for me most of my fellow undergrads at UNLV are basically idiots. These are people who lack empathy, emotional maturity and human decency. They feel that they have a right and reason to take out everyone of their inadequacies on you. In addition to that they are monumentally insecure. Being an idiot should be made unnaceptable in todays culture.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

on the mend

My personal life of late has become a little bit chaotic. I suffer from a lot of very serious problems no of which I will discuss with you now. However this blogger is determined to live his life as best as he can. Right now he is on the mend.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Completing Poetry

Currently I am working on a new poetry collection called "Time and Place" and other poems. It is slated to be finished in late December. I hope you will enjoy it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

in the trenches

A major focus of the next three to four years of my life will be to help the Republican Party to win the culture war with liberalism. In this battle I will be a frontline commander in the struggle for decency and morality. The goal is to see conservatism's resurgence in the post modern age.
This battle will be fought in the trenches.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

weathering the storm

Of late I have seem to have hit an emotional rough patch. However I will weather this storm as I have weathered other crisises in my life. Winston Churchill said that the Greatest darkness often comes before the greatest light. I know that much is also quite true as well.

Friday, November 7, 2008

FIghting for the Soul of My Party

My party the Republicans have a lot of soul searching to do. We have redefine ourselves and what we stand for. It will be long time before we are truly competitive again politically. I know that much is also quite true as well.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

After the Election

I know that the election is over and Barack Obama won it. However there are still some serious red flags about his personal circle that we can not afford to ignore. First there is the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, then there is the former weather underground operative Bill Aires and last but not least there is Tony Resgco. All of which point to serious ethical lapses on behalf of the President Elect. Obama is unfit to be President.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mean People Stink

At my university there are a lot mean people. These people hate for irrational reasons and are pointlessly hostile. It is an attitude that will not get them very far in life.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Right now I feel kind of duped. My previous pchsyciatrists did not tell me what the medication I am on does to me. Now I know and I have to deal with the fallout of previous events. It is a sad situation to say the least. Right now I feel kind of duped.


Right now I feel kind of duped. My previous pchsyciatrists did not tell me what the medication I am on does to me. Now I know and I have to deal with the fallout of previous events. It is a sad situation to say the least. Right now I feel kind of duped.

Monday, November 3, 2008

the aftermath

Right now I am dealing with a lot of problems stemming from my previous medication. I am slowly but surely picking up the pieces of my life and dealing with all of the difficulties. Concurrently I have the aftermath at which to be dealing with right now. It is sad that I have to figure this out on my own the hard way.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Modern Fantasy is not good

To all of those who write modern fantasy stories your fiction is no good. You are nothing more than a bunch of Tolkien recyclers and you have nothing original to say. That is all for now.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The New face of Freedom

India will do much better than China long term. For one thing it has working institutions and it also has a well developed capitalist economy. In addition to that India is a free society. India is the future of Freedom.

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Lakers Will Never win with Just Kobe

The just Kobe Bryant Lakers will never win an NBA title. Last Seasons NBA Finals showed just how deficient they were. They do not have enough in the tank to get it done.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Short Stories

Currently I am working on a new short story collection. It is slated to be finished in late November. I hope you will enjoy it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

bigotry is wrong

There are unfortunately a lot of people who are basically bigots. They have a lot of hatred and fear and they seek to take it on other people for a false sense of superiority. Bigotry is self destructive and ultimately accomplishes nothing.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

mental adolescents

There are many people in this town I am in who have not progressed past age thirteen in their mental make up. These people have no emotional maturity or empathy and they are basically teenagers in their sensibilities. Mental adolescents are not a good thing to be.

Monday, October 27, 2008

the work as of yet to be done

There are a lot of things that are of yet to be done. I understand this process fully and will be working to complete what I have started. Things are a little tough for me now but they will get better.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

the gadget age

Right now we live in the era of great gadgets. They would include the computer, the telephone and the airplane. This era will be defined by advances in modern technology and its ability to shape our collective futures.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Intolerance is Wrong

The author of this blog has suffered some recent misfortunes of late. Those who deride me will never know either peace or happiness. They will suffer the pain of my curse put upon them. That is all for now.

Friday, October 24, 2008

arm chair democrats

It is time for us to stop talking about democracy and to actually act on preserving it. This is especially true of the European Democracies. They have to walk the walk and talk the talk at the same time or else Russia will smite out true democracy from existence elsewhere. I would rather like to have a government that lives up to the ideals of democracy rather than one that talks about it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hatred is Destructive

Hatred is self destructive and corrosive. It will destroy you as a person if you use it to much and for superficial reasons. Beware all of you haters out there your days and time are numbered and you will never know success at anything.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Insecure People

Those people who take out their own negative emotions on others will ultimate gain nothing. Basically they are bullies and bullies have no courage what so ever. So you may bash me for a false sense of superiority but it will ultimately gain you nothing.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

rough times

At the current time right now I going through rough times. However I have always been an optimist at the core. I do believe that things will eventually get better once I have sorted out my problems.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Superficial Differences

Apparently my age group is really superficial. That is not a compliment at all. We should be more tolerant of those who are different from us. We have to remember that societies built around hatred of the other were almost inevitably destroyed.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Perfect Storm

Of late it feels like my personal life has been hit with the equivalent of the perfect storm. A combination of social and biological problems has made my life really complex of late. None the less I feel neither self pity or doubt in the course of action for which I am about to undertake. At the core I have always been an optimist. I always believe that things will get better long term rather than worse. It is kind of what keeps me going.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just because its different does not mean its bad

Unfortunately for some of us we know we are radically different from others. However different does not always mean a negative thing. In fact differences can be beneficial in many cases to say the least.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Xenophobia is alive and well

Unfortunately for those of us who are different xenophobia is alive and well. However if we crush the souls of all those people who are different from us we risk destroying the future. It is people who are different who will make that future a reality for all of us. One day I hope that there is genuine tolerance.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Killing Genius

What modern medicine is doing to the human mind is quite deplorable. Let us stop and think about just how many successful and important people suffered from mental disorders. They would include Albert Einstein, Thomas Jefferson, George Patton, Thomas Edison and Leonardo Da Vinci. Think of the loss to humanity if those men had had their talents whiped out by over medication. We should stop mistreating geniuses.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Not Fitting the Mold

Creative People rarely fit molds of any kind. None the less we serve a valuable function because it is people like us who create the future. None of humanity's great creative geniuses fit any mold of any kind. Its just who we are.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Blog from the Basement

Today I am kind of sick folks, so this blog is for all you people under the weather today. Earlier this morning I suffered from some stomach pain and it has not gone away entirely. It is majorly cutting into my ability to focus. So I hope all is well for you out there.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The future of Computers

Quantum computing is the future of the information as we know it. In a short time I will be writing a series of stories about David "Paragon" Jones. These stories center around the idea of infra-space. Just as Bill Gibson wrote about Cyber Space in the 1980s. I hope you will enjoy them.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Lessons from the Gilded Age

The Gilded Age a term coined by Mark Twain was a period in US History in the 1880's in which government served only the interests of the rich. There were no labor laws, no environmental protections and as a result capitalism would much later collapse. The Gilded Age has something to teach us about our own times.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Science Fiction is Here to stay

Science Fiction is the future of fiction. It has always been the fiction of what could be and what is now. Personally I think it is the most relevent of all Genre's.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Libertarianism is Fundamentally Correct

In light of recent events, I come to the conclusion that some degree not all but some of liberatarianism is correct. Government should have a lot of restrictions in what it can and cannot do. Protection of human rights is of paramount importance in this age. So Bob Barr I am with you on that score!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Looking Forward to Basketball

Later this month the basketball season will start. I am hugely looking forward to it to say the least.

Looking Forward to Basketball

Later this month the basketball season will start. I am hugely looking forward to it to say the least.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Bad Start But a Strong Finish

I spent four years in community college back in California. My first year in Community College was largely wasted. Foothill Community College in Los Altos California was largely a waste of time. This was true at least for me personally. I then spent three and half years at De Anza Community College in Cuppertino. The latter was most excellent and it is a big part of why I am at UNLV today. Although the beginning was rough I hoping for a smooth and excellent finish.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Perception of an Ilness

The disorder that I suffer from is profound. However it has also given me gifts and insight I would not have otherwise have. Also I have to take solace that many famous and successful people have suffered from my mental disorder. So I need to work to develop my strengths.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Visiting My Cousins

Next summer I will be going up to Canada to visit my cousins and see my new baby niece. It looks to be good times as West Coast Canada is physically gorgeous in the summer time.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Why I Study History

I am a history major and once someone I knew asked me why do you study history? My answer was because it has so many useful applications. Two of these areas include Business and Politics. There are many famous and successful history majors including eight American Presidents, businessman Steve Wynn, and two other famous history majors include NFL Quarterback Joe Namath and Baseball Commissioner Bud Seilig. What these people all have in common is the fact that they value knowledge of the past and how it can shape our future. I happen to think along similar lines.

Friday, October 3, 2008

A new short story

Currently I am working on a new short story. It is called "the Last Reader". This story is a distopian future tale of a world in which reading no longer takes place amongst young people. It is none the less a powerful allegory about our current pedagogy.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I am Going Home

For only the fourth time this entire year I will be in a place that is not Las Vegas. I will be visiting my native state and seeing my family this weekend. This is the first time I will have been home since March of this year.

I am Going Home

For only the fourth time this entire year I will be in a place that is not Las Vegas. I will be visiting my native state and seeing my family this weekend. This is the first time I will have been home since March of this year.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Nancy Pelosi is Incompetent

If commentators say that John McCain has egg on his face over the failed bank bailout. Then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi must have a three cheese omelete on her face right about now. I oppose the bank bailout. So should Speaker Pelosi. As speaker of the house she should have put her foot down and said no dice. However she was held political hostage by a group of greedy people. This should be seen as a monumental failure of judgment on her part considering that in 2007 she pledged that it would not be government as usual.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Experience Matters

Once again the left is bashing Sarah Pahlin. They say she is inexperienced. However this same crowd all of which support Obama are hypocrits. They say if you support our world view you can have the least amount of experience. In all practical terms Obama has less political experience than Pahlin. So why is it that the left does not like Pahlin. The answer is they do not like her politics so they are attacking her as a person. I know Sarah Pahlin isn't perfect however do you think Obama really is?

Monday, September 29, 2008

We the Wall Street

Dr Michael Savage had an interesting point when he said that we have government for of and by Wall Street. You are dead on Dr Savage. Today I will be calling my congressional representation and asking them to kill this proposed bailout package. We should not be rewarding incompetence by bankers.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Men and Emotion

As a gender we males have this toughness ethos. I know as I am man. However sometimes there is a distinct advantage to being able to express your emotions. Women do this more easily then men it comes more naturally to them. So I propose that we men adopt a flexibility mentality. When the situation warrants it we can be strong as an ox. However when the situation also presents itself we can also express our inner feelings more readily. There is a distinct advantage to doing this especially when dealing with members of the opposite sex.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mean People Deserve Nothing

Hey folks Seraph here with a moral message for you. Don't be be mean, nasty, arrogant or pointlessly rude. These traits will not serve you well. I had a room mate some time in the past who was pointlessly mean and arrogant. I maintain the fact that this chap has no real friends. He does not care about anyone other than himself in the core. You see to survive as a race we need to care about other people. You shouldn't care to much but you should also possess a certain degree of necessary empathy. This guy had none. So if you meet the characteristics of the person I am describing you deserve to be successful at nothing.

Friday, September 26, 2008

In Defense of John McCain

John McCain is not perfect I know that, however he is a darn site improvement over Barack Obama in terms of leadership ability. Take for example the candidates positions on the crisis in Georgia over the summer. John McCain came out with a condemnation of Russia's heavy handed actions. He said that the new Russia is acting more like the old Soviet Union. Contrast that with Barack Obama who said that the UN should handle the crisis. Does Senator Obama know that Russia wields veto power over the UN security council as a permanent member? What game is this guy playing? If Barack Obama is elected President, democracy in non US locals like eastern Europe and the Caucasus will dissappear. That would be a tragedy. For that reason alone we should elect McCain.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Upcoming projects in Fiction

In the near future, I will be writing fictional stories about the American Revolution and Climate Change. These look like relevent intellectually appealing efforts to say the least. I hope you will enjoy them.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Am My Father's Son

In spite of our known differences my father and I share remarkable ideological convergence on a number of important political issues. These issues would include our belief in the inherent rightness of institutional multi party democracy, our uniquevocal support of the necessity of human rights, and our belief that the environment should be protected and we should develop alternative energy resources. So Pops this blog is dedicated to you. In many ways I am most definately your son.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the art shows the future

A teacher I had once in the past said something rather interesting. He said if you want to understand in which direction a society is heading you need to look no further than what statements the art is making. Artists intellectually are at least twenty to twenty five years ahead of the general public in understanding of major ideas. In general I tend to agree with this statement as I myself am an artist.

Monday, September 22, 2008

World Building is Alive and Well

In Science Fiction there are two classic sets of stories that use world building as a stroytelling medium. The first is the Dune series by Frank Herbert. The second is the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov. My set of stories called "Desca" is an homage to the foundation. It is at one point an exciting expansion of the Foundation and at the second point it is a radical departure. I hope you will enjoy them.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dedication Days

While writing my fiction I realized that there were certain parties in my life that deserved special recognition. So in the recent past I have dedicated at least three of my pieces of literarture to those said parties. Everyone one of which deserves special notice. You always remember and acknowledge people who played significant roles in your life.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

the nature of liberty

Liberty is in short the most important right on earth. For whatever reason there are governments that restrict, limit or deny liberty. Those governments are inevitably doomed to failure politically. Societies that do not cherish individual liberty end up on the Ash heap of History. Such was the case with Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Both of those societies denied liberty and you all know what happened to them. Let this be a message to all of you dictators, demagogues, terrorists and goons out their. Your days are numbered and history is on my side.

Friday, September 19, 2008

An appreciation for my family

Over the summer I worked at shelter for homeless teens. It was there that I came to a subtle epiphany. These kids didn't have the benefit of good families. That was the only real difference between them and me. It took me a long time to appreciate the way I was raised by my parents. My parents loved me with unconditional love and worked in my best interests even if I did not see it that way. That is why today I thanked both of my parents for raising me the right way.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Effects of Anarchy

A friend of mine asked me what happens when a society becomes lawless on a mass scale. My answer to him was that usually one of two scenarios occur. The first scenario is that an autocratic entity such as a dictator or a junta rises to power to fill the vaccuum. The other scenario is that it degenerates into civil war. Either way the consequences of anarchy on a mass scale are not good and should be avoided. To much governmental authorities is bad thing. However it is also true that the reverse is also the case. Societies cannot function correctly if chaos reigns.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Finishing Sep-Cell

Tomorrow my science fiction novel Sep Cell will be finished. It is a complex tale of terrorism and intrigue set in the far future. It is my hope that you will enjoy reading the finished product. Have fun and stay safe.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Liberal Myths about Conservatives

The liberals advance as series of pernicious and fallacious claims about conservatives. My English teacher said that the more educated you get the more liberal you tend to be. In my case however I find the opposite is true. The more and more I see of liberalism the less and less that ideology appeals to me. To pidgeon all conservatives as a bunch of brutish narrow minded war hawks is incorrect. At the same time there are a lot of stupid liberals. Michael Savage the radio talk show host and author is an independent minded conservative and has three university degrees including a Phd. The list goes on. No one side has a monopoly on intelligence and or stupidity. The advance that claim is to be an ideological chauvenist to say the least.

Monday, September 15, 2008

When Deomcarcies Fail

Democracies are made and broken by institutions. When institutions work they act as a check when they don't work they act as an enabler. Take for example the Weimar Republic in Germany in the 1930's. In 1933 Hitler and the Nazis staged an unsuccessful revolt in Munich. If Hitler had been taken out then world war two would not have been as devastating a conflict as it was. That was a case of a democracy failing to act in its own best interest.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Beware of Russia

The people of South Ousetia and Apasya should be a weary of cutting any deals with Russia. You may end up like the Ubik an ethnic minority who was Russified. Making deals with Russia is like negotiating with devil. Keep your noses from being bitten off.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

looking forward to a new season of hoops

In late october the NBA season will start fresh for the quest for th 2009 NBA title. I hope my spurs will once again return to the promised land. I think that Tim Duncan has one more championship left in him. It looks to be a good ride.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama is Elite

Make no bones about Barack Obama is an elitist. He is not the great egalatarian he claims to be. If the government came along and said to Senator Obama we are going to take your million dollar crib and give it to a poor family. He would be very sad. This man had advantages that others didn't practically all of his life. So please drop this egalatarian guise senator and become the elist we all know you to be.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

the difference between Government and Society

Intellectual revolutionary Thomas Paine who lived in the late seventeeth century wrote an interesting comment in his book Common Sense. He said that government and society are two distinctly different entities with different origins and purposes. Today someone couldn't distiguish between society and government is what we call a liberal. Government has been created not to redistribute wealth but to keep law and order from breaking. Or at least that's what Paine intended. Thats something to think about this fall when you vote.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What is up with Palin Bashing

Left wing liberal feminists are attacking Palin. We have to remember that this was the crew that was cheering Hilary Clinton as she was making her presidential run. The feminists have long maintained that women can have careers and have families. So why are they taking umbridge with Palin. The sheer amount of hatred and vitriol this people are espousing is stunning. These liberal hypocrits are phoney. They are engaging in reducto ad homini politics by saying that Palin is unfit to be both a mother and a Vice President. What these phoney liberal feminists are saying is that if we do not like your politics we will attack you as a person. That to me is really low. Call a spade a spade. You do not like her politics so you despise her as a person. That is why I will not vote democrat in the fall. I do not see myself as a hypocrit as these people are.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

the Biden Connection

Barack Obama made a bad choice in Delaware Senator Joe Biden as his running mate. First of all this completely undercuts everything that Obama has marketed himself as. Obama is the outsider in a world of insiders. Biden on the other hand is an insider's insider. He is also an anti capitalist and anti democrat. Every chance he has he votes against capitalism and democracy. Here are two examples in the late 1960's Biden voted against funding for the republic of South Vietnam. After the fall of Saigon the Hanoi government launched a massacre of south sympathizers and supporties. Thousands were killed. Again in the late 1970s Biden votes against funding the Contras in Nicaragua and their fight against the Sadanistas. Biden is the anthesis of everything that Obama said he was. It undercuts Obama's position as an agent of change. This mans true colorsd is something to think about when you vote in November.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Barack Obama's Middle Name

Why can't we talk about Barack Obama's middle name. The liberals seem to think it is politically incorrect to do so. By the way Barack Obama's middle name is Hussain. Its really true if John McCain's middle name were Jesus if he were John Jesus McCain that would certainly be an issue to the liberals. They would throw a hissy fit. If Obama wants to be president his middle name should be fair game for political discussion.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Oil Profit Illusion

Sure oil companies are making money, however politicians particularly liberal ones are making it an issue. Heres a fact for you in the fiscal quarter that ended in July Exxon Mobil made 9.32 percent rate of return for its investors. Conversely AOL Time Warner gave back 15.63 percent rate of return for its investors. Is their profit out of line I don't think so. What oil stocks are is extremely stable investments financially. They are a favorite of institutional investors such as retirement funds. An example of a major investor in Exxon Mobil would be the Pennsylvania State Teachers Retirement Fund and so forth. So Barack Obama and Congresswoman Maxine Waters of Los Angeles talk about annexing the profits of big oil it smacks of demagoguery and politics of the lowest common denominator. To annex oil profits through tax or otherwise strikes me as acutely myopic and Stupid. It is a short term solution to a long term problem. If congress really wanted to do something about high oil prices they should mandate higher gas mileage for new cars. New Cars should get sixty to eighty miles a gallon. That would do more to address the problem than would short term annexation of oil money. Those are my thoughts for the day.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Identity and Allegiance

the ideas of identity and allegiance are two of the most complex concepts wer humans will have to undertak and understand in our life times. Take for example General Robert E. Lee. Trained at west point he was offered supreme command of the union army by President Abraham Lincoln. Lee's loyalties however proved to be sectional and he decided to fight for the south. If he had accepted the union's offer the civil war would have ended three years early. These concepts of loyalty, identity and allegiance are awfully complex.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Incorrect views of Racial Superiority

I must take umbridge with Michael Savage and his idea of white male inventions. To advance an argument that white men own an intellectual monopoly on brilliance is to advance the "White Man's Burden" all over again. He is holding onto a specious theory of racial and intellectual superiority. There is a long history of non white male inventors who deserve more credit than they get. The Chinese invented loads of items including rocketry, gunpowder and moveable type printing. George Washington Carver a black man had more than 300 inventions to his credit including Shampoo and Peanut Butter. Susan Kevel an army chemist invented Kevlar in the late 1970's an invention that saved the lives of countless police and soldiers. I am not saying that white males aren't smart that is not what I am claiming. What I am claiming however is that people of color who are brilliant at science get no credit at all. The same is true for women scientists. Mr. Savage's argument smacks of chauvenism and racism to say the least.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Barack Obama is Unfit to be President

Not only does he lack the knowledge to be a good commander in chief, Barack Obama does not have the credentials to be a good leader. Do not make this out to be race thing because its not. Anyone who is critical of Obama is immediately dubbed a racist and or a hater. I would vote for a black man for president if I believed he was a capable leader and a social conservative. Obama meets neither characterestic. I do like the fact that he is an America hater that does not sit well with me. Neither do I like his weak populist socialist demagoguery. Obama is completely unfit mentally to be a commander in chief.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why isn't lynching a federal crime

The crime of pretexting basically recreating past computer messages via email is a federal crime. However the more serious and heinous crime of lynching, basically extra legal violent mob action is not a federal crime. Pretexting is the equivelent of punching someone in the dark. Lynching on the other hand is a serious felony. Yet you cannot be hauled in front of a federal grand jury for lynching the same way you can for pretexting. The time has come were we say lynching should be concerned a federal capital crime.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Lack of Moral Courage

Barack Obama is a product of Chicago machine politics. Numerous times in his early political career he had opportunities to stand up to people he knew were corrupt. Yet every single time he failed to do so. Barack Obama does not have the courage to be a president. He should be seen for the pawn that he is.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Echoes of Katrina

As hurricane Gustav bares down on Louisiana we once again harken back to 2005 and hurricanes Katrina and Rita. This time FEMA and Government are not playing catch up. They are proactive and are working to help those who need it most. For once we have something to applaud the federal government for.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fiction Factor

My Radigan's Run sequel novel is scheduled to be completed in late September. It is called Sep Cell and it focuses on the story of a covert operative Clarissa Radigan. She is the niece of Dr Clifford J Radigan the hero of my 2006 novel. The sequel takes place thirty years after the events of Radigan's Run. I hope you will enjoy it.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


San Francisco California suffers from an epidemic of crime. Due to 1960's immigrant sanctuary laws known felons are allowed to roam free. This defies all common sense and decency. Take for example what happened to the Bologna family last month. An illegal immigrant gangbanger shot dead a husband and two sons in cold blood. Yet due to the immigrant sanctuary laws he wasn't even arrested and prosecuted. We have to note that this said felon is implicated in at least two other murders in the past two years. Mayor Gavin Newsom and District Attorney Kamala Harris are unfit to hold their posts. They are more interested in protecting illegal immigrant felons and drugdealers at the expense of ordinary citizens. They should absolutely be run out of office. Remember the dead and demand Justice be served.

Friday, August 29, 2008

New Days for New Fiction

Currently I am working on a new novel. It is called Sep-Cell. The story centers on a covert operation in enemy terrority. I hope you will enjoy it.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Man made global warming is real

The decaying of the polar ice caps should be a warning to us over just what is happening to the planet. Man made global warming is real.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Government is not great

Barack Obama thinks that America is great because of government. That is an incorrect view. America is not great because of its government. It is a great nation by the strength and character of its people.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Go Go USA Hoops

The US Mens basketball team won Gold in Beijing. This is a huge step to redeeming the Americans after the dismal third place finish in Athens. By beating the defending world Champions Spain America has reasserted its dominance atop the basketball world.

Monday, August 25, 2008

the road less traveled

In his poem the road less traveled Robert Frost propsed a life that had certain expectations. These expectations were critical to his understanding of how to live one's life.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Goodbye Musharaff

Thank you Pervez Musharraf for resigning. You spared your country a protracted legal battle. Still it looks like there is rocky times ahead for the fledgling Pakistani democracy.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Russia Desires Regime Change in Georgia

It should be clear by now that the Russians are not going to leave Georgia alone. Vladimir Putin desires regime change in that country. He clearly does not like the fact that his non democracy is being challenged by a real democracy. Those are the facts as I see them. Putin wants only regime change.

Friday, August 22, 2008

the future of Fiction

The future of fiction is science fiction. It is easily the most credible and the most appealing of all fiction genres.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Science Fiction then and Now

The great thing about science fiction is its ability to fortell the future. Manyauthors have predicted great trends and new technologies. HG Wells was the greatest creative genius of the twentieth century. His work stands as a testement to the Genius of Seience fiction.

Science Fiction then and Now

The great thing about science fiction is its ability to fortell the future. Manyauthors have predicted great trends and new technologies. HG Wells was the greatest creative genius of the twentieth century. His work stands as a testement to the Genius of Seience fiction.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Advances in Alternative Energy

Our dependency on Oil could be reduced if we made a series push for renewable energy sources. Recent science indicates that fuel can be derived from Algae. Which occurs naturall in the ocean. This is one of many alternative energy sources being touted at the recent summit on Alternative energy.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Exporting Conflict

China is exporting conflict by arming and financing Sudanese Government backed militias in Darfur. The Sudanese Government is nothing more than a group of war criminals at this present time. If China actually and a conscience it would stop the sale of weapons to President Bashar's government.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Cheating at the Olympics

China is cheating at the Olympics. Three of its Gymnists are clearly not sixteen which is the Olympic qualifying age. Why is the international olympic committee playing along with this sharade. If it were any other country those athletes would be disqualified.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

When Will Europe Show Spine

The Major European Countries like France, England and Germany need to show some spine and help protect the Georgian Democracy. What we really need their is an international peacekeeping force made up of friendly nations. Will the governments of Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy permit Russia to wage a Genocide right on their doorstep. The Russians could easily do to the Ukraine what they did to Georgia. The Ukraine has a breakaway region in the east that is Moscow loyal. What is to prevent that governments malcontents from doing the same thing that Megdiev and Putin have done to South Ousetia and Apasya? Europe needs a military deterrent to Russian aggression now.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Taking Aim at Spitz

Mark Spitz in the 1976 Munich Olympics set a record for number of consecutive gold medals one in a single Olympics. His total was seven. This olympics in Beijing China we will see that record fall at the hands of the human boat none other than Michael Phelps. Who would have thought this was possible?

Friday, August 15, 2008

why can't we be critical of Barack Obama.

The media has done us a huge disservice by not being critical enough of Barack Obama. It seems as he has been diefied and that no major outlet is willing to criticize him or the people connected to him. There are a lot of ethical redflags concerning Obama that we should be aware of. Everyone who is critical of Obama is automatically labeled a racist or a bigot. This is a huge disservice to all of us.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Plenty of Blame to Go Around

The recent events in the former Soviet republic of Georgia have plenty of blame to go around. The first to be blamed is the over reaching of Georgia's president. The second major factor is the Russians overblown response to this whole situation. You hardly look like peacekeepers when you are looting, pillaging and killing ethnic Georgians. I do not believe that all sides are entirely innocent of all that they claim to be. Just remember this Russia the world has changed and this is no longer Prague of 1968 where you can just demolish a government. That being said the Western Europeans have to show some spine and help to protect Georgia from being whiped off the map. It should be a moral imperative for them to do so.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Boycott the Olympics

The International Olympic Committee made a bad choice by awarding Beijing the summer games in 2008. In the past year and half the chinese government has not opened up in fact its become more of an autocracy than ever. We need to boycott the games and stage a protest that works. We should not be apartying ourselves to evil.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Completing Butcher

My historical novel of the 1860's entitled "Butcher" is scheduled to be completed this month. It is the story of General Ulysses S. Grant. He was without a doubt the Greatest General of the Civil war as well as a monumental figure of the Gilded Age. This novel is dedicated to his achievements as a major military commander.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tim Duncan is a hall of famer

Tim Duncan should be seen as a unanimous first ballot hall of famer. After all he has won more championships than Larry Bird and Bird is considered to be a hall of fame player. To tell you have the NBA's hall of fame selection is not that great four players who never won a title Reggie Miller, Charles Barkley, John Stockton and Karl Malone are all considered to be hall of fame eligible none of them have a ring. Duncan's got more championships under his belt than the lot of them combined. Who's better the one with four or the one with none. You Decide.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Goodbye Solsynitsan

Late yesterday Famed Russian Novelist Alexander Solsynitsan died at the age of 89. He was born 1919 in the town of Rostov on the Don. Solsynitsan was best known for the trilogy of 1960's novels called the Gulag Archipelago. Basically it was the Prison Island. They were notorious Soviet labor camps. Gulag is Russian for prison. Solsynitsan won the nobel prize in literature for standing up to the Soviet union's belittling of the individual. He was a man of great moral conviction and will be sorely missed.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

the democrats have failed

In 2007 the democratic party came back into power in Washington after a decade in the wilderness. The democrats made several promises to restore honesty and integrety to Washington. They have failed on both counts. A lot of back room deal making, pandering to special interest groups and in some cases out right impropriety has marked the democratic tenure in the senate and house. By no measure of the term accountability have they succeed. The democrats as far as I am concerned have no business claiming the moral high ground. After all what drove them from power in the early nineties was a major corruption scandal. Democrats don't make false claims that you are more moral than us republicans. We also have to remember that satisfaction in congress's job ranks at all time.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sweet Deals

What is up with politicians and sweet deals? Senator Barack Obama got a good deal on his house that was purchased through Tony Rescgo. Chris Dodd the junior Senator from Conneticut got a lone deal from Country Wide Financial Corporation at a better rate than was available to the General Public. Another politician who benefited from a sweet deal was Kent Conrad senator from South Dakota and head of the senate budget committee. Really it seems as if politicians like to have perks that are unavailable to the rest of us.

Friday, August 1, 2008

What is Up With Philandering Politicians?

This year has seen a rash of cheating politicians. From New York Governor Eliot Spitzer to Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, cheating is rampant. It seems like there is no end to philandering politicians. Is it to hard to ask that politicians to stay loyal to their spouses. Or are we in for more?

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Shaq Oneal should retire

He big diesel your career in pro hoops is over. Your heyday as the biggest baddest big man in the league is finished. In the past two seasons you have had last place finishes. If that is any indication to you, are diluting your legacy by staying on. Shaq Oneal you are done. Please retire and do us all a favor.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Stop Comparing Kobe to Michael

LA Laker fans, your man Kobe Bryant is not Michael Jordan. Is Kobe Bryant a talented athlete, I would say yes and I am not even a Laker fan. Kobe is similar to Michael in skill and ability. But he is not Michael in drive, tenacity and will. The 2008 NBA finals showed just how suspect the Lakers really are. Kobe and the Lakers have spent six years, more than half a decade failing to get it done. The Chicago Bulls could build a winner around Michael Jordan. The LA Lakers can not do the same with Kobe Bryant.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Free Passes

The media is never critical of liberals in the same way they are critical of conservatives. When Tom Delay the former House Majority leader was on trial. The media was all over him. But when liberals do things just as horrible they are let off the hook. I will provide three examples of this. They let Barack Obama off the hook for the Reverend Wright's commments, Reverend Wright is insane. They let Illinios Governor Ron Buglovitch off the hook with Tony Rescgo. Last but not least they let Hilary Clinton off the hook for her racist speech.
Time and again the media lets liberals off the hook. On this blog we believe in one standard, accontability for your actions. Liberals, on this blog the gloves come off.

Monday, July 28, 2008

the south China Sea

Late last month the Chinese Communist Government in Beijing made a ludicrious claim. It said in effect that the South China Sea which is a major piece of international waters was the soul property and domain of China. The communist government in Beijing has the mentality of a bully. It is trying to force other countries to do its bidding. We have to remember that all bullies on the inside are cowards. That is the case with the Chinese Communist Government. The south China sea borders for Nations including Vietnam, the Philipines and Maylasia. China has about as much a right to claim the south China sea as its domain. As the US government has the right to claim Australia as US territory. The claim is both baseless and ludicrious. If China attempts to bully the Philipines, America will not stand idly by. China should be stopped at all costs and the soveireghty of other nations should be respected.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

the influence of Fyodor Doestoevesky

The nineteenth century Russian Novelist Fyodor Doestoevesky was a huge influence on me in terms of storytelling. With great books like The Idiot, Crime and Punishment and the Brothers Karamazov Doestoevesky employed a bold experimental style of story telling in which characters burst forth from every page. This is in sharp contrast to previous Russian novelists like Leo Tolstoi. The latter employed an old, stable omniscient style of storytelling. Tolstoi was the past. Dostoevesky was the future.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Its good to give back

Charity is good for many things but one of the least talked about aspect is what it does for the human sense of self. Charity deflates ego. We live here in America in a me, me, me society. It is all about ego gratification. This is an innately dangerous principal because constant ego gratification can be destructive to the self. Doing things like charity even on a small scale deflates ego and boosts self esteem. It is good to give without thought of immediate reward. This month I volunteered at a non profit. I did it to deflate ego and boost my person intrinsically.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Presidential Pride

I get it, I get it this country has a long history of racism, xenophobia and ethnocentrism. That being said there is easily as much positive as there is negative about this country. Our scientific and intellectual accomplishments are without peer in the world. Practically everything modern was invented or developed by an American. Michelle Obama made the now infamous comment "I am finally proud of something my nation has done" when her husband was nominated to be president. Really Mrs. Obama, do you know that there are tens of millions of people who would gladly accept the freedom you so irresponsibly spurn. Pride in the accomplishments of one's nation is a prerequisite of being president. The president after all is seen as the Uber American. You can not be hating this nation and expect to be commander in chief. It does not work that way.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Chechnya, Europe's Genocide

Vladimir Putin Russia's President should not be seen as a strong leader, He should be seen as a war criminal for what he is continuing to do in the former Soviet republic of Chechnya. Putin's army overthrew Hassan Maskarov the previous Chechin president who won an election that was declared one of the freest and fairest in former Eastern Block Nation. The man Putin backs as President of Chechnya namely Igor Khadirov is a goon. Khadirov's private militia is guilty of committing murder and torture. These guys would make the Jumjuweed in Darfur look like bunny rabbits by comparison. Needless to say Putin is easily Europ's greatest living War Criminal. He has killed tens of thousands of Chechins most of whom never picked up an arm against Russia.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Back sliding into Autocracy, Russia and Vladimir Putin

Russia has only known strong man type governments. Weather it has been under the Czars or the Communists it has always been a collectivized dictatorial system of government. Vladimir Putin is no different or better. He resembles some of the notorious strong men governments of the communist era. Putin is the president in all but name Dimitry Megdiev is nothing more than a sham and a puppet. It is sad to say this but it is true. Russia will never be an institutional multi party democracy in our lifetime.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

the lessons of Vietnam

Certain Liberal Politicians in Congress are in favor of bringing back the draft, that is an eminently bad idea. Haven't we learned from the Vietnam war that draft armies don't fight very well. Once again Liberals dredge up bad ideas. In Vietnam that draft army fell apart.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Its official folks, I am rain karma as of 2006. In 2006 during the Luz Family Reunion in San Diego California a San Diego Padres Baseball game was rained out completely. A Padres baseball game had not been rained out since 1984. Then a week and half later I go to Phoenix Arizona. It rains there for the first time in three and half months. In India in the Summer in 2007 Bombay has record rainfall thirty six inches in six hours. Now in Las Vegas Nevada Summer 2008 it rains twice in one week in late July. Its official I bring rain with me were ever I go.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fiction Factor

The Next Great work of Fiction is going to be about the American Revolution. It will be called "Crossing The Hudson". This is the story of Josiah Tynes of Framingham Massachussets. Who is a young soldier in George Washington's army in 1777. The novel takes place in the winter of 1777 in which the colonial rebel forces crossed the frozen Hudson river to safety away from the advancing army of Sir Henry Clinton. It will be a great novel about the symbolic moments in history.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

remembering a Swindeler

Frankie Sabatino, age 27 in 1996 was a master swindler. In one of his notorious exploits he managed to convince the ticket office of the NFL Super Bowl in Florida that he was vice president of a major bank. Sabatino managed to get three hundred free super bowl tickets out of the whole affair. Sabatino who was the descendant of Italian immigrant slived in Miami Florida. Now he is doing twelve to twenty years hard time for his notorious actions. There is something to be said for fundamental honesty.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Look Ahead for Butcher

Work on my latest historical novel "Butcher" is going rather well. I should have it complete by mid August. I hope you will enjoy it. After all I have high hopes for the project.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fiction is Fun

Working on historical fiction is a great joy that I have. Bringing the past to life is fun and challenging work. I hope you will enjoy the fruits of my labor.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Covalent Storms is In

My second collection of short fiction "Covalent Storms", a series of science fiction short stories has been entered in the Katherine Ann Porter Contest. I hope that it does well.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

NBA Problems With the Officials

Bogus Oficiating is plaguing the NBA. One former ref Tim Donaghy has confessed to Federal Prosecutors about blown games and Bogus calls. I do not believe all of what Donaghy is saying but some of it rings true. We have to remember game four of the western conference semi finals of 2004 season. Devean Brown of the San Antonio Spurs had eleven points stripped from him in the fourth quarter. If the Spurs had one game four they would have advanced to the western conference finals instead of the LA Lakers. Really what took the NBA so long to realize that their were blown calls.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Housing Application is In

Hi Readers

Recently I have completed my online housing application for fall. I will return to UNLV. It looks to be great times ahead

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Butcher will Be Completed Eventually

The novel I am currently working on is called "Butcher'. It is the story of General Ulysses S Grant. Arguably the greatest military commander this nation has ever known. It will be a great book in times to come

Saturday, July 12, 2008

the eloquent Atheist

Personally I do not believe in god, there are others like me who are called atheists. It those who believe in god to much that should be feared. Not like us the eloquent atheists.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Commencing Work on Butcher

The work on my third historical novel Butcher has begun. It is ostensibly to the story of General and Later President Ulysses S. Grant. One of the greatest general's America ever had.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Working on a New Short Story

In addition to the work being put out for "Butcher', I am currently writing a new short story called "Paragon's Shadow". It is the story of David Paragon Jones a computer hacker living in southern california. I hope you will enjoy it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Remembering Antietam

In late 1861 the Battle of Antietam Maryland was fought. It was th bloodest day in the history of the United States with over 25,000 dead and wounded. This single battle had more casualties than D-Day, Pearly Harbor, 9/11 and the American Casualties of the Iraq war put together. The cause was to abolish slavery.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Stop Teaching Intelligent Design as Science

To all of you biblical nuts out there, please stop teaching intelligent design as science. It is not. Intelligent Design is just the latest foil of creationism. Evolution is the only correct intellectual framework that should be espoused.

Monday, July 7, 2008

the hard work ahead

In the next three months I will be working on my third historical novel. It is a long term project that I will finish sometime in mid 2009. Work on it will be tough but it will be worthwhile.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Work on Butcher Has Begun

The writing of the historical novel "Butcher", Which is ostensibly the story of General Ulysses S. Grant has begun. It is the story of the Civil War told by a fictional Captain of the Infantry. The story is one of failure and triumph of the Greatest American General in US history.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hurray for the Columbian Rescue

Late on Wednesday the Columbian Army launched a daring rescue mission that was flawlessly planned. They rescued fifteen hostages held by the evil FARC Gurillas. Among the rescued was the former politician and French national Ingrid Betancourt. She has cancer. I am happy that her family will get to see her again. Congragulations Alvaro Uribe.

Friday, July 4, 2008

the hard road ahead for Radigan's Run

Currently I am ensconced on the science fiction novel Radigan's run. It takes place in a far future universe that is in a state of Civil War. The main theme of the novel is the wrongness of political violence. One can say it is a novel inspired by the times.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hoops in The Olympics

The United States Mens basketball team has a major problem. Dwight Howard has gone down with an ankle sprain. This is big news because the Orlando Magic power forward is a key cog in this team. I am sorry but Howard's injury is bigger than Kobe Bryant's busted pinky. Howard is a huge hole to fill.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Little Magician Will be Completed on Schedule

Concurrently I am working on my second historical novel entitled "Little Magician". It is the story of the eight presisdent of the United States namely Mr. Martin Van Buren. I hope you will enjoy it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Wesley Clark is a Farce

Former Nato Commander General Wesley Clark had no bussiness criticizing John Mccain's war record. For one thing Mr. Clark Mccain is three time the war hero you are. His surviving the Hanoi Hilton is the stuff of legend. By denigrating his service to his country you make your self only look incompetent. Please keep your inner thoughts to yourself.

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Sad Sad State of American Science Fiction

It is sad to say that American Science Fiction has been in a percipitous Decline in the past fifteen years. The United States used to have great writers like Phillip K Dick, Isaac Asimov, Bob Heinlein and Frank Herbert. These writers were genuine visionaries. The same can not be said of the weak imitators who only write third party universe stories. The British are consistently coming out with better SF that what we yanks seem to be creating of late.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

AIDS is a Catastrophe

According the UN health fund aids is the greatest natural calamity to strike the world in the past thirty years. It is estimated that 25 million people have died of AIDS. That is more total deaths than all of the fatalities in World War I. It is also estimated that 33 million people are currently living with the disease. Lastly it is estimated that there are seven thousand new infections of HIV every day. The response to treat aids has largely been a political debacle by most standards.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


The next historical novel that I will write will be called Butcher. It is the story of Ulysses S. Grant told through the eyes of a fictional infantry captain during the last two years of the Civil War. I hope you will enjoy it.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Liberals and Force

It is foolish to even consider that if Barack Obama is elected president that military conflict will dissappear. The liberal left in this country has its own ideas as to how to use American hard power. For one thing they favor an intervention in Darfur. It is both nieve and foolish to think that military conflict will evaporate if Barack Obama and the Democrats win in the fall.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Please Save Free Speech

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is a supporter and sponsor of the Fairness doctrine. In truth there is nothing fair about it. What this doctrine would do if enacted would muzzle some of her strongest critics. It is clear to me at least that Pelosi stands for free speech for liberals and no one else. The freedom of speech is not privilidge it is an entitlement that is protected in the US Constitution for a specific reseaon. Please help me stop this sham and Farce

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

the problems with Senator Obama

There are several things wrong with Obama for President. For one thing he has no core beliefs, no fixed ideology and no over all plan for the nation should he get elected in the fall. In short his a substanceless candidate.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

the untold story

There is a lot more that we cannot see that is important. Major issues are not being addressed. Currently we are in a vacuum. This is my wish list.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Historical Fiction

In the past year and a half I have been finding an unusual facility for create historical fiction. History has always been my passion. Now I am attempting to be bring it to life.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Climate Change Chronicles

In the next few weeks you will see posted on this blog a report about the global health of the planet. It is clearly a call to reduce the over all carbon emissions. We must take steps to address this pressing issue.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

what we are not taking about

Clearly we need to secure our borders. We cannot fight terrorism over seas and leave our own borders completely undefended. That is absolutely Ludicrious.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Red, White and Misnomer

The fight over the air force contract between Boeing and EADS highlights just what a misnomer made in America really is. After all Boeing's planes are made with 45 percent foreign parts. What business do they have claiming there all American. It is a farce as far as I am concerned. Here is another misnomer. Toyota supposedly an foreign company makes 80 percent of its cars with American parts and labor. Versus Chevorelet supposedly an American brand makes its cars in Mexico with 70 percent foreign parts and labor. People please stop waving the red white and blue around. Senator Patty Murray of Washington State is nothing more than a week protectionist.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Thoughts on the Nobel Prize for Literarture

of late the nobel prize in literature has been more about politics than literature. It has recently become a prize for hack activism. I contend that the award now is an oil and water combination of art and politics that really serves the interests of neither. I also contended that the Nobel Prize winners are activists with writing careers on the side. Please end this bad idea.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thank You Celtics for beating the Lakers

Yesterday Boston won its first NBA title in 22 years. The story of the NBA finals will be what happened to the much vaunted LA Lakers bench? Radmonivic and Odom were noticably silent in the NBA finals. The Celts did a smart thing by harassing Kobe Bryant and forcing the other Lakers stiffs to beat them. LA this is the biggest tank job in history. Kobe this is as close as you will ever come to winning a championship without Shaq. Kudos to the Celtics and the real MVP Kevin Garnett.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

the media in the modern age

It is safe to say the modern media has become nothing more than a narrow avenue of celebrity promotion. The media has long since abdicated its position as the watchdog of the democracy and has since only been promoting the activities of America's elite. This fact is evidenced by the number of foreign bureaus. In the eighties it was estimated that domestic newspapers had and other news agencies had over 250 foreign bureaus. Now events of other countries are important but the number of foreign bureaus has been cut to a third. News also has been watered down in favor of entertainment. This is a great disservice to us all.

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Popular Vote does not Count

Due to the electoral college system that we have in this country the popular vote really does not matter in determining who wins the presidency of the United States. One university professor estimated that you only need to 19 percent of the popular vote and take the electoral college votes and you can become president of the United States. This is a ludicrious system that should be dropped and changed. We should have the popular election format that the Europeans have. It is really much better than the electoral college.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

the stink over Country Wide

It was divulged in news reports yesterday that certain members of the Senate Banking Committee had taken campaign contributions from Country Wide Mortage. The latter was one of the greatest malefactors in the whole mortage crisis. What ever happened to ethics?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bold New Voice in fiction

In a short while I will become a bold new voice in fiction. My aim is to challenge belief systems and ideologies. And much like Aldous Huxley I aim to open the doors of perception.

Friday, June 13, 2008

high five for the planet

This blog will be a enlightened engine of advocacy for sensible enviornmental policys concerning climate change.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Conflict of Interest to say the least

The Ira Isaacs obscenity trial is about to be litigated soon. However there is a conflict of interest concerning the case. Judge Jerry Guzinsky of the 9th circuit court of appeals in California who is judging the case had obscene materials on his personal website. Needless to say this the most liberal of judges should be forced recuse himself after this most dispicable of incidents.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The work on Little Magician has begun

Right now I am on the third chapter of Little Magician, it is the engrossing story of the romantic era of American politics. I hope you will enjoy it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pervez Musharraf should resign

In Pakistan today tens of thousands and lawyers, activists and politicians are marching towards Islamabad demanding the resignation of President Musharraff. It is a long time coming after the Pakistan People's Party and the Muslim League of Narwaz all Sharif one the parliamentary elections nearly four years ago today. What makes the uprising in Pakistan unique is that it is being led by the educated elite. Normally rebellions and revolutions are led by the poor and the working class. Such was the case in Indonesia in 2003-2004 with the ousting of Suharto. The time has long since come that corrupt and autocratic president of Pakistan should be forced to resign and tried for treason.

Monday, June 9, 2008

About Face for Hugo Chavez

Finally Hugo Chavez got some sense and stopped backing the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia. I wonder what took you so long Mr. President. We have to remember that the FARC are nothing more than a two bit terrorist group. They are no different from Hammas, Al Queada or the Badder Mienhoff Gang. They preach political violence and are involved in extensive kidnapping and drug smuggling operations. The time for them to lay down their arms in this illigititamate struggle has long since come to pass. I am patting you on the proverbial back Mr. Chavez for finally realizing how evil these people really are.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bad Company

The Candicacy of Sentar Barack Obama raises so many red flags it is isn't even funny. First there is the incidiary comments of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright who I am still not convinced Obama has fully divorced politically. The Wright comments are only the tip of the bad taste iceberg. There is also Businessman Tony Resgco of Chicago an early political ally of Obama who has 16 counts of bribary, perjury and corruption laid out against him. Illinios Politics is a mess over the Resgco fallout. After it was divulged that Resgco had shaked down contractors for kick backs when he sat on two state government commissions. Why isn't Democratic Governor George Bugoyavich under more suspicion from the Resgco fallout if he appointed Resgco to those said boards? Needless to say it is pretty ugly out there.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Crossing the Hudson

The historical novel that I will write some time in the near future is called "Crossing the Hudson". It is the story of General George Washington's rebel army as it retreats from New York City after beign defeated by General Clinton and the British royal Army. The story is told through the eyes of a twenty year old second luietenant named Josiah Tynes from Framingham Massachusetts. This was a hugely symbolic moment in American history. It is a kin to when Julius Ceasar crossed the Rubicon in Italy back in the times of Ancient rome. The Colonial rebels set fire to the city of New York in one of the most dramatic moments of the revoulationary war.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Please Hilary Just Quit

Dear Senator Clinton

You are hurting your party by your stubborn refusal to acknowledge the victory of Barack Obama. Please do not force your way onto the ticket by armtwisting. That would be counter productive. It would have the results of making Senator Obama look weak and indecisive which are two traits not becoming of a chief executive. It is my personal opinion that Governor Janet Napoletano of Arizona is a much better fit as a running mate than Senator HR Clinton.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

In Defense of Capitalism

Within the next ten years we will see the largest mass exodus from poverty in recorded history. Approximately 400 million people in India and China will become middle class. what makes this remarkable is the fact it is not being done through top down government initiatives ala the soviet union styled planned economies. To the contrary it is being done under the free market system. People who believe that top down big government iniatives are the future are in fact living in the past. Capitalism is the way forward for the worlds poor to get out of poverty and not communism or socialism. That is why I am pleading with the American Left not dismantle capitalism in the country in the next four years.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Necessary Reforms in the Electoral Process

Now that at long last the national campaigns of both respective parties are being launched here are some of my thoughts on the electoral process. First of all there are way to many primaries and caucauses. We need to cut the number of them in half or to a third. The British really have a good system that we can model our presidential elections on. The campaignin for the prime minister spot in Britain is only six weeks until the election is held. A rule of thumb with elections is less is more.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Marred by Missteps

Senator Hilary Clinton's presidential campaign is in trouble. The slide she has taken since the first of the year 2008 and the Iowa Caucauses has been steep. To tell you just how steep her fall from grace has been in November of 2007 she led Senator Barack Obama by as much as 25% points in the polls. When Hilary has been gettign all the major election themes wrong, Barack Obama's campaign has been getting them right. Senator Obama has huge youth support the 18-25 age group favors him 5 to 1 to Hilary Clinton. Clearly if Mrs. Clinton is going to win this nomination fight she needs a major shake up of both her image and her message. Both of which are hurting her right now.

Monday, June 2, 2008

News and Views from a Citizen Journalist

Hi everyone

For those of you who read my blog I thank you, here are my opinions raw and unfiltered. This is how I see the world. I am not attached to fixed view points or prefiltered or formulated opinions or positions. You can however count on one thing I will tell it to you strait. That you can be assured of

Sunday, June 1, 2008

the work as yet to be done

In the near future I will be completing a number of creative projects. I have high hopes for them. This includes the near future novel "Mists of Eden". This is going to be the seminal works of a future genuis.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Please Celtics Beat the Lakers

Mr. Garnett I am begging you to please finish off the Lakers and take home the Larry Obrien in this years NBA finals. If the Lakers win their fan base will be insufferable as it always is. So please Kevin win, win, win

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Run Ain't Done

Although our season is finally over, I am still of the opinion that the Tim Duncan led Spurs have one more trip to the promised land before it is all said and done. Parker, Duncan and Ginobilli play to well as a unit for it to be over yet. You have not seen the last of the Alamo City.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

the work yet ahead

This week and next I will be complteing major pieces of literary work. The first is the poetry collection Shadow Fall and the second is the YA novel Kimson's Quest. I have high hopes for both. I hope you will enjoy them.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Sun Never Sets on the Alamo City

Remember this Kobe, you may have your foot on our collective throats but no one has been able to close out San Antonio in the post season. We faced similar odds in the second round and we won. So you better watch your back.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Writing YA Fiction

Currently I working on my young adult novel Kimson's Quest. It is the story of a young science savant and a virtual reality project gone wrong. I hope you will enjoy it.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Historical Fiction

In the next eight months I will be tackling twin historical novels, The first is Little Magician it is the story of the early political career of Martin Van Buren. The second in the civil war era historical novel called "Butcher" it is story of General Ulysses S Grant told from the point of view of a fictious Captain who serves as his personal liuetenant. Both of them will shed insingsts into the nature of the human character. I hope you will enjoy them.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Modern Fantasy Sucks

Modern Fantasy is some of the worst literature ever written. Clearly these writers I will not call them authors that would denigrate the term. They are all a bunch of mediocre Tolkien Recyclers. In fact Harry Potter is the most interesting and origninal set of stories fantasy has produced in more than twnety years.

A tale of two superstars

The NBA'S Western Conference Finals will be the tale of two superstars. The first superstar is Kobe the under performer Bryant. The Second Superstar is Tim "The Unstoppable" Duncan.

So far in the fast five years it has been all Tim Duncan. His career has be defined by his four NBA titles, which include 2 of the past three NBA seasons. Conversely the other superstar Bryant has only be defined by lackluster performances in the post season. Look to Tim Duncan in the next two games to bounce back big from his early funk. Remember this the New Orleans Hornets had their foot on San Antonio's collective throat yet they couldn't close us out in the best of seven. Remember LA neglect Duncan at your own peril.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Short Term steps to halt the advance of Climate Change

What we need to do is a cap the advance of climate change. In order to accomplish these goals we need to have a focus on renewable power sources. Also we need to have a European Style Cap and Trade system for carbon emissions. In addition to this we need to tighten fuel standards and close the loophole the created the SUV industry. We need to be thinking both small and green.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Trip to NATO

Later today I will be watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It will be the first movie I have seen in a theatre since I last viewed I am Legend. I hope that this trip to NATO(National Association of Theatre Owners) will be good.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

No Quit in the Alamo City

Never sleep on San Antonio they will always find a way to win. The Hornets had their foot on our throats yet they couldn't close us out. Remember in the past five years the Spurs have been unbeaten on their home floor in the playoffs. Keep it real and hopefully we will represent the west in the NBA Finals.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kobe Bryant is not the MVP in my mind

Although he won the regular season MVP award I do not consider Kobe Bryant as a ligitimate MVP. Is it just me or has Lakers as a franchise spent the past five years loosing. Particularly in the past three years they failed to get out of the first round. The real MVP should be big man Kevin Garnett of the Boston Celtics. Where would they be without his tenacious defense. For my money I consider the true MVP to be Garnett and not Bryant. It is sad to say that the NBA's awards committee is easily swayed by popular opinion

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Patron Saint of Basketball

This blog is dedicated to the "Admiral" David Robinson big man emeritus of the San Antonio Spurs. Not only was he a great basketball player, he is after all the most under rated big man in the history of the game.
David Robinson was also a great humanitarian as well. He founded the Carver Academy in San Antonio which is a school dedicated to serving under previlidged youth in the Alamo City. Tutition is completely free if you get in. Robinson was the games greatest citizen he won the NBA's Citizenship award twice and it is now named in his honor.
In a day and age where athletes are more frequently found in the pages of the police blotter it is refreshing to see that genuinely good people can still get ahead. This is true of the Admiral and his protege Tim Duncan.
That is all for now.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Finishing Shadow Fall

Currently I am hard at work on my second poetry collection. It is called "Shadow Fall and other Poems". Most likely it will be complete either at the end of this month or the beginning of next month. The collection is aimed at the 2009 Donald Hall Poetry Prize. I hope you will enjoy it.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

the great debate

Is there life beyond earth? so far we have discovered single cell organisms on mars that raise new questions about life elsewhere in the cosmos. Personally I would like to agree with astronomer Dr. Carl Sagan on this one. He said in his book Contact "If we are the only beings alive in the universe it is an aweful waist of space."

Friday, May 16, 2008

Government Should stay out of Pro Sports

With the noted exception of Balco and Steriods I am of the opinion that government should stay out of professional sports.

First of all it is a big waste of tax payer time and money. I can sight to examples of excess by government in something that isn't that important. California Senator Diane Feinstein tried to introduce legislation to keep the San Francisco 49ners in San Francisco. The second example is Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Spector getting involved in the Patriots Spygate scandal. Please people don't you have anything else better to do? Stop this rediculuous waste of tax payer time and money.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Eisenhower's Legacy in Civil Rights

Much attention in history has been given to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. However there is an earlier milestone that I think is just as important in the over all story of the civil rights struggle.

The milestone I am talking about is school desegregation in the 1950's. It is important to note that the court of Fred Vinson prior to Earl Warren upheld the 1898 case Plessy Versus Ferguson which established the so called "Seperate But Equal doctrine". The Earl Warren court appointed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower struck down Plessy versus Ferguson in the Brown Versus Board of Education of Topeka Kansas case. It is important to remember that prior to the Brown decision the NAACP got its start sueing colleges for not letting in minority applicants. Education is the only meaningful way of lifting yourself out of poverty long term. This is just something I thought we should remember.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We Need to be a better road team

It is quite clear that if my San Antonio Spurs are to advance to the western conference finals we need to be a better road team. We have to have the ability to rise up and smack the opposing team in their own crib. Sadly for us that easier said that done. New Orleans is a good team this year and they will not fade away easily. That being said I know my boys from the Alamo City can rise to challenge.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Power of the Poet

Currently I am at work on a second poetry collection. Once it is complete in June I will enter it in the Charles B Wheeler poetry competition. It is my hope that you will behold the power of the poet.

Monday, May 12, 2008

the next part of the journey

Summer is almost here, right now as the semester winds down I am about to begin a new journey. Hopefully I will have secured a paid job in the next week and half. In addition to that I will learn some useful life skills

Sunday, May 11, 2008

End of Semester Drive

Right now I am in the drive to finish the semester strong. It is a lot of hard work. Still I am looking forward to the coming well deserved summer break that starts next week. I hope to hear back from you soon.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Legacy of HG Wells

Undoubtably HG Wells was the greatest natural storyteller in the history of the English language. Think of just how many inventions he predicted long ahead of their time. These included atom bombs, lasers and tanks. Wells was a creative genius in the truest sense fo that term.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Historical Fiction

In tto take on two he future I wish take on two historical subjects. The First is Martin Van Buren in the novel "Little Magician". The Second is the story of Ulysses S Grant in "The Butcher". It is my wish that you should enjoy my work.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A new day and another challenge

Completing the semester's work will be difficult. Still I know that I can pull it off. It will take time, energy and perserverance. I hope you have enjoyed this process.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Great writers like Phillip K Dick, William Faulkner and HG Wells are a prime models of the type of fiction that I endeavor to write. I tend to model my stores on paths laid out by their's. Personally i love writing fiction. It is an interesting tonic in an otherwise dull day.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

the work ahead

Unfortuna tely for me due to finals I have a ton of reading. I still have two books to go through on top of the work I already have. It won't be easy. In the end it has to b done.

Monday, May 5, 2008

the work ahead

Its coming down to finals time in the semester. Right now I have a lot of reading to do. I hope I will hear back from you soon.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ode to a Borderless World

Borders are rapidly shrinking in lengnth. Soon we will exist as power blocks and not as nations. this will be the fate of the world to come. It will be a world without borders.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Notes from the Writign Life

Currently I have entered my literary works in two contests. Right now I find the writing life to a be both a challenge and a joy. I hope you will like my work.

Friday, May 2, 2008

My Poetry

Currently I will be completing a volume of poetry that will be a total of sixty one pages long. I wish to enter it in the omnidawn poetry competition. It is my hope that you will enjoy my work.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Goals in Life

I would evetually like to become a full time creative person. Eventually I want to be known as a great artist. Right now I have the talent but it needs to be developed. Thanks you all for your time and patience.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Future Projects

In addition to the work on Mists of Eden which will begin shortly after I am done with my current book. Shortly there after I will also begin writing a historical Novel about Martin Van Buren. Its tentative title is called "The Little Magician". That was the knick name of Former President Van Buren. I hope you will like it.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

the future is here

Already advances in science are heralding a new era. Particularly in computers and nano technology we are redefining the world itself. This will only accelerate in the next decade to come.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Cyber Sleuth will Be finished Soon

I have two chapters left to write of my science fiction novel Cyber Sleuth. It is the story of Fred "Laser" Jones. He is a young kid living in the later half of the twenty second century. He discovers a seemingly abandoned robot. However the robot has a deadly secret that is connected to the murder fo Dr Cedric Parks a gifted Cybernetics expert formally employed by the Century Cybernetics Corporation. I hope you will enjoy the book.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Democracy is as about Spirit Not about Rules

Democracy is about the spirit and nature of freedom. There are many countries around the globe who restrict freedom but call themselves democracies. They are not democracies and they should be seen as such. Democracy is about the freedom to determine one's own destiny. Without the system cannot exist.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

If the Phoenix Sun's loose Sunday Shaq is a bust

I am the world's biggest Spurs fan and even I have to say thi s. If the Phoenix looses and is swept out of the first round the Shaq trade must be seen as a big bust. Clearly Shaq's best seasons were in 2000 and 2001. When he played with the LA Lakers. Then he was at the top of his game both physically and mentally. Right now he is just a has been. Quit while you are ahead Diesel.

Friday, April 25, 2008

the hour is nigh

Right now we are under going a profound change. It will shape generations for years to come.
That is all for now.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mists of Eden

Mists of Eden is a novel I am going to start work on after my latest piece of fiction is finished. It is a complex story about climate change set in the twenty second century. I hope you will enjoy it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

We need Campaign Finance Reform

In this election year more than 2 billion dollars of private money will be spent. We should have a publicly financed campaign system. This would be a good a idea because it would at least water down the private interests that are literarally buying democracy.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I hope Barack Wins in Pennsylvannia

Right now I hope Barack Obama wins Pennsylvannia. Although that will not really matter in the long run as the super delegates will decide who gets the democratic party nomination any way. What a pointless system. The people's vote doesn't really count as delegates can choose their allegiance irrespective of the way their district votes. Pointless Eh?

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Work Ahead

In the near future I will finish my latest work of fiction. I hope it will be good. Thank you all for listening.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Tale of Climate change

Within the next year I will be working on a novel with the theme of climate change at its core. Right now I have a tentative working title called "Eden's Shadow". I hope you will enjoy it.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

This day on Earth

This day on earth we have to work towards a better tomorrow. We have to ensure that our children have a world to inherit. That is all for now

Friday, April 18, 2008

My Fiction

Currently I am working on a novel called Cyber Sleuth. It is the story of Fred "Laser" jones. A young poor genius who discovers a seemingly abandoned android. The Company Century Cybernetics is doign illegal research into an area of radiation. Fred has to solve a mystery before it destroys the world. I hope you will enjoy it.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

the new days beginning

We are at the beginning of new era. There is a lot of promise yet a lot problems as well. Only we can shape our collective future.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

the end of the day blues

After many long hours of studying for tests and working on papers I have about had it. Right now I need to take a break. Seriously things are getting to me. Have fun out there and keep it real.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The next great task ahead

We are now staring at several options regarding climate change. Clearly we need to find good sources of renewable energy. This should be a priority of our politicians in this election year.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Next Generation's task

Global climate change is easily the biggest agenda item facing our generation. It is something that we cannot afford to ignore. Soon enough a new plan will have to be developed.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The next agenda

We need to address the problems in Africa. It cannot go unresolved. Furthermore Africa plays a strategic role in world politics for years to come.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

We need a carbon emission trading system

we need to regulate the carbon output of cars, factories and power plants. This is a must if we are to curtail global warming.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Poetics of Post Industrialism

The post industrial age is here. We are looking for ways to expand our opportunities and enhance our future. ALso we need to think of ways to create a better tomorrow.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The the overall change is coming

We need to really rethink a lot of things. the over all change will include improvements in the quality of life that we live.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

the ongoing struggle

Social justice is a must in today's world. Yet continously it is being denied. We have to stand up to unchecked power. We have to free our minds.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Post Singularity World

The age of artificial intelligence is here, computers have surpassed human brain processor capability. this is not the end of the world.

Monday, April 7, 2008

I hope Memphis will win

In today's NCAA final four I hope Memphis will win. John Calipari deserves to be a national champion. That would be good for the sport of Basketball.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

the fate of things to come

We are in for some rocky times ahead. In the end however there is a light at the end of the tunnel that we will realize. The time is now for us to act.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Freedom is not free

Freedom requires sacrifices of all kinds. It requires the consciencious acts of many poeple on the ground. this is what it means to be free.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.

With great sadness we mark the 40th year anniversary of the Death of Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr was many things including a tireless crusader for the down trodden both in America and around the world. He had a committment to non violence and racial equality. King was the greatest leader of t he civil rights movement. Sadly he will have been dead longer than he would have alive. Keep the fire alive.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Nato Expansion is neccessary

The trans atlantic alliance should let Georgia and Ukraine join Nato. Russia should not wield veto power of Nato decision Making. Both of those countries have made great strides towards democracy and should not be barred from future moves. The kind of low brow intimidation Russia is engaging in is really cowardly. Russia you live in the past not the future.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

the future of green technology

In this election year there are several things I would like to see happen.

All the candidates should be proposing ideas to enhance and develop carbon neutral technology. This is a must as global warming is a real threat. If there is anything that the democrats have right it is the environment. Keep up the fight.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Economic Regulation

It is clear we need to overhaul the rules regulation concerning investment banking. At the same time we should be minimizing the risk to tax payers. why are we bailing out people on wall street who are irresponsible. It really confuses me.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Earth in Peril

Global warming is real,

What we need is a sensible strategy that deals with it. the idea of a cap and trade system that is air tight is long over due. The developed world needs to lower its carbon emissions and the developing world needs to move towards cleaner and more renewable forms of energy. We ignore this fact at our own peril.