Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What is up with Palin Bashing

Left wing liberal feminists are attacking Palin. We have to remember that this was the crew that was cheering Hilary Clinton as she was making her presidential run. The feminists have long maintained that women can have careers and have families. So why are they taking umbridge with Palin. The sheer amount of hatred and vitriol this people are espousing is stunning. These liberal hypocrits are phoney. They are engaging in reducto ad homini politics by saying that Palin is unfit to be both a mother and a Vice President. What these phoney liberal feminists are saying is that if we do not like your politics we will attack you as a person. That to me is really low. Call a spade a spade. You do not like her politics so you despise her as a person. That is why I will not vote democrat in the fall. I do not see myself as a hypocrit as these people are.

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