Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Experience Matters

Once again the left is bashing Sarah Pahlin. They say she is inexperienced. However this same crowd all of which support Obama are hypocrits. They say if you support our world view you can have the least amount of experience. In all practical terms Obama has less political experience than Pahlin. So why is it that the left does not like Pahlin. The answer is they do not like her politics so they are attacking her as a person. I know Sarah Pahlin isn't perfect however do you think Obama really is?

Monday, September 29, 2008

We the Wall Street

Dr Michael Savage had an interesting point when he said that we have government for of and by Wall Street. You are dead on Dr Savage. Today I will be calling my congressional representation and asking them to kill this proposed bailout package. We should not be rewarding incompetence by bankers.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Men and Emotion

As a gender we males have this toughness ethos. I know as I am man. However sometimes there is a distinct advantage to being able to express your emotions. Women do this more easily then men it comes more naturally to them. So I propose that we men adopt a flexibility mentality. When the situation warrants it we can be strong as an ox. However when the situation also presents itself we can also express our inner feelings more readily. There is a distinct advantage to doing this especially when dealing with members of the opposite sex.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mean People Deserve Nothing

Hey folks Seraph here with a moral message for you. Don't be be mean, nasty, arrogant or pointlessly rude. These traits will not serve you well. I had a room mate some time in the past who was pointlessly mean and arrogant. I maintain the fact that this chap has no real friends. He does not care about anyone other than himself in the core. You see to survive as a race we need to care about other people. You shouldn't care to much but you should also possess a certain degree of necessary empathy. This guy had none. So if you meet the characteristics of the person I am describing you deserve to be successful at nothing.

Friday, September 26, 2008

In Defense of John McCain

John McCain is not perfect I know that, however he is a darn site improvement over Barack Obama in terms of leadership ability. Take for example the candidates positions on the crisis in Georgia over the summer. John McCain came out with a condemnation of Russia's heavy handed actions. He said that the new Russia is acting more like the old Soviet Union. Contrast that with Barack Obama who said that the UN should handle the crisis. Does Senator Obama know that Russia wields veto power over the UN security council as a permanent member? What game is this guy playing? If Barack Obama is elected President, democracy in non US locals like eastern Europe and the Caucasus will dissappear. That would be a tragedy. For that reason alone we should elect McCain.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Upcoming projects in Fiction

In the near future, I will be writing fictional stories about the American Revolution and Climate Change. These look like relevent intellectually appealing efforts to say the least. I hope you will enjoy them.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Am My Father's Son

In spite of our known differences my father and I share remarkable ideological convergence on a number of important political issues. These issues would include our belief in the inherent rightness of institutional multi party democracy, our uniquevocal support of the necessity of human rights, and our belief that the environment should be protected and we should develop alternative energy resources. So Pops this blog is dedicated to you. In many ways I am most definately your son.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the art shows the future

A teacher I had once in the past said something rather interesting. He said if you want to understand in which direction a society is heading you need to look no further than what statements the art is making. Artists intellectually are at least twenty to twenty five years ahead of the general public in understanding of major ideas. In general I tend to agree with this statement as I myself am an artist.

Monday, September 22, 2008

World Building is Alive and Well

In Science Fiction there are two classic sets of stories that use world building as a stroytelling medium. The first is the Dune series by Frank Herbert. The second is the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov. My set of stories called "Desca" is an homage to the foundation. It is at one point an exciting expansion of the Foundation and at the second point it is a radical departure. I hope you will enjoy them.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dedication Days

While writing my fiction I realized that there were certain parties in my life that deserved special recognition. So in the recent past I have dedicated at least three of my pieces of literarture to those said parties. Everyone one of which deserves special notice. You always remember and acknowledge people who played significant roles in your life.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

the nature of liberty

Liberty is in short the most important right on earth. For whatever reason there are governments that restrict, limit or deny liberty. Those governments are inevitably doomed to failure politically. Societies that do not cherish individual liberty end up on the Ash heap of History. Such was the case with Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Both of those societies denied liberty and you all know what happened to them. Let this be a message to all of you dictators, demagogues, terrorists and goons out their. Your days are numbered and history is on my side.

Friday, September 19, 2008

An appreciation for my family

Over the summer I worked at shelter for homeless teens. It was there that I came to a subtle epiphany. These kids didn't have the benefit of good families. That was the only real difference between them and me. It took me a long time to appreciate the way I was raised by my parents. My parents loved me with unconditional love and worked in my best interests even if I did not see it that way. That is why today I thanked both of my parents for raising me the right way.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Effects of Anarchy

A friend of mine asked me what happens when a society becomes lawless on a mass scale. My answer to him was that usually one of two scenarios occur. The first scenario is that an autocratic entity such as a dictator or a junta rises to power to fill the vaccuum. The other scenario is that it degenerates into civil war. Either way the consequences of anarchy on a mass scale are not good and should be avoided. To much governmental authorities is bad thing. However it is also true that the reverse is also the case. Societies cannot function correctly if chaos reigns.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Finishing Sep-Cell

Tomorrow my science fiction novel Sep Cell will be finished. It is a complex tale of terrorism and intrigue set in the far future. It is my hope that you will enjoy reading the finished product. Have fun and stay safe.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Liberal Myths about Conservatives

The liberals advance as series of pernicious and fallacious claims about conservatives. My English teacher said that the more educated you get the more liberal you tend to be. In my case however I find the opposite is true. The more and more I see of liberalism the less and less that ideology appeals to me. To pidgeon all conservatives as a bunch of brutish narrow minded war hawks is incorrect. At the same time there are a lot of stupid liberals. Michael Savage the radio talk show host and author is an independent minded conservative and has three university degrees including a Phd. The list goes on. No one side has a monopoly on intelligence and or stupidity. The advance that claim is to be an ideological chauvenist to say the least.

Monday, September 15, 2008

When Deomcarcies Fail

Democracies are made and broken by institutions. When institutions work they act as a check when they don't work they act as an enabler. Take for example the Weimar Republic in Germany in the 1930's. In 1933 Hitler and the Nazis staged an unsuccessful revolt in Munich. If Hitler had been taken out then world war two would not have been as devastating a conflict as it was. That was a case of a democracy failing to act in its own best interest.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Beware of Russia

The people of South Ousetia and Apasya should be a weary of cutting any deals with Russia. You may end up like the Ubik an ethnic minority who was Russified. Making deals with Russia is like negotiating with devil. Keep your noses from being bitten off.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

looking forward to a new season of hoops

In late october the NBA season will start fresh for the quest for th 2009 NBA title. I hope my spurs will once again return to the promised land. I think that Tim Duncan has one more championship left in him. It looks to be a good ride.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama is Elite

Make no bones about Barack Obama is an elitist. He is not the great egalatarian he claims to be. If the government came along and said to Senator Obama we are going to take your million dollar crib and give it to a poor family. He would be very sad. This man had advantages that others didn't practically all of his life. So please drop this egalatarian guise senator and become the elist we all know you to be.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

the difference between Government and Society

Intellectual revolutionary Thomas Paine who lived in the late seventeeth century wrote an interesting comment in his book Common Sense. He said that government and society are two distinctly different entities with different origins and purposes. Today someone couldn't distiguish between society and government is what we call a liberal. Government has been created not to redistribute wealth but to keep law and order from breaking. Or at least that's what Paine intended. Thats something to think about this fall when you vote.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What is up with Palin Bashing

Left wing liberal feminists are attacking Palin. We have to remember that this was the crew that was cheering Hilary Clinton as she was making her presidential run. The feminists have long maintained that women can have careers and have families. So why are they taking umbridge with Palin. The sheer amount of hatred and vitriol this people are espousing is stunning. These liberal hypocrits are phoney. They are engaging in reducto ad homini politics by saying that Palin is unfit to be both a mother and a Vice President. What these phoney liberal feminists are saying is that if we do not like your politics we will attack you as a person. That to me is really low. Call a spade a spade. You do not like her politics so you despise her as a person. That is why I will not vote democrat in the fall. I do not see myself as a hypocrit as these people are.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

the Biden Connection

Barack Obama made a bad choice in Delaware Senator Joe Biden as his running mate. First of all this completely undercuts everything that Obama has marketed himself as. Obama is the outsider in a world of insiders. Biden on the other hand is an insider's insider. He is also an anti capitalist and anti democrat. Every chance he has he votes against capitalism and democracy. Here are two examples in the late 1960's Biden voted against funding for the republic of South Vietnam. After the fall of Saigon the Hanoi government launched a massacre of south sympathizers and supporties. Thousands were killed. Again in the late 1970s Biden votes against funding the Contras in Nicaragua and their fight against the Sadanistas. Biden is the anthesis of everything that Obama said he was. It undercuts Obama's position as an agent of change. This mans true colorsd is something to think about when you vote in November.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Barack Obama's Middle Name

Why can't we talk about Barack Obama's middle name. The liberals seem to think it is politically incorrect to do so. By the way Barack Obama's middle name is Hussain. Its really true if John McCain's middle name were Jesus if he were John Jesus McCain that would certainly be an issue to the liberals. They would throw a hissy fit. If Obama wants to be president his middle name should be fair game for political discussion.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Oil Profit Illusion

Sure oil companies are making money, however politicians particularly liberal ones are making it an issue. Heres a fact for you in the fiscal quarter that ended in July Exxon Mobil made 9.32 percent rate of return for its investors. Conversely AOL Time Warner gave back 15.63 percent rate of return for its investors. Is their profit out of line I don't think so. What oil stocks are is extremely stable investments financially. They are a favorite of institutional investors such as retirement funds. An example of a major investor in Exxon Mobil would be the Pennsylvania State Teachers Retirement Fund and so forth. So Barack Obama and Congresswoman Maxine Waters of Los Angeles talk about annexing the profits of big oil it smacks of demagoguery and politics of the lowest common denominator. To annex oil profits through tax or otherwise strikes me as acutely myopic and Stupid. It is a short term solution to a long term problem. If congress really wanted to do something about high oil prices they should mandate higher gas mileage for new cars. New Cars should get sixty to eighty miles a gallon. That would do more to address the problem than would short term annexation of oil money. Those are my thoughts for the day.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Identity and Allegiance

the ideas of identity and allegiance are two of the most complex concepts wer humans will have to undertak and understand in our life times. Take for example General Robert E. Lee. Trained at west point he was offered supreme command of the union army by President Abraham Lincoln. Lee's loyalties however proved to be sectional and he decided to fight for the south. If he had accepted the union's offer the civil war would have ended three years early. These concepts of loyalty, identity and allegiance are awfully complex.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Incorrect views of Racial Superiority

I must take umbridge with Michael Savage and his idea of white male inventions. To advance an argument that white men own an intellectual monopoly on brilliance is to advance the "White Man's Burden" all over again. He is holding onto a specious theory of racial and intellectual superiority. There is a long history of non white male inventors who deserve more credit than they get. The Chinese invented loads of items including rocketry, gunpowder and moveable type printing. George Washington Carver a black man had more than 300 inventions to his credit including Shampoo and Peanut Butter. Susan Kevel an army chemist invented Kevlar in the late 1970's an invention that saved the lives of countless police and soldiers. I am not saying that white males aren't smart that is not what I am claiming. What I am claiming however is that people of color who are brilliant at science get no credit at all. The same is true for women scientists. Mr. Savage's argument smacks of chauvenism and racism to say the least.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Barack Obama is Unfit to be President

Not only does he lack the knowledge to be a good commander in chief, Barack Obama does not have the credentials to be a good leader. Do not make this out to be race thing because its not. Anyone who is critical of Obama is immediately dubbed a racist and or a hater. I would vote for a black man for president if I believed he was a capable leader and a social conservative. Obama meets neither characterestic. I do like the fact that he is an America hater that does not sit well with me. Neither do I like his weak populist socialist demagoguery. Obama is completely unfit mentally to be a commander in chief.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why isn't lynching a federal crime

The crime of pretexting basically recreating past computer messages via email is a federal crime. However the more serious and heinous crime of lynching, basically extra legal violent mob action is not a federal crime. Pretexting is the equivelent of punching someone in the dark. Lynching on the other hand is a serious felony. Yet you cannot be hauled in front of a federal grand jury for lynching the same way you can for pretexting. The time has come were we say lynching should be concerned a federal capital crime.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Lack of Moral Courage

Barack Obama is a product of Chicago machine politics. Numerous times in his early political career he had opportunities to stand up to people he knew were corrupt. Yet every single time he failed to do so. Barack Obama does not have the courage to be a president. He should be seen for the pawn that he is.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Echoes of Katrina

As hurricane Gustav bares down on Louisiana we once again harken back to 2005 and hurricanes Katrina and Rita. This time FEMA and Government are not playing catch up. They are proactive and are working to help those who need it most. For once we have something to applaud the federal government for.