Sunday, March 22, 2009

In on the Plot

The Modern Media is little more than a Democrat Party Proxy force. These people seem to have to different sets of standards. They have one tougher for republicans and a second one easier for Democrats. How else did people like Rod Blugoyevitch stay in office for so long. If Blugoyavetich had been a republican and a conservative instead of a liberal and a democrat he would have been run out of office in ten seconds if Rezko had happened to him. Similiarly they thought that John Edwards's affair was unfit to report. These people are little more than a democrat party proxy force. How else was someone as parenthically unskilled as Obama able to be elected president if the media was behind him 100 percent. It is clear to me that the media has a liberal minded political agenda. It is something that we will all pay the price for later.

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