Monday, November 30, 2009

Viva Las Vegas

In about thirty six hours I will be going to Las Vegas for a day. It looks to be good times for the most part. However things have changed. The situation back in my old haunts are not as I would like them to be. I was aware of that as well.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

finishing Song of Self

My fifth book of poetry Song of Self and Other Poems will be finished mid way through next month. It will be sad because this is the last poetry book to be written in 2009. The next poetry books will be written in 2010. Until then Ciao!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

going back to school

In the near future I will be returning back to the collegiate world. It looks like good times. Education is on the short list of the most important things in life. This situation has been rather difficult in recent times however this is changing. I am looking forward to going back to school. I was aware of that as well.

Friday, November 27, 2009

The US Government is Inept

The US Government is inept. We have to face the given facts that the democrats can't seem to create working health care legislation to save their lives. It is time that they should have to face the music that they have in fact failed. Obama has failed and congress has failed. Combine this with foreign policy failures such as Afghanistan and it is particularly painful with the prodigious lack of skill our government seems to exude on a near constant basis. When will the electorate wake up and put a stop to this nonsense?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Its a sad sad world

Its a sad sad world out there consider this, India is recruiting its smart people back and they are definitely making India a better place to be and live. The Philippines my mother's country is not doing the same thing. My mother and her family friend ME are in constant exile from their home country simply because they are college educated. Anyone who has knowledge and skills leaves at the first opportunity. When will this be seen as a loss?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

the Spurs need to come together now

My San Antonio Spurs need to nut up and band together. We have a schedule that favors us however against the leagues better teams we are still anemic. I know that most of you are new. The old teams had years of playing experience and they knew how to function as a unit. You to will have to learn how to do that as well.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

just why Star Trek is my favorite show

The tv show Star Trek originally created by Gene Roddenberry is easily the most visionary series that TV has produced in the past thirty five years. Starting with the original and all the way to the present. Star Trek has created visionary firsts for TV and movie viewing. As well as being pioneers in the areas of visual effects. I was aware of that as well.

Monday, November 23, 2009

being sick is no fun

I think I may have to go to the doctor tomorrow as I am sick. I thought it was a stomach problem however it might be something else entirely. There is a lot of really nasty bacteria particles going around these days. Any one of which could be a disease causing agent. I was aware of that as well

Thursday, November 19, 2009

flight time

In just over an hour and half from now I am about to embark on a major international air trip. This kind of travel is vastly superior to boats any day. Planes are the safest way to travel by far. I was aware of that as well.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

the wrap up

Right now I am in wrap up mode as I prepare to head back to California. It looks like good times will be had by all. It feels good to be back on home soil after a long time away. The year has been good so far as it is almost over now. I was aware of that as well.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

my boss is largely useless

MY boss is largely useless he is VF. this guy is used to taking orders and is not used to giving them. He seems to be tempermentally unfit for the task of giving someone instructions. This guy is not fit for management. I was aware of that as well.

Monday, November 16, 2009

San Antonio need to come together now

The San Antonio spurs need to come together as a group right now. I know that two thirds of you are new. However we need bigger and better things from Ratliff, Mcdeyess and Jefferson. I was aware of that as well

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Last Days of Mumbai

My stay in Mumbai in 2009 draws slowly to an inexorable close later this week. In many ways I will miss this town when I am in California and the Philipines. Mumbai has been kind of good to me. It is easily the beating heart of India. I was aware of that as well.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ashish is mediocer

The book sale at the Ashish bookstall here in Mumbai is thoroughly mediocer to say the least. I only bought two books from them and those were at the last minute. Needless to say it is nothing to write home about. I was aware of that as well.

Friday, November 13, 2009

time winds down on India

Right now time is winding down on my stay in India. This situation has been rather good for me from many points of view. The situation is changing and evolving at the present time. Still a lot remains to be resolved. I was aware of that as well.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Sense of Integrity

The idea of integrity is important for all of us. Namely that we should do the right thing not because we are told that it is good but that we feel that it is good. The ability to distinguish the adroit course of action is such that these thoughts cannot be ignored. Integrity is a vital concept that is useful in a lot of areas. I was aware of that as well.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

time winds down on Ummeed

Right now I am at the beginning of the end of my internship. In about a week it will be all over for my job. This has been a unique and useful experience to say the least. I was aware of that as well.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Growing Pains

Nine of the fifteen players on the San Antonio Spurs are new. Of the six that returned from last three are second year players. This means that this team has some growing pains in this early 2010 season. The biggest question mark by fire is the game play of Ian Mahinmi who has the starter job at power forward. He has to fill the shows left by Tim Duncan who is out with an ankle sprain. I still have the feeling that we will eventually right this ship. Althought it may be some time before we do so. I was aware of that as well.

Monday, November 9, 2009

finishing poetry

Soon enough I will wrap up all of the years poetry writing. This has proven to be a unique and vital experiment. Writing to me is a lot like therapy. I was aware of that as well.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

rough times in the Alamo City

Right now San Antonio isn't playing to well. There are definately bugs left to work out. This has been a bit of a struggle to say the least. Still I am confident that our veteran leadership will pull through. I was aware of that as well.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

the revitalized GOP

Due to its recent electoral wins in New Jersey and Virginia. My party the GOP is going to come back from the dead. It seems that Obama and the Democrats have taken for granted that the electorate will always vote their way. Times have changed and you have to work to earn the trust and respect of the public. True democracy thrives on the competition of ideas. I was aware of that as well.

Friday, November 6, 2009

preparing to leave for home

In about twelve full days I will be spending time in my real home. California has always been home and will always be home. India is good but temporary and purely in the near short term. I was aware of that as well.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Last Scan Job

Right now I am about to commence with the last scan job of the year. This is part II of J94 work is excessively boring. Still I view that what I am doing is valuable and will payoff in the long run. I was aware of that as well.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Anarchy Rules in America

Right now the US Government seems ineffectual and nonexistent. It seems that ever since Obama took over there has been a rule of anarchy. This unpleasant state of affairs cannot last forever. We should demand better things of our government. We cannot allow anarchy to rule. I was aware of that as well.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Real Legacy of Moa Tse-Dong

The Chinese still revere Moa Tse Dong as a great modern Chinese leader when in fact he was guilty of mass scale genocide. During the events of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution Moa's communists killed close to thirty five million Chinese. That was more than the Japanese murdered in the entire Rape of Nanking. Reality and perception can be at times to opposing and fundamentally diffirent entities. Moa should be seen as an evil killer on par with Adolf Hitler. That is Moa Tse Dong's real legacy.

Monday, November 2, 2009

poetic justice of sorts

Right now terrorists are attempting to bring down the government of Saudi Arabia. This is poetic justice considering it was Saudi money that helped build up Al Qeada and Other terror groups throughout much of the nineteen nineties. Personally I hope the Saudi government falls. It is evil and despotic. I was aware of that as well.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bali the Play is kind of useless

The play that we saw last night at the National Center for the Performing arts Called Bali was kind of useless. It had sub-par acting, sub-par writing and sub-par directing. If I were a critic I would give it half a star. I urge you all not to see this play. I was aware of that as well.