Friday, February 29, 2008

The Fine Art of Double Speak

Washington Politicians are masters at the art of double speaking.
Double speak comes from 1984 by George Orwell, it is a language in which you say one thing but you mean something else

They make comments in public but in private their agendas are totally different. Hilary Clinton in my mind is one of the worst double speakers in Washington DC today. This woman has no moral integrity to speak of. Please Hilary make an honest statement if you are capable of doing so.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

China has a long history of human rights abuses

Why did the International Olympic Committee give Beijing the 2008 Olympic games

China has a long history of abuse, torture and human rights violations. They are not even signatories to the human rights treaty. Why are we rewarding evil governments? This really puzzles me.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Turkey should give the Kurds more Rights

The Kurds deserve a nation

It is really criminal what the Turkish government is doing in Northern Iraq. Over the past eighty years the Kurds have been marginalized in Turkey. At various points there language has been banned. The Turkish Government has acted heavy handed when it comes to Turkey's largest ethnic minority. Winston Churchill was right about one thing the Kurds are nation without a state.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

HG Wells is the Best

Isaac Asimov did not create science fiction, and Arthur C Clarke is not the greatest science fiction writer of all time.

The greatest Science Fiction writer of all time and author without peer in the world is HG Wells.
Wells in short was a creative genius of the first order. He predicted atom bombs, lasers and tanks long before any of those technologies actually existed. Without a doubt he is the greatest natural storyteller in the history of English Language.

Monday, February 25, 2008

A major focus of US foreign policy should be institutions

If America wants to promote democracy a major piece of our foreign policy should be the promotion of healthy and vital institutions.

What allows dictators to flourish is a vacuum. Most states that have had a long history as dictatorships also have severe institutional defficiency. There is a direct link between the two. Democratic Culture and Institution building should be at the focal point of American soft power in the next four years.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Why is Hilary Clinton getting bent out of shape about negative flyers being sent in Texas and Ohio when her own campaign denigrated Obama in Wisconsin.

She obviously thinks that she has a right to be negative and he doesn't. When Hilary disparaged Barack's helath plan it was a none event. But when the same tactics are used on her suddenly it is an issue. This is why I think the media has a double standard where Hilary Clinton is concerned. Democrats please nominate Obama.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The SFWA Grand Master award the first is stil the best

The Science Fiction Writers of America should stop giving out the SFWA Grand Master award.

There are maybe four truly legitimate grand masters of all time. The names include Heinlein, Asimov, Bradbury and Clarke. The names that aren't included on that elite list are Frederick Pohl, Fritz Lieber and Alfred Bester. None of those names are legitimate in the sense of the term. Giving out the award every year dilutes the quality of the true grand master's legacy by comparing them to people who aren't

Friday, February 22, 2008

Hilary is in Trouble

Hilary Clinton has lost the past ten primaries and caucuses to Barack Obama. Her candidacy is in real trouble.

If she loses in Ohio and and Texas she is done. Obama has made great strides into attracting working class voters which have traditionally been the back bone of Clinton's campaign. Personally I hope Barack wins. He is a much better candidate than she is.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Russia is an Institutional failed state

Russia is supposedly having a presidential election this year. However that is a farce and we all know it.

Dmitry Megdiev, who is Vladimir Putins Protege is poised to win the most irrelevent election in the history of modern democracy. From every point of view this is a failure. Think of it, in Russia there is no freedom of the press, no free speech and none of the civil society that we have in places like America, Canada and Western Europe. The Kremlin has a choke hold on power and over the past five years Vladimir Putin has done more to scale back the institutions in Russia and centralize power in his hands and the hands of his supporters. How long will the western democracies let this tragedy to continue.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Czech Politics is Crazy

If anyone thought Ameican Politics was crazy, they obviously haven't been following whats going on in the Czech Republic.

A voteto re elect Prime Minister Vaclav Klaus was suspended because four parliamentarians got death threats. Two of them reported getting a spent bullet casing in the male. What a mess eh?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fidel Is done

Fidel Castro disaster in chief of Cuba has officially resigned as President of the island nation of 11 million people.

For my thoughts, I think that he should have done this move twenty years ago. I was raised to loath collectivized forms of government. And modern Cuba has been a dictatorship of various kinds all of its political existence. Raul, Fidel's younger brother is in an a bad spot. He is 75 years old himself and has virtually no political experience. One day I hope to visit a Castro free Cuba. The saddest thing about Cuba is it has never had a middle class with significant numbers and political strength. That is the only reason why Fidel was able to thrive freely in a vacuum. This is I hope the start of better things for Cuba.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Post Electoral Strife In Pakistan

Pakistan is a mess

Pervez Musharref has run that country into the ground. We all know these elections are a complete and total sham. What Pakistan really needs is a grass roots people power movement similar to the one that ousted Ferdinand Marcos in the Phillipines. In retrsospect this is hard to say but the death of Benazir Bhutto just might galvanize the sluggish anti Musshareff forces in the country. Good riddens to a bad dictator.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Super delegates equals sectionalism

In this election year I have several thoughts regarding super delegates.

A super delegate is a congressman or a governor that represents a given region of the country. Yesterday I listened to an interview with Congressman Cleaver a member of Black Caucus of America. He decided in advance to vote for Hilary Clinton in spite of the fact that his home district voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama. This shows sectionalism at its worst. Cleaver is close friends with Clinton. Would he deny Barack Obama's entire campaign a chance to win if it came down to a superdelegate showdown vote? This seems a little absurd to me.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Cover Up Is worse than Crime

Dear Rodger Clemens

Just like most politicians when they do something wrong, illegal or stupid the cover up is often worse than the crime. If you had from the start admitted that you did steroids and took Human Growth Hormone you could have cut a deal with the prosecutors. Now you are taking a justified beating in the court of public opinion because you chose to fight a battle that you could not win. Yo Rocket you cannot adequately explain to me how you aged in reverse. It is said in baseball that pitchers get worse with time. You did the opposite. Try again and I hope you don't land in prison.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Laws Need to Change

In my opinion the laws regarding intellectual property need to change.

the copy rights on books, movies and other information related mediums have onerous copy right protections. Congress is in bed with RIAA(Recording Industry Association of America). This situation can and must change.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Nature of Democracy

Contrary to popular opinions elections alone do not make for active and healthy democracies.

In countries were democracies work they have healthy and vital institutions. This would include legislatures, courts and schools. Where these institutions are defficient there is noticably no democracy or there is massive corruption. Democracy is more than merely elections its about a cultural mind set and ideology. If those do not exist democracy cannot function. Cheers

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

By By Bob Knight

Bob Knight is arguably the greatest coach in the history of college hoops.
That is if you are not named John Wooden.

Knight was an excellent motivator and team builder as well as an excellent recruiter. The problem with him was he had an abrasive and combative personality that often over shadowed his expertise and abilities as a coach. In spite of all of this I will miss the guy. Even though he did once throw a chair at one of his recruits. Keep it real folks and always remember that you can be a different personality and succeed as well.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Latin America is a head case

Latin America Nations are screwed up beyond belief. In Chile and Brazil there are major corruption scandals. Also Venezuala's President Hugo Chavez is an out and out democracy destroyer.

Latin America you have got to clean up your act politically. It is no wonder that your people are leaving in record numbers to go to the United States. There seems to be little relief in the future.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Climate Change

After the inconvenient Truth came out I have to agree with the democrats on one thing. We have to save the environment.

The premise is that we should reduce our reliance on foreign oil and come up with viable alternative energy sources. We should be evaluating the potential of wind, solar and hydro power. Also we should adopt a Carbon Emission Trading system similar to the one in Europe. These would all be steps in the right direction

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Democrats please Nominate Obama

To my associates across the political isle I have one thing to say.

Please nominate Barack Obama. I do not like the doublespeaking Hilary Clinton. Obama for all his short comings is at least a decent and real human being. He would make a much better president then Hilary.
Happy voting

Friday, February 8, 2008

America's relationship with Isreal

After 9/11 I think we need to re-evaluate our relationship with Israel.

I hold no grudges with the Jewish People. That being said Israel's conduct is becoming more and more atrocious with each passing year. Remember folks it was Israel that led us to have 9/11 in the first place. We cannot continue to support a slow burn genocide that Israel is committing against the Palestinian People. We should cease our unflagging support for this little theocracy. Cheers

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Isolationism is dead

As of 9/11 2001, Isolationism has died.

Isolationism is the classic world view that we retract from global politics and build a wall around America. Those who believe in this philosophy have no argument any more. Clearly we cannot leave the rest of the world to solve its own problems. A proactive foreign policy is good and necessary. This is just some of my thoughts following super Tuesday.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Primary Problems

Hello Once Again
After the results of super tuesday I have a few thoughts on the election
It is clear that we do not want the third Bush Presidency

That is however what we would get if Mitt Romney were given the Republican nomination. This man thinks he can be Mr negative and expect to win. Throughout the entire campaign he has been smearing his opponents. Romney is a demagogue. personally I would like to see John Mccain win the republican nomition. He is a better person than either Huckabee or Romney. happy voting folks I will see in the general election in the fall.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Teflon Candidate.

Hi Readers

On this super Tuesday 2008 I would like to share my thoughts about the presidential race. I consider Hilary R. Clinton Senator from New York to be the teflon candidate. Nothing no matter how negative will ever stick to this women. The media treats her with kit gloves. They will print bad things about her opponents. But they will never print anything negative about Hilary. This website will be the exceptions. We will find and expose chinks in the armor of HC and we will exploit them. Personally I hope Barack Obama wins the democratic nomination. At least he is honest. Plus it would be a much more interesting election come the fall if we had Obama V John McCain. happy voting folks

Monday, February 4, 2008

Hello Again from Paradise1

Hi Folks, Seraph here in light of the coming election I have some additional thoughts on the American political process.

I must concur with MIT Professor Daren Acemoglu who said we need to address institutional deficiencies within the electoral process. The first major problem I see is the electoral college. We should abolish this archaic nineteenth century institution and make our executives popularly elected similar to the way they are in France and Britain. The electoral college is clearly what made Florida just such a debacle in 2000. I know this won't happen in the short term but this is just some food for thought for the future.
Have Fun Voting.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Power and Perception in the New Millenium

Hello Folks from Paradise!
These are just some thoughts on the world today

We live in both exciting and dangerous times to be sure. America is the lone super power and for the forseeable future the only true world power. If India and China become world powers it will take them the better part of a Century to do so. I still am not convinced that China is the next power. They have an unstable political situation that could easily deteriorate if it continues to go unaddressed. The PLA (Pople's Liberation Army) is a 120 million soldiers strong and its conscripts are paid four dollars a week. Who lives on that kind of money? Plus there are tens of millions of Chinese who China's economic boom is not touching at all. That is a potentially devastating combination for the Communist party. Revolution in China will come when the PLA's generals get the poor on their side and the and chuck out the Communist Party. For those reasons I am not sold on the Chinese Super Power idea. Happy new years to all of you.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Resident Insanity!

Hi once again from Paradise,
I have just a few thoughts about Hilary Clinton's bid to become the next President.

First off, the woman is insane. At a stump speech she gave at the Rotary Club of Las Vegas Nevada Hilary Clinton made a campaign promise to chuck out all undocumented immigrants from this country. Earth to HC that at least ten million people. Also the American armed forces are forbidden to operate within the United States for Military operations so that idea is infeasible from that stand point. Also you would destroy the American economy in the process. Lets face it the media is afraid of Hilary Clinton. None one out there will ever say anything negative about her. This is an absolute tragic irony. If a conservative politician had said those words he would be crucified. I do not want the people to forget this bit of resident insanity when they go out and vote. Peace and Love folks.

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Sad State of Science Fiction Today

To the readers of my blog I am a huge science fiction buff, but even I see disturbing trends regarding the literature of the imagination
Fewer, and Fewer works of visionary genius are being produced these days. Back in the day Science fiction had legitimate visionarys. The genre had writers like HG Wells, Jules Verne, Phillip K Dick, Isaac Asimov, Bob Heinlein and Arthur C Clarke. Sadly most of the writers on this list are dead. Most moder writers are writing what I call Shit Lit. These are utterly unimaginative watered down creations. Mostly they are writing either mediocre Media tie in products things like Star Wars or Star Trek related stories. Or modern writers are writing voluminous bad but utterly unoriginal fantasy novels. With the exception of Harry Potter most of modern fantasy is just recycling the Lord of the Rings in various ways. It is not original please refrain from writing it. There are a few visionaries still left in science fiction but sadly they are in the minority. These would include writers like Ray Bradbury. But the later, being Bradbury is an acknowledged master storyteller. He is more the exception than the rule. This is just some food for thought concerning the literature I cherish.