Sunday, February 3, 2008

Power and Perception in the New Millenium

Hello Folks from Paradise!
These are just some thoughts on the world today

We live in both exciting and dangerous times to be sure. America is the lone super power and for the forseeable future the only true world power. If India and China become world powers it will take them the better part of a Century to do so. I still am not convinced that China is the next power. They have an unstable political situation that could easily deteriorate if it continues to go unaddressed. The PLA (Pople's Liberation Army) is a 120 million soldiers strong and its conscripts are paid four dollars a week. Who lives on that kind of money? Plus there are tens of millions of Chinese who China's economic boom is not touching at all. That is a potentially devastating combination for the Communist party. Revolution in China will come when the PLA's generals get the poor on their side and the and chuck out the Communist Party. For those reasons I am not sold on the Chinese Super Power idea. Happy new years to all of you.


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