Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I am Back!

Hi Folks

This is some of my thoughts about the deal between Iran and Russia concerning nuclear material that went down late last year.

I know the cold war is over but Russia is still evil. Late last year Russia sent a significant shipment of Uranium to a nulear sight Iran. This material if enriched properly can be used to make nuclear weapons. What was running through Presdient Putin's mind as he inked this deal with Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khameni. Geez folks I think I will worsen the security situation in the middle east for years to come by giving the unstable Iranian government the means to make a weapon of mass destruction. it is the equivelent of giving a pscychopath a loaded gun. Please do not tell me the material will be used for civilian sector energy purposes. We all know that is the biggest smoke screen of all time.

if and when Iran gets a nuke and uses it on one of its neighbors. I will consider the blood to be on Vladimir Putin's hands. Have a good new year folks and as google says "Say No to Evil".

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